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i'd rather Lynch just keep making movies, Inland Empire was really good but I fear he's in some kind of weird limbo where its going to take 10 more years to see another movie by him. At least he has transcendental meditation to keep him happy when he's not making movies

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^^^^^^^^ there osc, no points missing...

my lack of faith in the project in based on the fact that Season 2 was maligned due to disinterest / preoccupation with other projects from Lynch's side, the fact that the show was cancelled due to declining figures (as Nebraska has very rightly made a point of) and the fact that it's taken so long for this to be resurrected (or not, as the case may be). It feels like a cash-in. And with the fact that Lynch won't come back on board due to money, kinda seems like that is the case.


Similarly, this X Files miniseries that is supposed to be happening...it seems like the only reason that got wind in it's sails is due to Twin Peaks supposedly being brought back. Neither series really need a continuation. Sometimes, things are okay left as they are.


As an aside, the British series Utopia was a perfect self contained single series run. It was completely self contained, and finished on a great ending.


Then they made series 2, and faltered quite badly (imo).

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I fear he's in some kind of weird limbo where its going to take 10 more years to see another movie by him. At least he has transcendental meditation to keep him happy when he's not making movies


the reason it takes him a long time to get movies made is because he has a difficult time getting funding for the films (everything since lost highway has mostly been financed by studiocanal). also the current state of the film industry doesn't favor art because those films don't make money. they prefer to create a franchise (hence the remakes, reboots or 7 parts of the fast and the furious)

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gutted personally


would've thought the lessons learned from previous Twin Peaks endeavors could've pulled all these strands together into something transcendental


alas not


still, what a catalog from a true American original.....

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I fear he's in some kind of weird limbo where its going to take 10 more years to see another movie by him. At least he has transcendental meditation to keep him happy when he's not making movies


the reason it takes him a long time to get movies made is because he has a difficult time getting funding for the films (everything since lost highway has mostly been financed by studiocanal). also the current state of the film industry doesn't favor art because those films don't make money. they prefer to create a franchise (hence the remakes, reboots or 7 parts of the fast and the furious)


to be honest I don't believe that for a second. John Cusack was interviewed not too long ago following his role in a new Cronenberg movie and he basically said that the race to get oscars or to be seen as a 'serious actor' has essentially ruined sort of the allure of independent films by people like Cronenberg or Lynch. Meaning that even the dumbest most base level actors strategically know now that being in a Lynch movie or a Cronenberg movie is very very good for their career to be taken 'seriously' and not seen as a typical actor. No doubt in my mind that Lynch can procure plenty of funding for a project he wanted to launch. Not saying he has to launch a kickstarter or anything, but plenty of actors would probably be willing to fund a future work of his. but if had to resort to crowd funding dude would do insanely well, his fans are plentiful.


also a lot of other really artsy directors who aren't as well loved as Lynch seem to have plenty ability to at least make multiple films in a decade, even someone as plagued by bad luck and funding as Terry Gilliam has been far more productive than lynch in the 00's. So yeah I'd be very shocked if someone like Lynch had more road blocks in his way to get a production done VS TErry gilliam


now the other side to this that may rub some Lynch fans the wrong way is I've seen (in the making of documentaries to some of his movies) and heard that he can be really hard to work with. Some actors have a great working relationship with him, but his personality can be very fickle. Someone like him I could see just having a very hard time working inside sort of the corporate studio environment, having to do the song and dance required to get funding.

Edited by John Ehrlichman
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to be honest I don't believe that for a second.




It's a very depressing picture. With alternative cinema – any sort of cinema that isn't mainstream – you're fresh out of luck in terms of getting theatre space and having people come to see it. Even if I had a big idea, the world is different now. Unfortunately, my ideas are not what you'd call commercial, and money really drives the boat these days. So I don't know what my future is. I don't have a clue what I'm going to be able to do in the world of cinema.




you're right about actors wanting to work with serious directors, the problem is getting those projects produced is very difficult today. you mentioned terry gilliam as someone able to get many films made, but it's a little more complicated than who's the better director. for one, lynch doesn't explain much about his films. the same frustration a lot of people have in trying to understand what just happened is the same frustration studio execs and producers have in trying to wrap their mind around what they're being asked to produce. this is why mullholland drive was never picked up as a tv show despite the tv execs claiming it was the best pitch they'd ever heard.


i don't know how cronenberg or gilliam get their films financed, but i doubt it's simple for them either. maybe they know the right people or they're very good at networking.


btw: this is the first time i've heard lynch might be really difficult to work with. i always heard (and read) he was really good to work for because he was so unorthodox eg. he gives actors only enough description to sketch the character and they have to fill in the rest. this is why i think his casting is always perfect. because those actors became those characters. can you imagine anyone else playing audrey horne besides sherilyn fenn? but i can see some having a problem his with artistic approach i.e. not telling you what and why certain things are happening or giving you enough backstory about your character.


btw: you said you knew that actors "could probably be willing to fund a future work of his". do you know of any examples where this has happened before to any director? because if this were the case, i don't see why they'd wait until now to do so.

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I was hopeful with Lynch on board, at least I would have tuned in to see if he could recreate the atmosphere.

As Oscillik said, having the founding creators involved doesn't necessarily mean they will have a hit. Also, I am surprised the original cast are so eager to work with Lynch again. I was under the assumption that he left most of the cast floundering when he more or less gave up on the second season. I recall Kyle Maclachlan was very vocal years back in regards to how Lynch abandoned the project.

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I was hopeful with Lynch on board, at least I would have tuned in to see if he could recreate the atmosphere.

As Oscillik said, having the founding creators involved doesn't necessarily mean they will have a hit. Also, I am surprised the original cast are so eager to work with Lynch again. I was under the assumption that he left most of the cast floundering when he more or less gave up on the second season. I recall Kyle Maclachlan was very vocal years back in regards to how Lynch abandoned the project.


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I was hopeful with Lynch on board, at least I would have tuned in to see if he could recreate the atmosphere.

As Oscillik said, having the founding creators involved doesn't necessarily mean they will have a hit. Also, I am surprised the original cast are so eager to work with Lynch again. I was under the assumption that he left most of the cast floundering when he more or less gave up on the second season. I recall Kyle Maclachlan was very vocal years back in regards to how Lynch abandoned the project.



Lol. Yeah, I guess that was a factor too.

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I'm glad they didn't manage to destroy the Twin Peaks' legacy after all. There are so many great tv shows already to even bother. I encourage Lynch to make another movie instead but it must not be simple. Terry Gilliam said this year that when he's making a movie, his name means nothing to investors. He has no name at all. The interviewer was like: but aren't you Terry Gilliam, the great Terry Gilliam?? It must mean something when you are trying to get a movie funded? Nah, it doesn't mean shit anymore. Guys like Gilliam and Lynch had their time during the 80's-90's, the industry has moved on.

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If Twin Peaks was flawless I would share your view but it really is not, some of the episodes from season 2 are remarkably poor and I am the biggest Lynch fanboy around. Revisiting this and putting it right would be glorious.

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If Twin Peaks was flawless I would share your view but it really is not, some of the episodes from season 2 are remarkably poor and I am the biggest Lynch fanboy around. Revisiting this and putting it right would be glorious.


Can't have been easy in that 2nd series with the network pressure to solve the murder, and the cast members starting to interfere with the script.

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Well making season 3 a quarter of a century later was always the furthest thing from being a good idea.


We all know it.

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a big-brother-like small town setup where everyone is their role 24/7, with him walking around with a mini-dv cam and a spliff


Dunno how I missed this but it is genius.

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