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Is marijuana use an unspoken rule for posting on WATMM?

Guest drukqs

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Slightly relative to this topic. Found it interesting.


"A minute of secondhand marijuana smoke may damage blood vessels: Study in rats"




This is pretty meaningless especially considering they are claiming it's strictly the burning of the plant matter that causes the issue.


Even more so, when studies have shown marijuana use is beneficial to lung functioning.


Moreover, the decrease in blood vessel function was shown to be temporary.


There's plenty of temporary changes that occur in response to all number of stimuli that are inconsequential.


But there's not even enough detail in this article to accurately understand what was going on in the study.


How much smoke did they expose the rats to? Was it proportional to what a human would experience? What was the composition of the smoke? Was there a difference in response to just plant matter vs plant matter and thc? Did the THC content and cannabinoid composition cause any significant changes in the blood vessel response?

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let's not pretend that putting smoke into your lungs is not going to harm them in any way. your lungs are only made for air, not tar and soot.


but let's not jump on our "smokking weed leads to schizophrenia" high horse, like most drugs it merely exacerbates what is already dormant and likely to catch up with someone anyway. i think cancer and other life threatening diseases are of far greater concern for the average toker, but if you use a vape or bake with it you run a much lower risk of harming yourself (and others with second hand smoke, apparently).


1 minute is a long ass time btw. they should have just got your average college stoner to blow a fat hit over those ratfaced badboys and measure it that way, far more accurate.


Please show me any research where marijuana is negatively associated with any cancer, including lung cancer.


To my knowledge none exists.


Probably because of all the protective agents in marijuana.


Anyway legalization bypasses this a great deal with easy access to cleaner methods of using the medicine.

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let's not pretend that putting smoke into your lungs is not going to harm them in any way. your lungs are only made for air, not tar and soot.


but let's not jump on our "smokking weed leads to schizophrenia" high horse, like most drugs it merely exacerbates what is already dormant and likely to catch up with someone anyway. i think cancer and other life threatening diseases are of far greater concern for the average toker, but if you use a vape or bake with it you run a much lower risk of harming yourself (and others with second hand smoke, apparently).


1 minute is a long ass time btw. they should have just got your average college stoner to blow a fat hit over those ratfaced badboys and measure it that way, far more accurate.


Please show me any research where marijuana is negatively associated with any cancer, including lung cancer.


To my knowledge none exists.


Probably because of all the protective agents in marijuana.


Anyway legalization bypasses this a great deal with easy access to cleaner methods of using the medicine.


it's not marijuana per se but the smoke. like i said, smoke in general is just not good.



It's just weird when people try to demonize cannabis when it's objectively the best medicine on the planet.

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Why are you laughing?


It's works for mood, overall health and longevity, pain, depression, and more.


It physically benefits the body and brain.


Improves the symptoms of epilepsy.


Reduces the size of tumors and possibly helps in the fight against cancer. At the very least in a psychological way.


it works better than ssri's for depression.


Relieves stress.


Improves quality of life.


it works better than pain killers. It's safer than aspirin.


It has few physical side effects; none of which are life-threatening.


Chronic use has minimal negative impact.


In proper dosages and the right setting, it can be utilized for psychological growth, out of the box thinking, problem solving, and spiritual experiences/growth, and more.


In the places it has been legalized in the USA, narcotic deaths are down, drunk driving is down, tax revenue is up, real estate value is up, and crime is possibly down.


Let's be real, if people were chronically abusing any drug you'd want it to be cannabis. It's the best case scenario.

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Man I was savagely drunk like a foul bastard last night and was gonna post some full-moon rant following the above^^^ posts


The next morning I'm very pleased that watmm went off-line at precisely that moment!!! Phew.

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People sitting in idm forumz and whining about the harm of basic friendly drugs


what a fucking joke


no one is whining here. did you even read anything?



No, I generally just assume things. Sorry Mesh, had a grumpy morning yesterday.

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Man I was savagely drunk like a foul bastard last night and was gonna post some full-moon rant following the above^^^ posts


The next morning I'm very pleased that watmm went off-line at precisely that moment!!! Phew.




Marijuana May Protect Against Brain Damage From Binge Drinking Edited by AdieuErsatzEnnui
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On recent holiday tried several new vaporizers. Linx Hypnos Zero is absolutely the best wax pen I've tried, really good ceramic atomizer design, liked it better than Dr Dabber even. Pax2 was a bit of a letdown, I just didn't gel with vaping my flower, smoking seemed to hit me better and faster. Some vaping with a little smoking seemed to work better, or dabbing first then smoking bud.

I couldn't tell the difference between live resin and pressed wax, I'm told some just don't react to resin. Oh well

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have to extol the virtues and values of the Arizer Solo every time, a great if slightly insidious device, for delicious flowers its joyful & triumphant as concentrates are more scare here (and a market more open to lazy purging)


they do a thinner version called tha Arizer Air, but the AS is superb in itself, even if its been stealthified further


its fun blind-testing comrades with just how little shrubbery it takes to transition to nowwwwww, so for cost effectiveness it takes the piss


Hail Satan Arizer!

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vaporizers are super good for me, even if the trade-off is lowered potency, because I have very sensitive air passages and it causes noticeably less inflammation. Also, I don't smoke that often so I'm a bitch anyway. it doesn't need to be super potent. A lot of the time I smoke before i exercise or do yoga so being super stoned isn't even that desirable.



Edited by AdieuErsatzEnnui
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I've never tried smoking before doing yoga. 


I think I will. 


it's literally the best thing ever.


just take like a small hit though. don't want to get too high that you end up laying down after 15 min.


For me it helps me focus on all the parts of my body I can be pushing the stretches more, and it reduces the pain so you can push yourself harder. Also helps you sort of get in the zone and stop thinking.


a little bud and using the rumble roller is also really beneficial. Helps you zone out and not focus on how much it hurts.




If you want a low activity way of inducing heavy endorphin release that's your solution. Great for first thing in the morning or in the evening to help relax.


I often get tight knots in my shoulders and it's really effective at getting them out and getting rid of the pain.


Be warned though. It's a practice in enduring pain to use the thing.

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I've got a roller but not a nice one like that, I have to invest in one. I have problems in my shins and IT bands. I've been doing yoga for a few years, I should have connected the obvious meditative qualities of weed + yoga. 


For some reason I think we may have already had this same conversation lol.  :facepalm:

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