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the Xenomophs vs Engineers battle sounds cool, hopefully we'll see an Engineer take a chestburster as well, as the Facehugger/CB/Xeno evolution is confirmed to show up in this film.


When Prometheus came out, it was suggested that Charles Weyland was Peter Weyland's father, as that fit the timeline, but now it seems as if the Xeno wiki has disavowed all knowledge of that. I know AVP isn't considered part of Ridley's canon, but IMO Weyland was the one cool character from AVP, plus I never realized how much the beginning of Prometheus aped AVP .

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took me a couple years to like prometheus. i always liked how it looked but i wasnt sure about the technicalities of the story and the dumb decisions being made by the characters and such. i really like the idea of the story, and i have some ideas about why characters are the way they are and what happened with the mission. i love the engineers and that whole thing. i think when it comes down to it prometheus was a much better movie than a more standard sci-fi adventure thing. feels deeper. i cant wait to see alien covenant, i just hope without damon lindelof, they still have the sense of mystery and depth to the story that i presume lindelof was the main bringer of. i have never read the original script by jon spaiths though. i just felt also the same density in Tomorrowland etc. also the music really turned out amazing and iconic after not watching for a year or so. i dont know what it is but the moment i turned it on again, the music had occupied that weird dream space in my brain that hadn't been activated in a while.

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Prometheus was a joke imo. I was slightly (but healthily) obsessed with The Space Jockey for decades. The first Alien was a life changing experience for me for many reasons, and the Space Jockey was a pivotal part of that. That whole scene made me think and dream silently for ages and ages about what it all meant.


Then Prometheus turned up. Wow, what a massive, huge fucking let down of epic proportions that was. Without writing a lengthy and boring diatribe I'll just say it was a terrible worthless bucket of overcooked egotistical commercialized rotten wank juice.

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It's not too late to redeem the mythology of the jockey, but Prometheus made that job hard with some real dumb writing. The next one is going to be have to do a lot patchwork quilt making to get it back on track.

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Prometheus was a joke imo. I was slightly (but healthily) obsessed with The Space Jockey for decades. The first Alien was a life changing experience for me for many reasons, and the Space Jockey was a pivotal part of that. That whole scene made me think and dream silently for ages and ages about what it all meant.



I feel actually the same way from that perspective. In some ways I never wanted to see the back story to the space jockey. That scene in the original when they find it, with the amazing melody and such. It gave a lot of images in my head, and set the imagination going, not gonna argue there. Just going to have to take Prometheus on its own terms

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I'm galaxies away from being a movie boffin, and I don't really watch many films. But the Space Jockey was quite important to me, I watched Alien right at the cusp of moving between childhood and teenager, and for years that film really sunk it's hook into me. Even now I get chills watching that film. No doubt it was a life changing moment for me.


I really can't forgive those fucking rich cunts in suits for essentially ruining what should of been something awe inspiring. Maybe I'm just being overly emotional about it. That whole mystery of the film should of been left well alone unless they came up with something incredible. They knew they were going to massacre the whole story, but they didn't care because it was worth it for making money and spewing their egos all over the media. Ahhh whatever, time to chill its Sunday after all. Peace watmm.

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I was slightly (but healthily) obsessed with The Space Jockey for decades. The first Alien was a life changing experience for me for many reasons, and the Space Jockey was a pivotal part of that. That whole scene made me think and dream silently for ages and ages about what it all meant.


that's because it was an enigma. totally alien & unexplained. such a bizarre looking figure that just did not fit with any sort of human understanding. it leaves a ton of room for your imagination to roam.


once you try and explain that, give this big backstory and 'oh it was just a suit this humanoid engineer dude was wearing' etc etc... it totally ruins it.


anyway, i just regard them as 2 separate movies & universes. i don't care what Ridley Scott says. Alien is its own movie that is awesome and Prometheus is its own movie that is crappy.


...it does have some nice sound/visual design tho. i'll give it that and only that.

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I'm galaxies away from being a movie boffin, and I don't really watch many films. But the Space Jockey was quite important to me, I watched Alien right at the cusp of moving between childhood and teenager, and for years that film really sunk it's hook into me. Even now I get chills watching that film. No doubt it was a life changing moment for me.


I really can't forgive those fucking rich cunts in suits for essentially ruining what should of been something awe inspiring. Maybe I'm just being overly emotional about it. That whole mystery of the film should of been left well alone unless they came up with something incredible. They knew they were going to massacre the whole story, but they didn't care because it was worth it for making money and spewing their egos all over the media. Ahhh whatever, time to chill its Sunday after all. Peace watmm.


You're definitely emotionally invested in that specific part of Alien (as were a lot of people, I had my fair share of theories about it!), as was I with Alien 3 (really, the entirety of it, I love it dearly still). So the idea of revealing the Space Jockey in a way that wasn't great (pretty much no one claims Prometheus is great, I like it for what it is but holy fuck is it filled with flaws) is similar to my reaction to Blomkap trying to make a new Alien film that undoes everything after Aliens...just utter ridiculous shit that riles me up to no end. Like, I hate Alien 4 (as a lot of people hate Alien 3), it's pure trash, but it exists and it is canon and there's no 'erasing' it. (edit: that's a lot of the reason I hated Alien 4: it tries to undo Alien 3 essentially, with some huge future conceit that seems out of place for the universe that exists)


But I don't think this was a pure money grab from the filmmakers. Maybe the producers/Fox, yeah, probably...but the fact that Scott pushed Prometheus through without Alien in the title shows to me that this wasn't truly just a money grab. It's very flawed but I think there's a lot more to do with very experienced writers, directors, etc., having lost their spark and vision, not just for money. There's some outstanding parts of Prometheus and to me that redeems it enough for me to personally forgive its shortcomings (not enough for others, which I understand and respect). I'm hoping Scott is going to have a lot of people telling him that his ridiculous ideas are ridiculous and help him edit down to the good guts of what makes the Alien universe special. Not betting on it, but who knows...

Edited by auxien
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Watmm might have their differences but one thing we have in common (apart from strange leftfield music) would be a massive agreement in we all want another classic Alien film to chew on :beer:

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Watmm might have their differences but one thing we have in common (apart from strange leftfield music) would be a massive agreement in we all want another classic Alien film to chew on :beer:


yes, another film to follow in the footsteps of classic films like Alien, Aliens and Prometheus.


I think the hate for Prometheus is largely irrational, and that if Alien came out today it would be heavily criticised for many of the same reasons.


People today seem to have very entitled opinions when it comes to art in general, far more so than in the past, I think that's one of the big problems here.

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Well that's the thing, Alien was released in the 70s and that's what made it so fucking amazeballs. A real genre buster in terms of sticking high tension horror into sci fi which was generally quite a camp /cheesy film industry.


It set the bar high

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Watmm might have their differences but one thing we have in common (apart from strange leftfield music) would be a massive agreement in we all want another classic Alien film to chew on :beer:


yes, another film to follow in the footsteps of classic films like Alien, Aliens and Prometheus.


I think the hate for Prometheus is largely irrational, and that if Alien came out today it would be heavily criticised for many of the same reasons.


People today seem to have very entitled opinions when it comes to art in general, far more so than in the past, I think that's one of the big problems here.


People today seem to criticize more than appreciat , they forget that making a movie is a very complex and difficult task.


i bet if clockwork orange or Odyseey 2001 came out today it would be also ripped apart like prometheus.


also i wonder what kind of movies you guys watch if you didnt like the new prom ?

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Watmm might have their differences but one thing we have in common (apart from strange leftfield music) would be a massive agreement in we all want another classic Alien film to chew on :beer:


I think the hate for Prometheus is largely irrational, and that if Alien came out today it would be heavily criticised for many of the same reasons.


People today seem to criticize more than appreciat , they forget that making a movie is a very complex and difficult task.


i bet if clockwork orange or Odyseey 2001 came out today it would be also ripped apart like prometheus.




not a chance.


a well made film is a well made film. it doesn't matter when it was made or the technology available at the time. great art transcends time.


if Alien or 2001 came out today, they would be rightly regarded as great films. the fact that they still hold up when viewed today illustrates this.

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Watmm might have their differences but one thing we have in common (apart from strange leftfield music) would be a massive agreement in we all want another classic Alien film to chew on :beer:


yes, another film to follow in the footsteps of classic films like Alien, Aliens and Prometheus.


I think the hate for Prometheus is largely irrational, and that if Alien came out today it would be heavily criticised for many of the same reasons.


People today seem to have very entitled opinions when it comes to art in general, far more so than in the past, I think that's one of the big problems here.


i bet if clockwork orange or Odyseey 2001 came out today it would be also ripped apart like prometheus.


also i wonder what kind of movies you guys watch if you didnt like the new prom ?


They would probably be on TV and have hundreds of adoring think pieces written on them every week. What movie studio would bother making either of those in this day and age?


I honestly think big budget studio flix get torn apart the way they do because the quality of storytelling is so much better on the best TV shows, even if they can't match the visual spectacle to something like Prometheus.

Edited by doublename
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