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metz is not on the release.

have the track lengths been confirmed at all?

and stop with the read the rules shit, what is that?



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Japan bonuses, hadn't seen these before. Apologies if jazz.




Clear file




Shopping bag



And for all those who've ordered from Amazon Japan, you might get a magnet in with your CD... I got the Japan-only bonus stickers with Exai last year, so they don't have a problem sending them with international orders.

Where do I have to order from to get a chartreuse sticker? They're giving out chartreuse stickers, right? I hope Bleep sends chartreuse stickers. God I fucking want a chartreuse sticker.


All this extra shit they're sending out is confusing. Who's getting what? There's also a Texan record store that will send out Syro cards with a digital code on it or some shit. But it's limited to only that store for some reason.

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Fucking ace detective work, Jason - and if anyone's in doubt that the rest of the tracks won't hold up to the 'known' stuff he's played live... well, trust me - that's just the tip of the iceberg.

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1000 posts about these fu*king 3 tracks !
its confirmend, no its not, yes it is, look at the pbm, no its not, yes it is, YES NO YEEES NO..

srsly guys
3 weeks to go :)

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I knew I could count on appropriate replies at Watmm :)


Thing is, so far Aphex has always changed with every release. If he is now - after 13 years of Aphex Twin hiatus - is coming with the same stuff he has released a few years ago, it's pretty lame to me. E.g. I wouldn't want another ICBYD today. I wanted it in 1995, yes and still love it, yes. But not having a follow-up of it.

You do realize that the majority, if not all of Richard's commercial releases are a few years old (at the least) when they finally come out? ICBYD, which you mentioned has tracks dating back to 1990 on it! Richard takes years to tweak and perfect his tracks - that's why they are so fucking good.

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So even though these live concert tracks have a high probability of being on the album (Which I still want to remain skeptical of) how different do you suppose they'll sound from what he played live?

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Luckily I haven't really listening to the Manchester track yet. I'm pretty familiar with Metz and Singapore though and I'll be very exaited if they're on the release!


Those Japanese bonuses look ace

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Fucking ace detective work, Jason - and if anyone's in doubt that the rest of the tracks won't hold up to the 'known' stuff he's played live... well, trust me - that's just the tip of the iceberg.

thats the stuff.


let he blow our minds.


'phex style.

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Guest lopisode


I'm happy we're getting studio versions, but fuckkk i wish i hadn't blasted them 1,000,000 times over the last few years...

i've barely listened to any of the unreleased live tracks, so i'm a happy camper


same here, so hyped for this release

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I knew I could count on appropriate replies at Watmm :)


Thing is, so far Aphex has always changed with every release. If he is now - after 13 years of Aphex Twin hiatus - is coming with the same stuff he has released a few years ago, it's pretty lame to me. E.g. I wouldn't want another ICBYD today. I wanted it in 1995, yes and still love it, yes. But not having a follow-up of it.


there is a quote from thelonious monk, i'm paraphrasing here: who gives a fuck if the sound is new—is it good?


metz track is one of the most beautiful sounds i've ever heard. sorry, but if you're obsessing about innovation, and being this dejected/pouty before you've heard the album, you can fuck off.

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and if anyone's in doubt that the rest of the tracks won't hold up to the 'known' stuff he's played live... well, trust me - that's just the tip of the iceberg.



Edited by olo
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Fucking ace detective work, Jason - and if anyone's in doubt that the rest of the tracks won't hold up to the 'known' stuff he's played live... well, trust me - that's just the tip of the iceberg.


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I knew I could count on appropriate replies at Watmm :)


Thing is, so far Aphex has always changed with every release. If he is now - after 13 years of Aphex Twin hiatus - is coming with the same stuff he has released a few years ago, it's pretty lame to me. E.g. I wouldn't want another ICBYD today. I wanted it in 1995, yes and still love it, yes. But not having a follow-up of it.


there is a quote from thelonious monk, i'm paraphrasing here: who gives a fuck if the sound is new—is it good?


metz track is one of the most beautiful sounds i've ever heard. sorry, but if you're obsessing about innovation, and being this dejected/pouty before you've heard the album, you can fuck off.


honestly one of the best/most sensible things said on here ever, bravo

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The other thing too is that Manchester and Metz and Singapore are years old so who knows what's been refined about them, what's changed, etc


Probably gonna different than the versions we know

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The hype is making me break out in hives shaped like the aphex symbol. So I made some French toast and the egg made an aphex symbol on my bread. I was willing to chalk both of these up to coincidence when my roommates cat threw up on the floor... In the shape of THREE aphex symbols.


I think it means a new BoC album.

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I've been having so much fun rediscovering how much I absolutely love Aphex Twin. Going through his entire catalog several times over these past few weeks just makes me appreciate the sounds he's pioneered over the years. I'm super confident in anything he puts out under the AT name. Also - if some of the tracks are studio versions of some of the live stuff he's been playing, then I say that's fucking great. I'd rather have polished versions of great tracks that I've heard before rather than 'new' tracks that are 1/2 as good.

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Japan bonuses, hadn't seen these before. Apologies if jazz.




Clear file




Shopping bag



And for all those who've ordered from Amazon Japan, you might get a magnet in with your CD... I got the Japan-only bonus stickers with Exai last year, so they don't have a problem sending them with international orders.

Where do I have to order from to get a chartreuse sticker? They're giving out chartreuse stickers, right? I hope Bleep sends chartreuse stickers. God I fucking want a chartreuse sticker.


All this extra shit they're sending out is confusing. Who's getting what? There's also a Texan record store that will send out Syro cards with a digital code on it or some shit. But it's limited to only that store for some reason.


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i would like to know if this track is on syro (it sounds like aphex to me)



I believe this is EOD or Monolith though I can't tell you the track atm.


I have heard it before though.

Edited by StephenG
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