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Now That Trump's President... (not any more!)


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anyone doubt that wikileaks/assange works for russia anymore - unless even this is part of some elaborate russian disinfo

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I liked the part where Assange was fishing for a position as an Australian ambassador.

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well, at least it's obvious what they're trying to do. trying to bend the subject to some safe territory: hacking. which also implies there's actual shit/un-safe territory they're trying to avoid.


you can locate the holes in a cheese by defining where the cheese is, so to speak. after a while you'll end up with a picture with obvious holes. 

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sessions is such an egg faced fucker.


did anyone else try to read the carter page testimony from the other day? that man is also a 100% fruit & nut bar. i got about 40 pages in before my neurons started melting. 

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So today I was interviewing security guard candidates for one of the stores the company I work for runs... if you ever have to do HR stuff, interviewing security individuals is super fucking crazy. But anyways.. The dude I'm interviewing went on a solid 10 minute rant that went from gun rights, to Donald Trump, to liberals and finally ended on his postulations that the earth is flat and history is being guided by the hand of black magic practicing jesuits who also worship satan. 


I kid you not


These are the people who support this idiot. He was so proud to have voted for 'a real man, not some politician'...  All of that rambling was triggered by me answering his question of 'is this an armed position?' with 'no, the state is very strict about absolutely no guns on the property for the store and it is part of the law that even security cannot be armed with a gun' 


Needless to say, I'm going to recommend he replace me as operations director. I'm clearly the sheep libtard who's keeping heliocentricity alive and kicking and the working class in the pits. 

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Needless to say, I'm going to recommend he replace me as operations director. I'm clearly the sheep libtard who's keeping heliocentricity alive and kicking and the working class in the pits.

I know it was tough but I'm proud of you for making the right choice.
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That’s what passes for “political views” in the US now.


I have a rational for a Republican friend who brought up the Uranium One Deal and Mueller bringing a sample of uranium to Russia so I laid down the facts. He was like “I dunno man, I dunno what’s real anymore.” I consider it progress.

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this is all only going to get worse. trump is not americas hitler but i think his presidency will usher the american hitler in.


imagine this scenario:

over the next 3 years the democrats go increasingly democratic socialist. it just happened recently in a number of places. the economy continues to rev up for the rich, and the republican party credits everything to trumpism. meanwhile nothing really gets better for poor people and socialists begin to gain some steam outside of liberal enclaves. in response the right wing media ramps up the red scare tactics x10 and the already strengthened web of christians, nativists and patriot militias will continue to grow as they are bombarded with claims liberal bogeyman terrorists are causing chaos and destruction all around the country. By the end of trumps term the republicans will have casually looked away while politicians directly involved in the patriot movement gained political seats in rural areas all over the country. then come presidential elections the social democrats will be suppressed by media obfuscation while a superficially clean, smart figure (lets say ann coulter) promises to protect the country from the scary communists takes power, and do all the things trump wasnt able to do. the populace, annoyed with trumps incompetence but more fearful and distrusting of the world than ever before, elects a ruthless and efficient patriot who gets to work on securing total power of the republican party.

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So today I was interviewing security guard candidates for one of the stores the company I work for runs... if you ever have to do HR stuff, interviewing security individuals is super fucking crazy. But anyways.. The dude I'm interviewing went on a solid 10 minute rant that went from gun rights, to Donald Trump, to liberals and finally ended on his postulations that the earth is flat and history is being guided by the hand of black magic practicing jesuits who also worship satan. 


I kid you not


These are the people who support this idiot. He was so proud to have voted for 'a real man, not some politician'...  All of that rambling was triggered by me answering his question of 'is this an armed position?' with 'no, the state is very strict about absolutely no guns on the property for the store and it is part of the law that even security cannot be armed with a gun' 


Needless to say, I'm going to recommend he replace me as operations director. I'm clearly the sheep libtard who's keeping heliocentricity alive and kicking and the working class in the pits. 



oh come on.. he's the proverbial "good guy w/a gun". you need to hire him immediately and arm him. put him on the pizzagate case and give him some of the alex jones man pills. 


either that or flush him out the executive trap door in the floor and send him tubing all the way to his couch to watch ancient aliens as a come down from the testosterone bump of infowars.. give him a case of beers and insist that anytime someone, including the narrator, says any of these phrases that he slam a beer:  "you have to wonder...", "you have to ask yourself...", "...mainstream archaeologists..."... 

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in regards to charlottesville:


. When asked why police didn’t do more to stop the bloodshed, Virginia Governor Terry McAuliffe pointed to the riflemen strolling the streets. “It’s easy to criticize, but I can tell you this: 80 percent of the people here had semiautomatic weapons,” the governor said. “You saw the militia walking down the street. You would have thought they were an army … [The militia members] had better equipment than our state police had.”

after watching the recent hoax about antifa holding a nationwide riot on november 4th spread from a random youtube video to fox news, and seeing the militia mvmt gear up for civil war (https://www.snopes.com/is-antifa-planning-a-civil-war/) i have no doubt in my mind that this sort of thing will continue and become more and more oriented toward actively pursuing and oppressing dissent

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this is all only going to get worse. trump is not americas hitler but i think his presidency will usher the american hitler in.


imagine this scenario:

over the next 3 years the democrats go increasingly democratic socialist. it just happened recently in a number of places. the economy continues to rev up for the rich, and the republican party credits everything to trumpism. meanwhile nothing really gets better for poor people and socialists begin to gain some steam outside of liberal enclaves. in response the right wing media ramps up the red scare tactics x10 and the already strengthened web of christians, nativists and patriot militias will continue to grow as they are bombarded with claims liberal bogeyman terrorists are causing chaos and destruction all around the country. By the end of trumps term the republicans will have casually looked away while politicians directly involved in the patriot movement gained political seats in rural areas all over the country. then come presidential elections the social democrats will be suppressed by media obfuscation while a superficially clean, smart figure (lets say ann coulter) promises to protect the country from the scary communists takes power, and do all the things trump wasnt able to do. the populace, annoyed with trumps incompetence but more fearful and distrusting of the world than ever before, elects a ruthless and efficient patriot who gets to work on securing total power of the republican party.



there's many more things to factor in. voter suppression, gerrymandering, unintended consequences, natural disasters, black swan events etc.. 


there are some things that seem predictable though.. we'll see what happens at the midterms and w/the meuller investigation. 


i think the chaos of this administration is intentional to some degree and they will try to thrive on it. everyone's looking at the left hand and the right hand is doing the dirt. 

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this is all only going to get worse. trump is not americas hitler but i think his presidency will usher the american hitler in.



I'm more optimistic. Sort of, shit will get messy and worse before it gets better. But the ignorance of America rivals that of apathy. Trump's win was his ability to sway the "I dunno but why not" crowd that usually doesn't vote at all. For every hypocritical, delusional, cynical asshat Trump supporter there's a Ken Bone voter who is likely helping keep Trump's approval rating low as hell, or copping out in expressing any opinion on what's going on.


The GOP is falling apart. I hardly read into latest Mueller probe stuff or election speculation but I know enough about the Moore fiasco to realize how fucking absurd and even hilarious the clusterfuck of Republican rhetoric has gone to win seats and not even try to espouse idealolgy. Alabama, one of the most conservative, bible thumbing states in the union, might literally vote in a Progressive Democrat into the Senate this December because the GOP primary generated a win by an alleged pedophile fundamentalist bigot. The whole path from Tea Party astroturfing to what we have now is going to be an incredibly sad and upsetting but fascinating thing to look back on.


America will eventually give up on Trump and right-wing nationalism, not out of a lockstep move back to morality and sensibility, but because it isn't amounting to dick.

Edited by joshuatx
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