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Is marijuana use an unspoken rule for posting on WATMM?

Guest drukqs

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Booze and weed combined were fun but that combo tended to make me sick a bit too easily.


wasn't fun at all for me unfortunately, I've learnt to avoid this combo like the plague. the only time I have ever suddenly thrown up in the middle of a drinking session was after a joint.


huh, interesting. I find that drinking with weed is the only way to calm the paranoid thoughts, personally!

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Booze and weed combined were fun but that combo tended to make me sick a bit too easily.


wasn't fun at all for me unfortunately, I've learnt to avoid this combo like the plague. the only time I have ever suddenly thrown up in the middle of a drinking session was after a joint.


huh, interesting. I find that drinking with weed is the only way to calm the paranoid thoughts, personally!



don't you get mad tired? I find my head spinning dizzily if both are active in my system, I just wanna lie down and go to sleep. maybe it works differently if you smoke first and then have a few beers, but if I have 3-4 beers and then hit a joint I just wanna pass out.

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Booze and weed combined were fun but that combo tended to make me sick a bit too easily.


wasn't fun at all for me unfortunately, I've learnt to avoid this combo like the plague. the only time I have ever suddenly thrown up in the middle of a drinking session was after a joint.


huh, interesting. I find that drinking with weed is the only way to calm the paranoid thoughts, personally!



don't you get mad tired? I find my head spinning dizzily if both are active in my system, I just wanna lie down and go to sleep. maybe it works differently if you smoke first and then have a few beers, but if I have 3-4 beers and then hit a joint I just wanna pass out.


It definitely works better when you smoke first, then start drinking.

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I have a few pals who have spent years mastering the art of drinking and smoking simultaneously. That shit used to just make me immediately want to lie down and go to bed.

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I smoke infrequently, it's always a social activity of some sort but never a online one. I've never smoked and gone on WATMM, likely never will. If I'm high I rather watch a movie, listen to music, do a puzzle, observe nature in some form, etc.


That said, I get buzzed off some beers and browse the forum on occasion.


It's about the same, it just goes from this:




To this:



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Booze and weed combined were fun but that combo tended to make me sick a bit too easily.


wasn't fun at all for me unfortunately, I've learnt to avoid this combo like the plague. the only time I have ever suddenly thrown up in the middle of a drinking session was after a joint.


huh, interesting. I find that drinking with weed is the only way to calm the paranoid thoughts, personally!



don't you get mad tired? I find my head spinning dizzily if both are active in my system, I just wanna lie down and go to sleep. maybe it works differently if you smoke first and then have a few beers, but if I have 3-4 beers and then hit a joint I just wanna pass out.


Yeah, but it takes a while to kick in. Sometimes I hit a sweet spot with energy from the alcohol and it works pretty well. It's mostly when I'm by myself with records though, so not much energy is required, haha.

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I smoke infrequently, it's always a social activity of some sort but never a online one. I've never smoked and gone on WATMM, likely never will. If I'm high I rather watch a movie, listen to music, do a puzzle, observe nature in some form, etc.


That said, I get buzzed off some beers and browse the forum on occasion.


It's about the same, it just goes from this:




To this:





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12-14% is a heavy concoction, double the depressant value by rounding it off with a few pulls of green and it can be a 1-way ticket to caucasian sensation nation


1 of my oldest friends can bosh cider after cider after cider and rinse through any number of joints, but i think the cells upstairs that would normally "react" to this festival of over-indulgence just arent there anymore

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Goddamn, you guys never fail to obsess on the minutia of something.


I get this same line of questioning from rednecks because I'm a vegetarian.


"so wut bout roadkeel? wud u eat roadkeel?! You din keel it."



I get asked this all of the time. It's funny how people think that protein only comes from meat, eggs and dairy. With a diet high in legumes, greens and hemp seeds I think I'll be fine, lol.

You might get the minimum requirements on a good day.



I just tallied up my protein intake for a day and I hit 62 grams at lunch time. The "required amount" is inflated. You don't really need to eat that much unless you're very active (which I am, so I eat a lot of protein).

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Goddamn, you guys never fail to obsess on the minutia of something.


I get this same line of questioning from rednecks because I'm a vegetarian.


"so wut bout roadkeel? wud u eat roadkeel?! You din keel it."



I get asked this all of the time. It's funny how people think that protein only comes from meat, eggs and dairy. With a diet high in legumes, greens and hemp seeds I think I'll be fine, lol.

You might get the minimum requirements on a good day.



I just tallied up my protein intake for a day and I hit 62 grams at lunch time. The "required amount" is inflated. You don't really need to eat that much unless you're very active (which I am, so I eat a lot of protein).



Not being a critic, I'm sure you have your shit together.


But not all protein is equal. Do you amino index your protein intake? I'm not familiar with the "quality" of non meat proteins, but it is important to get all the essential amino acids.


Meh I'm sure you know that.


Edit: in googling some common vegetarian sources of protein, they're actually fairly complete sources. That's good news. The only thing I'd worry about then is supplementing with carnosine.

Edited by StephenG
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love getting drunk and stoned, but sometimes it can go wrong like 6month's ago

started gaming while drinking and smoking, then our friends came over, again drinking and smoking with my ass in the couch all day

i was pretty shitfaced, but not that more then usual and when they left, me and the wife checked a movie but both falll asleep in the living room.

after 2 hours i wake up baked beyond belief and i have to shit so badly but i almost can't move a muscle so i have to crawl on knees and hands to the toilet almost passing out with a turtle sticking out me bum

i barely make it there but i don't have the strenght to pull myself on the seat and i'm thinking " just do it, shit your pants, there is no other way "

somehow i made it up there and the pooping caused even more blood and oxygen from my brain to move to my sphincter, trying to make it work

but i did it, i finnished the hardest shit in my life, no way i could reach the toilet paper, i'm exausted and i'm sweating like hell, blacking out

i crash myself down on the rug and think " this is it i'm gonna die here like a dogg, you did it Ivan, your chick is gonna find you here death in the morning with your unwiped naked poop ass on the expensive pee rug we ordered on internet "

luckely i started to feel a bit better after like 15minutes, the cold floor feels good, i get my shit together and wake up my wife who told me i looked like a corpse

fucking hell, only happened like 4 times in my life that i can't move from the ganja and i have to take the shit of death

Edited by Ivan Ooze
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^ or wine. I was drinking wine that night I spewed.


i drank red wine and smoked once and it was a very mellow, nice stone *shrug*



after one or two glasses, or after 5-6 glasses in a span of 3 hours? I can tell you the latter's not fun :|

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^ or wine. I was drinking wine that night I spewed.


i drank red wine and smoked once and it was a very mellow, nice stone *shrug*



after one or two glasses, or after 5-6 glasses in a span of 3 hours? I can tell you the latter's not fun :|


lolz, no, not that much.




EDIT, btw, were you drinking white or red, because red always makes me sleepy.

Edited by yek
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love getting drunk and stoned, but sometimes it can go wrong like 6month's ago

started gaming while drinking and smoking, then our friends came over, again drinking and smoking with my ass in the couch all day

i was pretty shitfaced, but not that more then usual and when they left, me and the wife checked a movie but both falll asleep in the living room.

after 2 hours i wake up baked beyond belief and i have to shit so badly but i almost can't move a muscle so i have to crawl on knees and hands to the toilet almost passing out with a turtle sticking out me bum

i barely make it there but i don't have the strenght to pull myself on the seat and i'm thinking " just do it, shit your pants, there is no other way "

somehow i made it up there and the pooping caused even more blood and oxygen from my brain to move to my sphincter, trying to make it work

but i did it, i finnished the hardest shit in my life, no way i could reach the toilet paper, i'm exausted and i'm sweating like hell, blacking out

i crash myself down on the rug and think " this is it i'm gonna die here like a dogg, you did it Ivan, your chick is gonna find you here death in the morning with your unwiped naked poop ass on the expensive pee rug we ordered on internet "

luckely i started to feel a bit better after like 15minutes, the cold floor feels good, i get my shit together and wake up my wife who told me i looked like a corpse

fucking hell, only happened like 4 times in my life that i can't move from the ganja and i have to take the shit of death



we live & learn

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personally i find a gin n tonic to be a great alcoholic beverage to accompany any session

gin and tonic is way underrated. Great drink.


I was surprised at 2 things though: 1) how much sugar there is in tonic water. 2) I don't think anyone makes sugar free tonic water =S

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My buddy did a bunch of research into tonic water. I can't remember which one he recommended, but I'll get back to you on that. Schweppes and Canada Dry both have high-fructose corn syrup in it, but this other stuff doesn't.

He imports it by the crate, btw.


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Sweet! If you remember, I would really appreciate it. I tend to keep a few types of gin on hand and have a gin and tonic about once a week.


Would really like to have better tonic water than canada dry (which I currently use). :beer:

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