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Hatred looks pretty dumb, it's trying SO hard to be edgy and controversial, but it seems like the game itself would become boring quite fast...

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Apparently it's making mad money on steam.

Edited by Gocab
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Man, I'm really starting to love The Witcher. For me it had a 10 hour learning curve but I'm glad glad I stuck with it. It's fucking awesome to to hunt down bandits and cut them in half.


I'm level 8 now and level 6 missions are still hard as shit.

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a few thoughts about witcher 3 (after completing it) and modern gaming in general, MAJOR SPOILERS AHEAD.


story wise i think it's the most involving game i've ever played and it sets a new benchmark for upcoming games.


dialogues are extremely well written to a degree that you feel like actually talking to real people and not manipulating a game. voicing all of them is a major part of getting it work so well and as sad as it sounds indie developers with limited budget trying to make a decent story driven game with a multitude of characters will never succeed with just blobs of texts, it just can't reach that level. i still have my unfinished pillars of eternity and i don't think i'll even bother for a while.


you actually need to think before making dialogue choices to predict what the outcome will be, gathering prior information which the game scatters all over the world is essential. it's far from lifelike but it's still the best there is. i got a real bummer ending with my choices when it comes to main characters where ciri either dies or disappears and gerald goes emo and maybe even kills himself, depends on the interpretation. and from what i read the choices involved into a getting a particular ending are pretty crude.


i think i've invested about 150 hours in it, most of which i enjoyed a lot. it's just ridiculous that there are 10-15 hours max single player games asking for the same 60$ price.


details and graphics are simply amazing, novigrad is incredibly vivid and i was awed each time i got a new piece of armor as every single seam is beautifully realized.


when it comes to animation, physics engine and interaction of characters and other physical objects with the world it was perfected by rockstar in gta 4 and its subsequent games with its euphoria engine and for some reason no other game reached that level. there's a lot of hilariously glitchy shit when it comes to this in witcher.






interface is shit because it's attuned to consoles and it makes crafting and alchemy very daunting.


now the actual gameplay and gameplay mechanics is where this game stumbles a lot. there's actually not enough variety when it comes to monsters and locations to explore. there are some pretty major imbalances when it comes to loot as everything besides witcher gear (which is easy to obtain is pointless). after velen it's very easy to become overleveled and the game becomes much less challenging, though i played on normal difficulty. the potion system is idiotic and immersion breaking, with herbs and plants scattered everywhere what's the point in this "meditate with one bottle of alcohol to replenish every single potion, oil and bomb". the toxicity mechanic with some tweaks would good enough to prevent potion spamming and would demand a more careful planning.


i've complained about it many times already but the fast travel mechanic and quest gps in rpg games needs to die, (i hope fallout 4 will deal with the former by introducing vehicles or something). there are ways to fill the traveling time with all kinds of wandering quest givers and other interesting challenges. and it is easy to provide details about quest locations via dialogue and other clues instead of relying to straight out pointing to it on the map, this game demands thinking when it comes to dialogue choices but none of that when it comes to more conventional questing.


the conclusion/endings are very haphazard, you basically begin constructing your narrative from the very first quests and spend tens of hours on it but everything is concluded with a couple of minutes with a few slides and narration. the epilogue is very beautiful though even with my bummer ending.

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Still rockin Brutal Doom version 20. Nothing like frying Barons of Hell in mere seconds with dual plasma guns. That's just the tip of the iceberg tho obviously.

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Super Meat Boy coming to PS4 (at long last)!


Capcom re-re-re-re-re-releasing Mega Man Legacy Collection on PS4 (and others) - only MM 1-6 though.




Has a Challenges mode that "remixes" parts of the classic games with specific challenges a-la NES Remix, and if it has trophy support, I might just justify playing through MM 1-6 again...


Funny they didn't throw in 7&8 (and 9&10) - but 7 and 8 were not 8-bit style...

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Guest bitroast

Super Meat Boy coming to PS4 (at long last)!


Capcom re-re-re-re-re-releasing Mega Man Legacy Collection on PS4 (and others) - only MM 1-6 though.




Has a Challenges mode that "remixes" parts of the classic games with specific challenges a-la NES Remix, and if it has trophy support, I might just justify playing through MM 1-6 again...


Funny they didn't throw in 7&8 (and 9&10) - but 7 and 8 were not 8-bit style...


maan. capcom keep re-releasing the same megaman games over and over again yet cancelling the new games.

could be a way to gauge player interest in the megaman series but seriously, it's getting to the point where it feels like capcom just don't care about the series anymore. feeling very inclined to need feed them any money for rehashing more lazy re-release crap.


meat boy on the vita on the other hand is very excited. the game seems soooo well suited for the handheld and im happy to finally have the opportunity to sink some time into it on the fly :)

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this was fkn amazing - absolutely solid dystopian cyberpunk future adventure game.

i highly rate all for wadjet eye's games (gemini rue is also pretty amazing - sci-fi noir) but they're not very well known


Ah, it's from the people who did Gemini Rue. I really need to play that game again now that I have an iPad



yeah brilliant game


i.e. technobabylon

Edited by Berk
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this was fkn amazing - absolutely solid dystopian cyberpunk future adventure game.

i highly rate all for wadjet eye's games (gemini rue is also pretty amazing - sci-fi noir) but they're not very well known


Ah, it's from the people who did Gemini Rue. I really need to play that game again now that I have an iPad



yeah brilliant game


i.e. technobabylon



Finally gets a mention! Been thoroughly enjoying so far. Some of the puzzles remind me of Beneath a Steel Sky

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super meat boy destroyed me. i like a bit of sadistic difficulty, but i got to around world 4, and when youve spent 5 hours on one level, enough is enough. apparently its easier with a gamepad though.

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Did anyone try the Star Wars DLC for I Am Bread?


Watching playthrus of Splatoon, there are 60 bonus levels locked behind that Amiibo pay wall. Really lame, Nintendo. Not even a bundle for the US.

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Did anyone try the Star Wars DLC for I Am Bread?


Watching playthrus of Splatoon, there are 60 bonus levels locked behind that Amiibo pay wall. Really lame, Nintendo. Not even a bundle for the US.

So wait - you MUST buy the Amiibos in order to play any of the bonus levels? Makes sense, as long as the bonus levels are not a majority of the game's content.

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Did anyone try the Star Wars DLC for I Am Bread?


Watching playthrus of Splatoon, there are 60 bonus levels locked behind that Amiibo pay wall. Really lame, Nintendo. Not even a bundle for the US.


I did, I have, it's amazing. More fun than most of the Stars Wars games, and loaded with hideously bad puns.

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Did anyone try the Star Wars DLC for I Am Bread?


Watching playthrus of Splatoon, there are 60 bonus levels locked behind that Amiibo pay wall. Really lame, Nintendo. Not even a bundle for the US.

So wait - you MUST buy the Amiibos in order to play any of the bonus levels? Makes sense, as long as the bonus levels are not a majority of the game's content.


Yeah they're are like 20 challenege levels for each amiibo that when you complete you end up with a couple of unique pieces of gear....in all honesty though the amiibos aren't totally neccessary (even though they're super fun). The challenge levels are just variations of single player levels (like play through the level with only a limited amount of ink or a certain amount of time or a certain weapon). Also, the pieces of gear you get from those challenges can easily be outmatched by pieces of gear you can buy once you're level 20.


They are definite cons to this game that will be fixed throughout the summer come August (ie. the ability to join battles with friends as a team and not get shuffled around every map, 3 maps on rotation instead of 2 every 4 hours, more maps and game modes, "splatfests" so you can get some free rerolls of abilities and not have to spend 30,000 gold) but there are also a lot of mischaracterizations in reviews of this game as well (ie. mandatory motion controls, general nintendo hate for choosing a more "kid-friendly" aesthetic than a typical shooter).


But as someone who can easily get burnt out on multiplayer games that offer too much (looking at you battlefield) this whole staggered release schedule (not to mention Nintendo's willingness to engage with the community) is absolutely refreshing to see. Especially considering the fact that everyone seems to think the "wii u is dying quicker than the Dreamcast".


Note: My Nintendo Network ID for those that want to add me is: locustlx

Second note: I just realized how much I love using parenthesis (It wasn't intentional...except this time)

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