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Burial - Rival Dealer


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is this like when grant morrison puts spells in his comic books that help him get laid?


In one of the issues of the first run, in the fan mail section, Morrison tells the readers to perform a little ritual that would help boost The Invisible's poor sales. It consisted of jacking off, and then thinking about The Invisibles in the moment of orgasm

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is this like when grant morrison puts spells in his comic books that help him get laid?

I mega-lol'd


because in my younger days

when my mind was a bit looser

I actually did one of his rituals

that he borrowed from Aleister Crowley

for a bird essentially

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this thing is so awful the vapourwave people of 2035 will be sampling it when they run out of that muzak shite

like hiders at 66% speed


You have yet to say anything intelligent on this forum. Future's not looking too bright either.

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this thing is so awful the vapourwave people of 2035 will be sampling it when they run out of that muzak shite

like hiders at 66% speed


You have yet to say anything intelligent on this forum. Future's not looking too bright either.



is this a plot to make me listen to the EP so i'm protected from the bullies?

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this thing is so awful the vapourwave people of 2035 will be sampling it when they run out of that muzak shite

like hiders at 66% speed


You have yet to say anything intelligent on this forum. Future's not looking too bright either.



is this a plot to make me listen to the EP so i'm protected from the bullies?



I will give you a tugger if you pretend to like the EP.

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because in my younger days

when my mind was a bit looser

I actually did one of his rituals

that he borrowed from Aleister Crowley

for a bird essentially




did it work ?

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because in my younger days

when my mind was a bit looser

I actually did one of his rituals

that he borrowed from Aleister Crowley

for a bird essentially




did it work ?



Did I get the outcome I wanted? Yes.


Was it the result of the ritual? I highly doubt it.


Was it a self-fulfilling prophecy? Much more likely.

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So WIll Bevan is somewhere in the LGBT spectrum? Or no...I'm confused. Does it matter? No, only the music does...the music is not that great--should I be paying attention to the politics of the samples and the Erasure/Bronski Beat homages? I am a long time Burial fan into rainy, emotive cityscapes at night and what is this?


It doesn't. That stems from the Lana Wachowski speech snippet and the "1983... (A Merman I Should Turn to Be)" sample Manmower spotted brilliantly. For all I know he was a Matrix fan (that'd fit into his oft late 90s/early 00s media references) and he thought that connected into a broader theme for the EP. I'll stress that same speech snippet about being transgender linked it to "new worlds and new rooms." The Hendrix song can take on many meanings too if you look at the lyrics, but essentially transformation and escape from this "world" is key. Neither spells out any outing of any sort. In fact they both seem to express a longing for escapism and some sort of individual rebirth from a more turbulent and embattled past.


Anyway, about my pet theory of the EP, I'll just copy and paste what I'm going to post in the needledrop comments:


I'm convinced Burial put himself into uncomfortable territory. Rival Dealers is unabashedly emotional: epic ballad drums instead of nuanced percussion, cheesy pop vocals, very noticeable vocal snippets. It sounds more like M83 or Grimes than any of his past work. If past Burial was rainy late nights, this is a soundtrack to a geeky kid playing PS1 and listening to upbeat dance music.


People are acknowledging the anti-bullying theme but not pondering it. I think it explains the sound very well. It draws from the music and media (art, film, tv, comics, etc) that people loved in the past, especially as teens, but don't acknowledge now out of embarrassment or pain. All the often melodramatic music that teens turn to when depressed or angry as an escape is often the same music they put behind them years later. This EP seems to dive back into that realm.


It's off-putting but any Burial fan will tell you he samples his influences in a very specific and sincere manner. This EP is a rejection of the status quo. So much retro music is superficial and calculated. There are a plethora of artists that channel 80s music who were born after 1990 and do so because it's trendy, not of out of nostalgia and sincerity. Here he's specifically using aesthetics most would hesitate to even acknowledge.


I enjoy Rival Dealers but it makes me uneasy. In fact, I completely understand if many dislike it, but he made something quite risky and admirable and I appreciate that a lot as a fan.

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Guest Ron Manager

quality posting as usual, joshuatx. i totally agree - it's a strange record, and the uneasiness, that sense of 'is it OK for me to like this?' completely nails the point he's trying to make. anyway, i love this EP. it's on a different plane to the last couple, virtually incomparable. definitely not for everyone though.




this thing is so awful the vapourwave people of 2035 will be sampling it when they run out of that muzak shite

like hiders at 66% speed


You have yet to say anything intelligent on this forum. Future's not looking too bright either.



still... a lot more relevant than 40 posts about shit.

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free willy soundtrack lol


he does make a lot of good points in the review




Aye, I actually thought that was really quite good and I normally can't stand his reviews. Seems to be cutting down on his weird 'home-made-glitchy'-edits too which is a definite plus.
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Guest jasondonervan

listened, liked


props to jasondonervan's vid


Ta :wink:


I had the EP on in the car this morning, it was barely daylight therfore standard appropriate Burial soundtracking fare... but I came fairly close to being in a crash, as a van pulled right out in front of me on an A-road. A bit of an exchange was had as I furiously let my horn off, white van man then proceeded to attempt some minor scare tactics by chasing me right up to my bumper. We both parted ways without incident as we filtered off into different lanes at the lights, but I was fairly angry as I drove the remaining distance to the office. This was all soundtracked by Rival Dealers (and a bit of Hiders), which in hindsight now seems oddly appropriate..


Urban tensions on the mean streets of the UK, yo :cerious:





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Took a few listens to get my head round but fully in love with this EP now. I can see why people don't like it though, I guess it is very cheesy for want of a better word but its done in an awesome way. People seem to hate the beat in hiders but every time I listen when it comes I cant help but crack a smile.. I actually wish the bit with the beat lasted longer.


For me I think I prefer this to Truant/Rough Sleeper but don't think I like it quite as much as Kindred but hard to compare as this EP is such a different beast. The fact that he is taking these risks and pissing a lot of his fans off though is IMO a very good thing, my main concern with burial was him getting too formulaic and stagnating but he keeps switching it up and moving forward and think even if you don't like this EP you have to respect him for that

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burial stimulates my ears parts and my brain parts. these patchworks r sweet sounding and i find this ep to be quite unique in its filthy-futurist-gloom; tightly intertwined with bright, warm, emotional light. i see things when i'm listening and the heart parts thump loudly within the chest parts.

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i think I have to take a sabbatical from watmm until this "anal poop" thing dies off. so long wankers.

Likewise. Please notify me when Limpy has left the building. Peace

I'm in this camp too


I always have been

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