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stupid first world problems you're dealing with

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My coworker who is sort of my boss in our tiny department broke his leg very badly and will not be in for months. This means I sort of get a promotion.


The problem is that there are loads of jobs he does that I don't really know how to do, and the pressure is on me to do them. :psyduck:

Sounds like a great opportunity to build on your skills/knowledge base + show them you can take on extra responsibilities!


Good luck =)

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My coworker who is sort of my boss in our tiny department broke his leg very badly and will not be in for months. This means I sort of get a promotion.


The problem is that there are loads of jobs he does that I don't really know how to do, and the pressure is on me to do them. :psyduck:

Sounds like a great opportunity to build on your skills/knowledge base + show them you can take on extra responsibilities!


Good luck =)




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You guys are right, I cooled off, I'm too stuck up, too passionately obsessed, and couldn't fathom the fact that someone "Hates" something I love.

Can't win them all, Thanks for telling it like it is///

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My girlfriend can't stand Of Montreal, so there you go. Although I think she can recognize it's good... just can't get passed the singer's voice. She also doesn't enjoy Bjork, but appreciates her talent and originality. Hmmm. I'm trying to come up with something she hates that I love and coming up empty. I think her taste was a huge part of my initial attraction.


FWP: watmm is distracting me from finishing up this guitar part I was in the middle of recording. FWP2 I have to pee but don't want to get out of my chair.

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My wife hates all of the music I love except King Tubby. Oh, and we both like Bach and Debussy but she's a classical musician, so go figure. Plus I think when she listens to that stuff it's similar to when I listen to my stuff - breaking it down into components, hearing the meaning behind the sounds, appreciating the technical aspects.

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^ nobody can dislike OG dub.


My coworker who is sort of my boss in our tiny department broke his leg very badly and will not be in for months. This means I sort of get a promotion.


The problem is that there are loads of jobs he does that I don't really know how to do, and the pressure is on me to do them. :psyduck:


figure them out. step up to the challenge, this is how you hold on to that promotion (of sorts).

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I'm getting annoyed with seeing people posting nothing but mirrored images taken on their phones. It's the most retarded feature of all time. Why would you even want that? Everything looks off. Aarrgh! Hulk smash!


Goddamnit, my phone has started doing it as well.

Edited by Gocab
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Tired of remasters where nothing substantial is done other than boosting the overall volume.

2005 remaster of Brian Eno's 'Music For Films'; THAT'S how you do a remaster! Compare it to the original CD from the 1980s if you get a chance.

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I'm getting annoyed with seeing people posting nothing but mirrored images taken on their phones. It's the most retarded feature of all time. Why would you even want that? Everything looks off. Aarrgh! Hulk smash!


Goddamnit, my phone has started doing it as well.

wut iz dis?

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I realised I hadn't received an item I ordered from discogs which was marked as 'shipped' 15 days ago so contacted the seller.

Turns out someone blew up his local post office.



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My back is still fucked up. I need to see a chiropractor.

Lower back? When was the last time you flipped or rotated your mattress?


I made my own salsa but I used too much onion. I can still taste it two hours later, blyech

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I realised I hadn't received an item I ordered from discogs which was marked as 'shipped' 15 days ago so contacted the seller.

Turns out someone blew up his local post office.




holy shit wtf

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My back is still fucked up. I need to see a chiropractor.

Lower back? When was the last time you flipped or rotated your mattress?


I made my own salsa but I used too much onion. I can still taste it two hours later, blyech



Yeah, it's the lower back. I flipped it in February.


I was hit by a car while on my bike a few years ago, and this is probably a symptom of that.


i invited someone to like me page, they immediately sent me a request to like one of theirs which i did... they still haven't liked my page.



Thank them for liking your page by sending them a dick pic. Every day.

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Damn, that sucks Braintree. Yeah I hope a chiropractor would be able to help. I know what it feels like, though I've never been involved in that kind of collision.

Dumb fwip time again. I like my new condo, but my neighbors are a family of five of whom the three kids are noisy as fuck. The parents appear to be about my age, and they seem like nice folks. But why they let their kids stomp back and forth yelling in the hallway for half an hour straight every other day is beyond my understanding of what it means to be civilized. And I often hear them crying on top of that. Pretty sure they're the noisiest tenants in the whole building. Hope they find another place soon.

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My noise show was marred by unintended noise (sounded like something wasn't grounded, and the hum overtook everything... of course everybody thought it was deliberate, but it wasn't right at all. I wanted to stop, but the show must go on).

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frickin' family cat has attacked my nephew (4) two times in a row when visiting my mom and dad. this last time it used his claws on him and scratched him up about. half an hour later it's on my moms lap purring like nothing happened. stupid cat.

it's also hissed at my grandmas, needless to say they were affraid of him too.

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I should be in Berlin right now, visiting a long time friend I haven't seen in a while who lives there. Right now we should have been together at Berghain for the Raster Noton night with Alva Noto, Grischa Lichtenberger, Emptyset, Kangding Ray, etc... This was going to be such an awesome weekend.


But somehow the flight I had to take got cancelled because "a member of the flight crew got sick". I spent hours at the airport waiting for details and confirmation that I couldn't get in another plane because they were smaller than the one i was meant to take, which means fewer seats available, and mine wasn't in them. Also, there are no proper refunds with EasyJet.


Basically, I lost a couple hundred euros and what could have been one of the best week ends ever because some fucker from the flight crew got diarrhea. I'm devastated, and so is his anus I hope.

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A client sent me some backing vocals to mix into her track, and so far in every take she has sung the entire line 1 semitone flat. I don't really understand how... like it's really hard to sing a melody one key above or below the actual key of a song due to how dissonant that sounds. "So just pitch shift the entire thing up 1 semitone, Zeph." A good suggestion, and maybe I'd consider if the backing track weren't audible in the background of each take. Oi... nice girl though.

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Basically, I lost a couple hundred euros and what could have been one of the best week ends ever because some fucker from the flight crew got diarrhea. I'm devastated, and so is his anus I hope.



that end sentence made me chuckle


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