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Now That Trump's President... (not any more!)


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I'm sure it's been pointed out in here before somewhere but it's just getting more and more flagrant: when he gives a speech, Trump is literally doing a bad Mussolini impression.  The body language, the weird facial expressions, the hand gestures- the biggest difference is that Trump doesn't have the energy to sell the performance, and can't stay on script long enough to deliver a coherent speech, but he's trying.  Even that OK sign his handlers make him throw out all the time now to give white nationalists a boner is a Mussolini thing (especially obvious at 2:23 here but he flashes it a few times earlier in the clip too). 


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He doesn't have the energy or emotional intelligence to sell the performance - he is an absolutely horrible public speaker. This completely goes against his whole self proclaimed greatest salesman art of the the deal bullshit persona and his ability to "do deals."


I keep thinking the snake oil is going to wear off soon and his base will start to see him for the lying, incapable, fraudster he is...but he continues to poll with 30-40 percent approval ratings. I really believe he has brainwashed them to the point that even if he winds up impeached, convicted, and morally ruined, they will still wait outside his prison waiting for their leader to appear in the prison yard, still chanting "lock her up" as he raises a tiny orange fist...

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it's absurd. this guy is nuts. that was inside a church or was a church crowd or something.. "hey you lost everything have some paper towels"


and watching the press conferences and stuff.. he's a fucking weird guy. sitting weird.. talking weird.. stopping half way through one sentence and starting a nother nad not going back to the previous sentence.. he's horrible.. a fucking embarrassment.. but his body language is so strange. just strange. he's aloof in some kind of bizarre way.. the way he stands w/his arms dangling from his sides and sways back and forth a little when he's being introduced or waiting for his turn at the podium. he has no impression of how important th ejob of a president is and what it means to be a president and lead and console people and inspire them.. other than saying 'lock her up' or 'rocket man' or whatever the fuck he enjoys about his position.. wtf.. no concept. 

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Better to ignore the "crazy uncle". The more he is ignored, the less power he has. And consider he is being monitored 24/7. By the military (Mattis, Kelly) and the police (Mueller). And strangely also by the evangelicals (Pence, Huckabee!?). But I'd ignore those as well.

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“Every death is a horror, but if you look at a real catastrophe like Katrina, and you look at the tremendous hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of people that died, and you look at what happened here and what is your death count? Sixteen people, versus in the thousands,” Trump said. “You can be very proud. Sixteen versus literally thousands of people.”

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Casually putting the lives of tens of millions of innocent people at risk. Inhuman



Rex called Trump a moron and isn't denying it - he is denying he considering resigning but I think that's to save face. I can't blame him for wanting to resign though. He's literally having to babysit our POTUS. I would normally hesitate to say that someone like Tillerson is literally doing this job for his country and fellow citizens but he really is. It's pretty selfless to stick it out in his position. Imagine trying to be Secretary of State while a spoiled brat is literally mocking the people you are having to negotiate nuclear weapon policy with.



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he is unfit to be president. get him out 


these past weeks he has divided the nation, got in fights with puerto rican politicians and now pushing for war with north korea 


the experiment is over, this is a failed presidency, give us paul ryan



He sounds bored. Give him a ball of string to play with.

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And that's when the good 'ol fake news excuse works its wonders...all he has to do is claim "fake news" and that never happened in his mind, nor in the minds of his brainwashed followers.

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And that's when the good 'ol fake news excuse works its wonders...all he has to do is claim "fake news" and that never happened in his mind, nor in the minds of his brainwashed followers.

idk, I kinda feel like he's too stupid to even recognize the multi-level blunder. Someone in his cadre will do the backpedaling for him, delicately enough so as not to hurt his widdle feelings.

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But his babysitters can't deflect everything...he was asked today what he thought about Rex calling him a moron and he claimed fake news. He claims it whenever he's threatened and hasn't had time to come up with an angry Twitter reply yet.

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But his babysitters can't deflect everything...he was asked today what he thought about Rex calling him a moron and he claimed fake news. He claims it whenever he's threatened and hasn't had time to come up with an angry Twitter reply yet.

They can try, though, right? I mean, really, that's their primary responsibility.

There will come a point where even his fellaters will tire of him plugging his ears and screaming fakenewsfakenewsfakenewsfakenews though. But it could be a while.

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Trump be major pissed at Tillerson as he just found out he was dubbed a moron by him. Nice finding out a week later orange man.

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Not sure what happened to the response I wrote, maybe I just fucked up and clicked out but basically...


I honestly, 100% seriously, don't think Trump is intelligent enough to understand what Biden is saying there, even in the soundbite format it's in.

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