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never watched this show.. i guess i should. this scene is apparently 8 minutes in total but only 4 minutes is on youtube that i could find

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So happy Bukele got re-elected. It’s unreal what he has accomplished. The balls it took to stand up to all too real death threats against him, and no doubt his family as well, to transform El Salvador from a hell hole and into what it is today is the most impressive display of political leadership I think I’ve seen in my lifetime. 



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Napoleon in Egypt: Part 2: Napoleon's invasion of Ottoman Syria and the failed Siege of Acre, and the defeat of the Ottoman Turkish counter-invasion at Aboukir:


Learning from Starfish Prime, Nuking low earth orbit would cause a powerful EMP: (Pretty bad for electronics, like satellites.) But it might also cause beautiful auroras, so, worth it.


The strength of the 4 fundamental forces (strong nuclear, electromagnetism, weak nuclear, and gravity) is actually different for different distances:


For a long time, we actually haven't been able to tell the sex of dinosaurs, or if dinosaurs even had different sexual morphological characteristics:


Nuclear bombs and the bad stuff after a nuclear war:   (spoiler: Best survival chance in Argentina, Australia, and New Zealand. Maybe.)


Boring. (horizontally)


Blue LED, almost impossible:


Cosmological time dilation (and redshift) caused by the expansion of the universe:


RedLetterMedia: Madame Web movie review


Edited by MaartenVC
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On 3/1/2024 at 6:29 AM, Rubin Farr said:


this is just a guy describing a trent reznor song while doing a cover of a trent reznor song. im not sure i get the joke.

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