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17 hours ago, drillkicker said:

Seriously tho

trump is a hazard to life on earth. use your vote however you want, but it is important for people to vote. my opinion is that it doesn't make sense to vote for a third party in this election, because trump is a hazard to life on earth. he's an illiterate rich kid fuckup sociopath who's selling national interests and causing long-lasting and serious damage to the country. and if it were an election where it would make more sense to vote for a third party, it wouldn't be fucking kanye.

Edited by very honest
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25 minutes ago, drillkicker said:

If you vote for either of the people who were in the presidential debates, you ought to be exiled, or at least have your suffrage taken away.  There's no excuse, not even a pragmatic one.

The Democrats and Republicans have turned America into a dystopia that experiments on its citizens without their consent.  If you vote to keep this system going, then you are voting against yourself and your nation.

Someone on here, and I’m sorry I forget who, likened it to shooting yourself in the leg vs shooting yourself in the head. I think this is appropriate and a good first step towards pulling us out of whatever sewage hole we’ve landed ourselves in. It’s really a no brainer and thinking there’s a way back after another trump term should be reason enough for anyone to vote for Biden. 

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1 hour ago, very honest said:

trump is a hazard to life on earth. use your vote however you want, but it is important for people to vote. my opinion is that it doesn't make sense to vote for a third party in this election, because trump is a hazard to life on earth. he's a flunky rich kid fuckup sociopath who's selling national interests and causing long-lasting and serious damage to the country. and if it were an election where it would make more sense to vote for a third party, it wouldn't be fucking kanye.

I have a hard time believing that Trump is the real hazard in America.  Trump didn't do MK Ultra, Trump didn't create the health insurance industry, Trump didn't impliment drone warfare, Trump didn't put surveillance devices into the homes of all U.S. citizens. . .  Real problems are systematic, not individual.  It would be extremely difficult for a single man to be an actual hazard to life on earth, and I don't think anybody has ever done that in human history.  Why is Trump any different ?

1 hour ago, Upset man said:

Someone on here, and I’m sorry I forget who, likened it to shooting yourself in the leg vs shooting yourself in the head. I think this is appropriate and a good first step towards pulling us out of whatever sewage hole we’ve landed ourselves in. It’s really a no brainer and thinking there’s a way back after another trump term should be reason enough for anyone to vote for Biden. 

I personally can't tell which candidate is more mentally ill.  It's really astonishing, but it demonstrates several important things:  it demonstrates how ineffective the partisan system is, and it also demonstrates that Americans will support and defend the system regardless of how obviously inefficient it is.  It's probably the chief problem in a nation plagued by countless monolithic problems.  Unfortunately, since the election cycle is the only way that Americans are able to have any input into the nation's affairs, it's almost like a voluntary slavery.  It's hard to imagine a way out of it, and every time I vocalize this concern I'm only met with shortsighted vitriol.

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22 minutes ago, drillkicker said:
1 hour ago, very honest said:

trump is a hazard to life on earth. use your vote however you want, but it is important for people to vote. my opinion is that it doesn't make sense to vote for a third party in this election, because trump is a hazard to life on earth. he's a flunky rich kid fuckup sociopath who's selling national interests and causing long-lasting and serious damage to the country. and if it were an election where it would make more sense to vote for a third party, it wouldn't be fucking kanye.

I have a hard time believing that Trump is the real hazard in America.  Trump didn't do MK Ultra, Trump didn't create the health insurance industry, Trump didn't impliment drone warfare, Trump didn't put surveillance devices into the homes of all U.S. citizens. . .  Real problems are systematic, not individual.  It would be extremely difficult for a single man to be an actual hazard to life on earth, and I don't think anybody has ever done that in human history.  Why is Trump any different ?



he ended the intermediate range nuclear weapon treaty, so now we can look forward to nuclear warhead tipped cruise missiles being deployed in the future, possibly. he squandered the opportunity to stop the north korean nuclear weapon program. he ended the iran nuclear deal, which dramatically increased visibility into the regime's nuclear program, and increased the nuclear breakout time. 

he's compromised by russia, either because he's in debt and is exchanging national favors in hopes of loan forgiveness, or they have something on him, or both. most likely both. he gives putin whatever he wants, every step of the way.

he left the paris accord, and made rex tillerson the state secretary, opening his pockets to the oil industry donors who have been orchestrating politics since the 19th century.

he's not the root issue, but he is a kind of bad actor that we know from history, a power-grabber. society is built around trying to keep authoritarians from rising to power. he does not care about american values. he lets russia off the hook for interfering in us elections. he abandoned the kurds, in what looks like a play to curry personal favor with erdogan. he leveraged aid to ukraine to get them to announce investigations of the bidens. he fired comey after asking him for loyalty and asking him to let flynn go. he hired manafort to run his 2016 campaign, who worked in coordination with a russian spy, feeding them campaign data, including on wisconsin, one of the surprise trump wins. he obstructed justice with mueller.

he breaks the hatch act. he committed perjury. he solicits bribes. he misuses the justice department.

the house judiciary committee just released a report on the 18 month investigation they've been doing into the family separations. they found the trump administration knew that their systems lacked the ability to track the kids who were separated from their parents, and they then rolled the program out, nationally, anyway. https://judiciary.house.gov/news/documentsingle.aspx?DocumentID=3442

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On 11/1/2020 at 7:47 AM, hijexx said:


From the polls, a Trump victory is unlikely. He's got like a 10% chance according to fivethirtyeight: https://projects.fivethirtyeight.com/2020-election-forecast

If you play around with their forecast tool, you'll see that there are only a few scenarios where Trump wins. He would have to take both PA and FL along with some midwestern states, most of which favor Biden.

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if you need a place to get solid info tomorrow: Associated Press is a safe bet. 


How the Associated Press relies on ‘facts and math’ to call election results


also, regarding polls etc.. the biden people and the trump people are of course saying opposite things as is their job. here's 2 short interviews as example. 


Trump and Biden representatives on final campaign strategies


regarding polls.. I'm not going to get excited about it or have an expectation either way. it's 2020 and who knows wtf is going to happen?? 

Edited by ignatius
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12 minutes ago, ignatius said:

regarding polls.. I'm not going to get excited about it or have an expectation either way. it's 2020 and who knows wtf is going to happen?? 

i guarantee we see outcomes that significantly diverge from polling averages in at least some swing states. this is such a strange election. 

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2 hours ago, ignatius said:

so, Federal judge and State Judge in texas threw out the GOP attempts to discard 127,000 ballots. 


hopefully this sets a precedent


those are conservative appointed judges too, it'll make the SCOTUS efforts to intervene harder to do if it's not super close

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9 hours ago, drillkicker said:

I personally can't tell which candidate is more mentally ill.  It's really astonishing, but it demonstrates several important things:  

The only thing this demonstrates is that your judgment is impaired?

Biden is just an old person.

Trump is a walking textbook of the worst traits in human psychology, on top of being an old person.

One is obviously significantly worse than the other.


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8 hours ago, Braintree said:

From the polls, a Trump victory is unlikely. He's got like a 10% chance according to fivethirtyeight: https://projects.fivethirtyeight.com/2020-election-forecast



Believe, just like Harry.


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Thinking I might put an emotional hedge on. Sure if Trump wins it means the continuing downfall of civilisation, but on the upside I'll win a few quid.

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7 minutes ago, dcom said:


Unbelievable hubris - never participated in the democratic process before, but decides he's going to run for president.

Someone needs to send that Aphex-stealing chump back to the studio.

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