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I would like to see the videos where the 'pranksters' get dropped, i don't like this trend, i have seen before when it goes wrong and these people always end up looking like whiny narcissists.. "How dare you not find my bag snatch prank funny and punch me for it." You go in to battle you gotta expect to get burned.



lol yeah this looks terrifying .. look at those people. They not laughing saying haha you got me theyre terrified heh heh heh nyuck nyuck nyuck !!



clearly bitroast this particular prank wasn't very scary and just by the way the guy is dressed it would be a give away to most withit passengers that if something silly starts occurring that there will be no threat involved. But, i was using these videos as a jumping off point to have a complain about the general trend of pranking videos. i would restrain that guys arms if he put them in my face though, i wouldn't be able to stop that reflexive reaction, i would then say something like "settle down man, i don't give a fuck about your prank just let me ride the lift in peace and respect my space, thanks." Of course then the guy would moan about me grabbing his arms, completely oblivious to what he just did, and i'd realise that i probably should have just let it be, and start freaking out that this little cunt is going to call the cops or centre management on me and my life will get more annoying for a little while thereafter. so yep, fuck all these bitches.

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