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The Big Star Wars Thread *SPOILERS ABOUND*


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Besides Disney+ currently being the only way to view the Star Wars movies in 4K, it seems Lucas got in one more "fuck you" change before selling the rights to Disney, he altered the Han/Greedo scene AGAIN:


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13 hours ago, dr lopez said:

first ep of mandalorian was extremely satisfying in every way. optimistic about this one guys


brian posehn, horatio sanz, life day jokes all in the first 5 min... v entertaining

Wow, didn't expect that kind of reaction from you!

7 hours ago, Gocab said:

Yeah, it was alright. Werner Herzog was a pleasant surprise.

Yes, Werner was probably the most Star Wars thing about the show so far.

5 hours ago, Squee said:

Really? There were parts that were ok, but it seemed kinda awkward - except for Herzog who illuminated the whole thing. The part where he learns how to ride that fish with legs was just plain weird and the super heroic and triumphant music that played afterwards was completely out of place because we have no idea who this guy.

I wish they would dare to take Star Wars in a completely different direction because this just seemed like another stab at the Rogue One mood. I have this incomplete idea and wish about a deeply spiritual take on Star Wars where they discuss their religions, philosophies, and beliefs and I want it to be dry as fuck. You know what, give me Waking Life set in the Star Wars universe.

I kinda agree - then again, it's only the first episode, so let's see where it goes. I loved IG-11 - hope he's not dead for good since his "main wiring harness" wasn't damaged (but was shot through the head?).

1 hour ago, dr lopez said:

i thought it was excellent, highlighting the best parts of "star wars" ie excellent production design, hammy characters, and just enough self-aware humor to keep it afloat. Herzog was excellent, his embrace of self-parody is second to none. horatio sanz making life day jokes, bbqing salacious crumb or whatever - shit was funny. the flashback clips were stupid. perilously low bar but whatever, seems fun enough after solo

Yeah, in looking at it that way, I agree as well.

One thing that really bothers me (and I'm wondering if it was just costs) is there are waay too many humanoid-faced characters (Horatio Sanz characters was so stupid - he was acting like he was in a regular show and not Star Wars) especially the Transdosians (aka Bossk's race). Hopefully that changes as the series progresses.

Nick Nolte teaching Mando how to ride was cool. I'm adopting his catchphrase - "I have spoken".

I have spoken.

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13 hours ago, dr lopez said:

first ep of mandalorian was extremely satisfying in every way. optimistic about this one guys

i'm not a star wars fan (i only enjoyed empire strikes back and even then don't really find these films enjoyable) so i thought this was more of the same.

one thing i noticed is that i didn't get the sense this world was "in a galaxy far far away" but felt more like contemporary america with people wearing costumes. i did like the guy that kept saying "i have spoken" but it sounds like the kind of thing a western audience would say if asked to interpret native american culture i.e. too idealized.

i did love the end credits so i guess it's cool tho

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the mandalorian is just shitty sergio leone in space, which on paper i’d be super down for but unless they unmask pedro pascal soon it ain’t shit. nothing like watching plank from ed edd and eddy walk down dimly lit outdoor(?) hallways for 30 seconds at a time. 


werner herzog was great tho

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watched episode 2 and i can't really say i know what this show is about. a bounty hunter asked to retrieve a baby yoda? asked to retrieve something and just happens to come across a baby yoda? and yoda babies are already jedi ]

also- episodes are too short to get the amount of story they're trying to tell- so nothing feels important eg. the egg he had to get for those jawas (???) was that important or just a trade to get his stuff back. and was that important or just something for him to do in episode 2?

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A lot of fun details and nods to OT nerds. Looks great and believable, maybe lacks some crispness. The amount of real set pieces and practical FX was over my expectations, I got the impression that even the CGI is animated to look like puppetry. Not sure the plot is up to par, but I guess it wouldn't get greenlit without being swashbuckley. The short episode lengths aren't really selling the show as more than a tech demo for "real star wars". 

Edited by chim
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I've liked the Mandalorian so far. Call back to OT Star Wars and the serials that inspired it. SW was never high-brow, it's stupid space western fantasy. The short run times is odd, but I don't mind... it does somehow feel like a really high budget fan film, which I guess what anything Star Wars is nowadays.

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On 11/15/2019 at 8:56 PM, Nebraska said:

watched episode 2 and i can't really say i know what this show is about. a bounty hunter asked to retrieve a baby yoda? asked to retrieve something and just happens to come across a baby yoda? and yoda babies are already jedi ]

also- episodes are too short to get the amount of story they're trying to tell- so nothing feels important eg. the egg he had to get for those jawas (???) was that important or just a trade to get his stuff back. and was that important or just something for him to do in episode 2?

Whatever Yoda's race is, they are sensitive/strong with the Force; I wouldn't say being strong with the Force = Jedi.

1 hour ago, dr lopez said:

yeah the face argument is a weird one. especially if you've seen boba fett, and then you saw this was called the mandolorian i feel like going into it you would expect no faces

I fully expect him to remove his helmet at some point in the series (wasn't one of the trailers showing him or someone taking his helmet off?)

Episode 2 was good; but the short run times are hurting things - he literally only had to retrieve the egg from the Mud Horn to give to the Jawas in exchange for the parts of his ship they stole.

The Uhgnaut that is helping him (voiced by Nick Nolte no less) is a great character; I hope he shows up again.

I have spoken.

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On 11/17/2019 at 9:29 AM, dr lopez said:

lol I thought of bender too

I was an obsessive fan of the big bounty hunters back in the 90s - not just Boba Fett but the whole lineup of hired guns in Empire - I even had an IG-88 action figure. So seeing IG-88 in action on not in Dark Horse era comic book form was pretty fucking cool. Totally got Season 1 / Episode 1-2 era Bender vibes as well, starting with the "ahh fuck it, self destruct" angle


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2 hours ago, dr lopez said:

yeah the face argument is a weird one. especially if you've seen boba fett, and then you saw this was called the mandolorian i feel like going into it you would expect no faces

makes the physical acting and body language more interesting / noticeable by default 

that scene with the finger pointing to the Yoda kiddo for example, totally would of been diminished if he was unmasked

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We're only 2 episodes in but I live the show so far. Could end up being my favorite post-EU media, if not favorite media outside of the original trilogy. Rogue One and Solo started diving into the gritty underworld of the Galaxy in earnest and this has taken those aesthetics and injected it into a show that feels more moderately paced and open (lot of scenes without dialogue, music score is less bombastic and mainstream, action sequences feel less ham-fisted and stylized, the plot seems comfortably independent of the main characters, etc.) 

I've always like that melancholy, gritty, space western vibe of the original trilogy (stuff Lucas derived from Dune, Mobieus and Jean-Claude Mézières graphic novels,  Kurosawa films, etc) and that shines in this series. And more subjectively, I was always really into bounty hunters from Empire and ROTJ and their spinoff novels and comics. To bring this full-circle, so were our idols at Rephlex and fellow IDM fans

http://www.aphextwin.nu/explore/98156138264009.shtml 4-LOM

https://www.discogs.com/group/thread/488672 - IG-88


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2 hours ago, joshuatxuk said:

We're only 2 episodes in but I live the show so far. Could end up being my favorite post-EU media, if not favorite media outside of the original trilogy. 

How about Dark Empire? It hit me at such an early age and will probably retain the top spot. The Boba Fett cameo (?) really reminded me of it. 

Edited by chim
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4 hours ago, chim said:

How about Dark Empire? It hit me at such an early age and will probably retain the top spot. The Boba Fett cameo (?) really reminded me of it. 

Dark Empire and the Thrawn Trilogy are objectively the best things to happen to the Star Wars EU

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^ you guys hit on something - those both take place 5-6 years after ROTJ which is when the Mandalorian takes place

I got really into Shadows of the Empire partly because of Boba's plot arc in that series

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