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Wake me up when No Man's Sky is out. (goes into self-induced coma)

Bit worried about the game, hopefully they just haven't revealed a big play mechanic as at the moment it just looks like it'll be amazing for the first hour flying from planet to planet, but soon you'll just be doing the same thing again and again with slightly different coloured land and animals and tress.


True...although I still admire the concept of procedurally-generated planets and the aesthetic appeal overall. I'm generally more into sci-fi than fantasy/gothic/steampunk-themed games. More the weird, abstract kind of sci-fi though, than something like Starcraft, Halo, or Mass Effect that take place in an already well-established universe.

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Undertale is an amazing game. It blew my mind when I first played it, but my second playthrough has been even more amazing (for those who played the game as well, I did the True Pacifist Route and almost cried).

10/10 will play again to try the different endings. That's a real must have if you're into RPG (or even if you're not !). Such a funny and wonderfully crafted game !

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That Resident Evil game looks like shit. RE1-5 are some of favorite games ever though.


I agree with the No Man's Sky worries, it looks like it would get old in a hurry, despite being gorgeous.

And all the animals on the planet make the same stupid noise. They all sorta sound like the t-Rex baby from The Lost World
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Isn't The Witness out by now? How is it? I may pick it up over the weekend.

Came out yesterday, today in the UK. Getting pretty good reviews - I might have to bite and get it...

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i foresee the cost of witness dropping pretty quickly and ending up on some ps+ sales or free game in the next year or so. can wait. haven't read too much about it for fear of spoiling da puzzles. might replay antichamber or something. although it's hard to recapture the first play through and those huge "aha!" moments

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Still not cracked antichamber. This puzzle. This bloody puzzle has got me for on and off for ~6 months now:




I'm nearly there, can make most of the blocks but then the bits stick together and moving one moves another and .... aghhh !

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hmm... i can't really remember just from a screenshot. i think i got held up for the longest time by not really figuring out how the fucking green gun works. i just blew by whatever hints the game was giving me somehow. i honestly only remember the blue gun and green gun. lol i'll probably have a hard time beating it again ;O


is this before or after the green gun? it could be involved in your problem

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so like, then you understand how the green gun works fully? if that is your screen shot i have a thought but i could be totally off base. potential game mechanic/puzzle spoiled below so read at your own risk.



it seems like part of the problem is your limited ammo? once you have the green gun you can give yourself unlimited arrow by drawing squares with the gun. the voids left by the square will be completely filled by more ammo. you can draw increasingly bigger squares to give yourself what is essentially infinite ammo which may give you enough juice to fill in that bit your after and open the door?



of course you might've already known that and i could be completely off base


good luck tonite!

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Ah sorry, no it's someone elses (was the only shot online I could find of that puzzle). I'm able to ...


Spoilers for those that haven't played it:


make all the extra squares like you mention, and can drag them around using the middle mouse button. Though for some reason when I get to a certain number of squares it annoyingly pulls the squares from one bit to another - moving a square to cover one of the trigger points (the black dashes) pulls the shape in such a way that it uncovers the trigger point on the opposite side! Seems like I have to create a certain specific number of cubes and if I make too many it makes the puzzle unsolvable....


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hmm... no idea. i'd need to be back in it to get it i think. talking about it really makes me want to play it again though! i guess it's quite possible that i got past that lock by just frantically spraying shit until something stuck but most of the puzzles don't work that way so i like to think i figured it out myself.


i bought it as soon as it launched. played it for like 2-3 hrs and got hopelessly stuck. put it away for months. picked it back up one weekend and hammered through it (couple more 2-3 hr sessions). maybe your time away will give you some fresh perspective

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Guest bitroast

the witness seems lush. seems like a big JUMBO sized puzzle book set in zen virtual reality post modern holiday island.

half wondering if im supposed to be keeping a log of the puzzles im doing to keep track of where im at and to better crack the later puzzles, as opposed to just wander around aimlessly and touch anything i can see that looks like it has an interaction (which is how ive been playing it on first playthrough). kind of overwhelming and intimidating that i can't press start and track my progress, for example.

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