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i think most people go to the movies because they crave popcorn, this used to happen to me when i was younger, i got craving for popcorn and HAD to go to the movies just so i can eat popcorn while watching a movie i could probably wait for home release.

Edited by Deer
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^ it is one of the few films I have laughed uncontrollably at. the tone of it is just so fucked up and absurd, it's impossible to take it seriously.

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It's a fucking absurd movie that's for sure.


I watched Captain Phillips. Pretty good. Actually, it was way better than I had expected. Definitely worth a watch.

I didn't rate it. Thought the little character development there was was slap dash and lazy. I lost interest half way through.

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Lawrence Kasdan directed that piece of shit, the guy who co-wrote Empire Strikes Back, Return of the Jedi, Raiders of the Lost Ark, and oh yeah a little movie called Star Wars Episode VII. Edited by Rubin Farr
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yeah that one is bad




second viewing. is it possible to think a movie is great based on one sequence? because the mayan city sequence is pretty badass. rest of the movie, not so much.




zzzzz. boring as fuck, couldn't finish this one. tarkovsky is not for me, i think. didn't help that this is one of the worst "remastered" transfers i've ever seen. shame on kino video.


the act of killing


late entry for best film of the year. gonna watch it with that herzog commentary on.

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I agree on Apocalypto, that sequence is pure visual lsd. It's interesting how with so many historical films and tv shows, even if they have the budget for costumes and sets, there's always something about the camerawork, or green screen, or acting that is too self conscious, and tips the hand that you are watching a re-creation. But Gibson at his best certainly has a knack for "taking you there" in the most visceral way.


I think the movie is actually all pretty good up until the escape from the city. The subsequent chase sequence is rather lame though. Didn't mind the surprise ending, though I can see why someone might dislike it. Overall I liked the actors Gibson chose, really like films with non-pro actors. If he had made the chase scene a bit more plausible it could have been a classic, I think. A simple, powerful story told in an unusual place and time.

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holyshit- this was batshit crazy and amazing. one of the greatest superhero films i've ever watched (right up there with the santo classic 'misterio en las bermuda'


9 italian expats living in spain getting rescued by a guy in a pajama suit out of 10

Edited by Nebraska
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The Lone Ranger - bomb/10 one of the fakest looking crapfests I've ever seen, def one of Depp's worst, and a collosssal failure on every level. Why was the classic theme like 100 x louder than the rest of the movie???

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Inside Llewyn Davis - 6/10 or 7/10 possibly if I see it again


Oscar Isaac has a beautiful voice and it was very obviously him just singing in front of the camera - no movie magic syncing up a prerecorded vocal track. All of this I consider necessary for a film about music. Would have liked to see more about life in 1960s New York, even just in the subtle charming ways like A Serious Man did, but I expect they were working with a different, perhaps smaller budget and it's not as easy to transform the west village into 1961 as it is to simply film a suburb of bloomington, mn that hasn't changed in 50 years.


At some level seems like coen bros by the numbers: Great and unexpected casting, episodic plot, confusing jokes, and john goodman being an asshole. And there's nothing wrong with that, but it doesn't make this film stick out either. I came away with basically the same thing as A Serious Man: You're fucked either way; you're going to have a shit life no matter how hard you try. This one had more of a certain craving of that shit life and it becoming a self-fulfilling prophecy. Anyway, anyone should see every coen brothers film at least once - not sure this needs a cinema screen but it has some great moments.

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Forbidden Zone (meets Analord)


watched Forbidden Zone on mute with vinyls 1 - 6 of AFX's Analord.......it was an experience to say the least

don't think i'll ever be able to watch Forbidden Zone with its original sound ever again.

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American Hustle:


Christian Bale -> awesome

Amy Adams -> quite good

Bradley Cooper -> give me a fucking break

Jennifer Lawrence -> get me the fuck out of here






I agree / 190

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i never thought they could pull of a *Real* documentary that made me feel as fucked up afterwards as Man Bites Dog, but Act of Killing did it.

I loved Inside Llewyn Davis, it's a little 'light' but i thought it was very effective. 9/10

Edited by John Ehrlichman
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the wolf of wall street - funny as fuck,goodfellas/wall street combo,maybe half an hour too long(less of the motivational speeches wouldn,t have hurt) but when its good its really good,di caprio,s voiceover sounds exactly like ray liotta,s in goodfellas 8/10 also...margot robbie 10/10

Edited by sunshine recorder
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i thought this was going to be great (considering everyone is raving about it) but ended up being a big "meh" for me. it's been shot very well- but it's more like an artsy look at a slave's condition rather than an actual account of a slave's life. i didn't even get to the parts with brad pitt due to how uninteresting i found it. has nobody watched roots?





i got to the part where christan bale is giving those coats to amy adams then left the room (my girlfriend is still watching it).

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here is a movie trying to tell you a story about the first legal brothel in nevada but i'm guessing the director has never been in a brothel- so the film bypasses telling you that story and instead focuses on the frustrated wife. anyhoo- it's got quite a number of hot chicks playing the hookers, but since we never focus on that- it might as well not really have even bothered.




helen mirren is looking very foxy in this too

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it's a commentary track, not a narration, and no, i wouldn't watch the film like that first. i already saw it once, hence my statement that it's the film of the year.

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