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Get Out - 6/10


Something rather fundamental irked me about this movie - the whole film is trying to make a big deal about racism and stuff, and the main character is portrayed (and referred to) as being an African-American.


But the actor is not. The actor is English. Why couldn't they have just had the character be English?


Reminded me of that time when that runner was interviewed and they referred to him as an African-American.


I know it might seem silly, but this really tainted the film for me.


I agree with you (not seeing the film), but i would go further - why should i believe in all these overhyped celebrities acting in movies incl. "serious" movies by big-name directors. There's a lot in acting that's purely about appearance (that is why the most high-paid actors are such) and their appearance is littered beyond any acting skills, moreover the whole industry and, broadly, culture is more invested in hyping up on-screen idols.


Seriously, fuck movies - if there's a good one, cool, that's against the wind.

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I love movies. I prefer actors and actresses pretending to be someone they're not. I also very much enjoy hating, among other things; films I haven't seen, books I haven't read, music I haven't heard, things I don't understand and people I've never met. I give my life a weak 3.8/10

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Raw (Grave) - This nearly lived up to the hype for me. Sort of like a bloodier Repulsion in some ways. Big up Garance Marillier, thought she was v good in this.

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The Monster - By the end I felt sorry for me. I could have been playing my keyboard. I could have been doing anything else. If I had known it was by the bloke who done The Strangers I wouldn't have bothered in the first place. Almost as bad as Blair Witch but far more irritating. I am angry.

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The Blackcoat's Daughter - Produced by the guy who directed The Monster and The Strangers. Nothing about this flick really worked for me. I think little Sally Draper was suitably creepsome, but for the most part I was bored to tears.

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had a bit of a sequel weekend:


Trainspotting 2 - goddamn this was depressing.  it was good to see the old gang again, and they laid the 90s nostalgia on pretty thick, but it was more of a character study and statement on growing old, or holding grudges and regressing, a mixed message.



John Wick 2 - a higher budget, and more exploration on the mythology of The Continental society.  Great gunplay, more characters, and I liked the ending they set up.  His body count was crazy.

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I just watched 'Guest Of Cindy Sherman' about the American artist of the same name. It was pretty good.


I think keanu reeves and nebraska would enjoy this, (if they've not already seen it).

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Cure for wellness: 2/5


There was a lot left to be desired from the way the story was being given to me. I got beautiful photography, and locations, creepy acting and man there was a lot of tension through out that kept building, and streching like a rubber band, ready to snap. But the story became a joke by the end, could have been more direct maybe? The delivery of the main story, that is. The creepy smile at the end? What was that... Just added to the confusion for me.

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Cure for wellness: 2/5


There was a lot left to be desired from the way the story was being given to me. I got beautiful photography, and locations, creepy acting and man there was a lot of tension through out that kept building, and streching like a rubber band, ready to snap. But the story became a joke by the end, could have been more direct maybe? The delivery of the main story, that is. The creepy smile at the end? What was that... Just added to the confusion for me.



Yeah, I watched this too over the weekend. It was utter wank. 2/5 is being generous.

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Cure for wellness: 2/5


There was a lot left to be desired from the way the story was being given to me. I got beautiful photography, and locations, creepy acting and man there was a lot of tension through out that kept building, and streching like a rubber band, ready to snap. But the story became a joke by the end, could have been more direct maybe? The delivery of the main story, that is. The creepy smile at the end? What was that... Just added to the confusion for me.


Yeah, I watched this too over the weekend. It was utter wank. 2/5 is being generous.

My girlfriend and I thought it was us not "getting it" and planning a second watch of it, but I now I see the light... Total wank is what it was... Cheers ?
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stuff you know. the western remake of Ringu. 3 Pirates of the Caribbean films. he also almost did a Bioshock film but that fell through, praise Allah.

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Cure for wellness: 2/5


There was a lot left to be desired from the way the story was being given to me. I got beautiful photography, and locations, creepy acting and man there was a lot of tension through out that kept building, and streching like a rubber band, ready to snap. But the story became a joke by the end, could have been more direct maybe? The delivery of the main story, that is. The creepy smile at the end? What was that... Just added to the confusion for me.


Yeah, I watched this too over the weekend. It was utter wank. 2/5 is being generous.

My girlfriend and I thought it was us not "getting it" and planning a second watch of it, but I now I see the light... Total wank is what it was... Cheers




The most horrifying bit was watching that CGI deer after the car crash.


Eels in jars. Not exactly terrifying. It was like the film wanted be Cronenberg and Lynch but ended up being neither.

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Cure for wellness: 2/5


There was a lot left to be desired from the way the story was being given to me. I got beautiful photography, and locations, creepy acting and man there was a lot of tension through out that kept building, and streching like a rubber band, ready to snap. But the story became a joke by the end, could have been more direct maybe? The delivery of the main story, that is. The creepy smile at the end? What was that... Just added to the confusion for me.

Yeah, I watched this too over the weekend. It was utter wank. 2/5 is being generous.

My girlfriend and I thought it was us not "getting it" and planning a second watch of it, but I now I see the light... Total wank is what it was... Cheers


The most horrifying bit was watching that CGI deer after the car crash.


Eels in jars. Not exactly terrifying. It was like the film wanted be Cronenberg and Lynch but ended up being neither.

Yeah that and old people nudity was quite traumatic
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Gore Verbinski generally makes visually-attractive shit films.


Ah, I didn't know he directed it. All makes sense now.

If Verbinski could find himself a decent script he'd be amazing, but he appears to be going the way of Ridley Scott

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Gore Verbinski generally makes visually-attractive shit films.


Ah, I didn't know he directed it. All makes sense now.

He's like a retarded Steven Soderbergh
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Watched some "these are pretty good but not known horror films according to the internets" films so you don't have to.


Jessabelle, not very scary, very dumb, slightly offensive if you're a borderline sjw like me. Lead actress is weirdly hot. 3/10


The taking of Deborah Logan, just terrible found footage alzheimers horror. Everything worth seeing can be summed up in a single gif.



movie 2/10, gif 9/10


I forgot what the two other ones were, but they were also shit, "underrated" horror films are unknown because they're shit. 2/10


also watched the Nice Guys, I really liked it ): My credibility 2/10 the film 7/10


Oh right, one of the shit ones I forgot was the Conspiracy, could've been fun, but it wasn't.


Aaaand the last one was Grave Encounters. I had actually seen this before but forgotten. This is the worst film. If someone could ban indie horror directors from making found footage films I'd appreciate that. Pls.

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