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the film is at least an hour too long and offers visual spectacle only to prop up a thin script.

so the first film then



lol, precisely



Just bought a ticket for the 12:00 showing today. It's 10:00 now so I best get out of my pyjamas

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the film is at least an hour too long and offers visual spectacle only to prop up a thin script.

so the first film then



lol, precisely



Just bought a ticket for the 12:00 showing today. It's 10:00 now so I best get out of my cock sock


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Liked the review in nytimes



Most revealing bit seems to be this:

Which is not something I’m going to explain, at least as far as it relates to the story. The studio has been unusually insistent in its pleas to critics not to reveal plot points. That’s fair enough, but it’s also evidence of how imaginatively impoverished big-budget movies have become. Like any great movie, Mr. Scott’s “Blade Runner” cannot be spoiled. It repays repeated viewing because its mysteries are too deep to be solved and don’t depend on the sequence of events. Mr. Villeneuve’s film, by contrast, is a carefully engineered narrative puzzle, and its power dissipates as the pieces snap into place. As sumptuous and surprising as it is from one scene to the next, it lacks the creative excess, the intriguing opacity and the haunting residue of its predecessor.

Or, in other words: fanboys will love it, but it doesnt look like it will have the same lasting power as the original


To be fair, the original didn't fare well at the box office, and only years later did it become a cult classic.

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Just bought a ticket for tonight. My theater doesn't have IMAX so I did the GPX option, basically just more speakers and nice seats (will be helpful with a three hour movie).

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i hate to sound like a predictable parody of myself, but there's just no other way - it was trash. the script is extremely mechanical and lifeless. there's no flow, it's really just a bunch of scenes where the characters explain the state of things to the viewer. nothing felt like a real dialogue. and to add insult to injury, there are two or three in-film flashbacks with those reverb-y line readings that "assist" the explanation of the plot even further, god forbid someone might have misunderstood what was so painfully obvious and predictable. it's all just a bunch of sci fi tropes, there's nothing magical or mysterious about this, not even the corny poetry of the original ala "tears in the rain". there was an attempt to pull something like that with that jared leto character, but it's a fucking jared leto, so how could that even work? yes the visuals and the environments are impressive and backed with those vangelis motives do provoke the feels from time to time, but that's clearly not enough.

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  1. extremely mechanical and lifeless.
  2. there's no flow
  3. just a bunch of scenes where the characters explain the state of things
  4. in-film flashbacks with those reverb-y line readings
  5. it's all just a bunch of sci fi tropes
  6. there's nothing magical or mysterious
  7. fucking jared leto
  8. do provoke the feels from time to time

Sounds pretty fookin' IDM to me m8

Edited by auxien
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If Eugene likes something it's always worth checking out, he's good to have around.

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As a huge fan of the original film and soundtrack, this was about as good as a sequel could be. But it was almost 3 hours. Harrison is old, and he brings that to every 80s franchise he revisits, but it was beautiful, and in my mind, what Ghost in the Shell should have been. The soundtrack played it safe, doing as much service to Vangelis as possible. Definitely watch the 3 web prequels before going.

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As a huge fan of the original film and soundtrack, this was about as good as a sequel could be. But it was almost 3 hours. Harrison is old, and he brings that to every 80s franchise he revisits, but it was beautiful, and in my mind, what Ghost in the Shell should have been. The soundtrack played it safe, doing as much service to Vangelis as possible. Definitely watch the 3 web prequels before going.



Haven't seen the film yet but the soundtrack is just bland and boring, Zimmer tooling away on the CS80 or pounding you into submission with his super-heavy approach. It's nothing like Vangelis at all. It's so far below what he achieved, it's not even funny. There are no real identifiable melodies - in fact the only real melody on here is the Vangelis track towards the end.


Seriously, go back and listen to the original again, it's chock full of ideas - even on the very small, almost incidental pieces. 


I'm still hopeful I will enjoy the film but the soundtrack is a fucking travesty. Even without the BR baggage, this would be a very weak effort indeed.

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