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Autechre remix Oberman Knocks


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Snatched it for 3euro on itunes! thank u jesus!

go get it folks




3 euro's, thats crazy talk.


Love the Original, hope he releases another album soon although Beatcroff Slabs is still on heavy rotation.

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just got my vinyl in the mail. I'm going to repeat myself but if Autechre knocked out an entire album this dense, dynamic and detail/micro-edit oriented I would absolutely shit my intestines into my pants and then die

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i like how it blows side A completely out of the water, its almost funny how you get this simple block building almost lazy track compared to this immense tangled machine of side b


the remix destroys those cheesy weird vocal pads used in the original mix which is good.


at first i didnt like the lack of linear rhythm, but that doesnt matter... not a head nodder but thats def not the point and is preferable to the lazy beat construction of (almost) everything thats not ae

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just got my vinyl in the mail. I'm going to repeat myself but if Autechre knocked out an entire album this dense, dynamic and detail/micro-edit oriented I would absolutely shit my intestines into my pants and then die

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lazy beat construction of (almost) everything thats not ae

nah, just because something isn't super dynamic doesn't mean it's lazy.


a bit of hyperbole but you know what i mean

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Yeah, it certainly did sound like that to me. I only had my first real listen lastnight, but that's what stood out the most! Some lovely chords in there though.


The original track is quite good too. Might have to get the vinyl if it's still available next payday!

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just listened to this while walking through the chicago streets, kicking puddles and snow in true sean n rob fashion. it's unbelievable to me how good these guys are, fucking light years beyond anyone i can think of making electronic music right now. incredible track.


the 'chre/lush

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Gets better with every listen.

Love the bit at about 2:15 when the cymbols come in, the kids party tune at 3:45, loads of other great bits too, especially the Hauntingsoul's maritime accordian.

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quality stuff as usual - amazes me how 20+ years in the game and they're still fresh and pushing not just themselves but the fringes of electronic music -- hard to find a musical artist who matches up in my book

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This is in contention for best track they've ever released

i completely agree, it's a crazy whole other level of Autechre. It seems like the perfect culmination of all the experimental/raw jamming sessions of Quaristice,Move of ten Exai and L-event all rolled into one

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I don't understand this track at the moment. It sounds like multiple tracks all mixed really nicely.. Is there a distinct melody or something carried throughout that I'm not fully catching?

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