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New Autechre EP - L Event


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Guest Seginustemple

the deep bassy end of tac Lacora gives me the chills after the first half blitzkrieg. Someone said they wanted spl10-13 and I think we got it

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I love tracks 1,2 and 4. Track 3 is the only one that seems overtly like a pisstake to me, I don't 'get' it yet. Those weird jarring stabbing notch filter claps or snares or whatever sound really unpleasurable and keep going for most of the song.

1st track is probably one of the best AE tracks I've heard since Treale, I fucking love it. I got that sort of psycho spiritual AE clicking moment for the first time since Treale last night listening to it in the car, beautiful track

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strange this sound in osla doesn't gel with you!

cuz i find it quite interesting... not so much on a technical level.. but its rhythm interlocks with the bassdrum and the hats in nice & silly seanstep ways.. and for some reason this barfs up imagery in my head.. a weird juxtaposition of something that's alive (doge barking, guy coughing) and this weird beat... and then the way it contrasts with these drones and literally dies away at the end.. mad autechre track i say.

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Maybe it's because i listened to Exai in school and I can't listen to music that's negatively connoted, but I think I like these 4 tracks better than all tracks off the album.

They're not too complex in structure but I think they do a much better job at pulling you into the ambience, especially the last track. I'd definitely buy it, if I wasn't broke.

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Beatwork and percussion sounds (mostly hats though) in Osla for n (track 3) strongly reminded me of this track from Grischa Lichtenberger




It's funny because when asked about Autechre influences on his raster-noton LP Grischa said that he's inspired and stuff but his rhythm "culturisation" has more to do with rock music than hip-hop roots of Ae, yet here they are walking really close in rhythm terms. It's like the snare sound of Grischa's track became free wheel and started to live its own life at some point.


In conclusion, I find the barking sound to be wicked awesome and quite an unexpected manoeuvre.

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strange this sound in osla doesn't gel with you!

cuz i find it quite interesting... not so much on a technical level.. but its rhythm interlocks with the bassdrum and the hats in nice & silly seanstep ways.. and for some reason this barfs up imagery in my head.. a weird juxtaposition of something that's alive (doge barking, guy coughing) and this weird beat... and then the way it contrasts with these drones and literally dies away at the end.. mad autechre track i say.

well I was playing this song when a friend of mine (a casual autechre fan) got in the passenger seat. He asked what was playing about 3 minutes into hearing it and i said 'the new autechre' he chuckled a little and thought i was being sarcastic asking me 'are you serious' I don't think my initial reaction of finding it an extremely pisstakey sounding song is that out of the ordinary .I played him the 3 other tracks and i saw an expression of relief wash over his face and as the EP was ending he said 'i like this, this is good'


it's not even the sound itself that sounds bad to me, it's the pattern and how it keeps repeating unchanged for so long. It sounds like one of the less good songs off Quadrange,

Edited by John Ehrlichman
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Guest bitroast

the deep bassy end of tac Lacora gives me the chills after the first half blitzkrieg. Someone said they wanted spl10-13 and I think we got it

More like spl10-12 and YJY UX2.



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Guest bitroast


the deep bassy end of tac Lacora gives me the chills after the first half blitzkrieg. Someone said they wanted spl10-13 and I think we got it

More like spl10-12 and YJY UX2.





actually. i'm starting to hear more and more move of ten in these tracks.

ffworrr. autechre are in a crazy good place atm^-^.

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It pains me to do so, since I'm almost always a defender of new albums and EPs and like them right off the bat, but after three listens, this might be my least favorite Autechre ever.


There are moments in the first two tracks that I enjoy, but there's that harsh and grating sound palette (to me) that I haven't really heard since Gantz Graf or Draft (my least favorite period for Ae, although I love ISS:SA). I like the second half of tac Lacora, and the ambience in M39 Diffain might be cool without that horrible "bassline". Osla for n just gets boring, there isn't enough in there to sustain it for 8 minutes. Newbound I quite like but it's not enough to salvage this EP.


It's crazy that I love almost every moment of Exai, a two hour long album, and dislike almost everything in only 30 minutes here. Just glad they were separated into different releases so Exai is still killer! Will keep giving it a try but it's been 10 years since an Autechre release turned me off so immediately so I'm not expecting much. Can't win em all!

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Guest Rulohead32

It pains me to do so, since I'm almost always a defender of new albums and EPs and like them right off the bat, but after three listens, this might be my least favorite Autechre ever.


There are moments in the first two tracks that I enjoy, but there's that harsh and grating sound palette (to me) that I haven't really heard since Gantz Graf or Draft (my least favorite period for Ae, although I love ISS:SA). I like the second half of tac Lacora, and the ambience in M39 Diffain might be cool without that horrible "bassline". Osla for n just gets boring, there isn't enough in there to sustain it for 8 minutes. Newbound I quite like but it's not enough to salvage this EP.


It's crazy that I love almost every moment of Exai, a two hour long album, and dislike almost everything in only 30 minutes here. Just glad they were separated into different releases so Exai is still killer! Will keep giving it a try but it's been 10 years since an Autechre release turned me off so immediately so I'm not expecting much. Can't win em all!


are we bff yet

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Guest the anonymous forumite

Except for Taclacora, which is really good and reminds me of the confield / draft era, the rest is meh. Osla is boring and awful and Newbound sounds like an immature autechre fake. Those pads in newbound are just laughable.


Edit: taclacora is also reminiscent of Tewe.

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it really opens up at moderate volume on the stereo, not as much on headphones. whereas exai was more revealing with headphones. this is just my setup though, and still just listening to mp3s (l-event). like, it sounds massive on the stereo.. dry and crisp, too.

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This release is so great! Especially the first two tracks. But I am worried 'L-Event' means 'Last Event' and that there will be no more Autechres.. :-(

Edited by Lianne
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