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                                                                                        The Art of the Deal vs. Here's the Deal

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Biden's one hope is staring down that camera and shutting out the noise. Trump can't quite do that convincingly, he thrives on the banter, the noise, the stage. Biden has that stern conviction in the eyes to play the Big Brother I Want Your Vote.

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1 hour ago, ignatius said:


When an individual as apt at effortlessly lying can't even bullshit a half-assed denouncement of a far-right wing nationally organized street thug group it speaks volumes. He's literally talking to the 2020 equivalent of brownshirts and blackshirts

American WATMMers, get to know your neighbors and pinpoint any concerning folks in your vicinity. Make sure you know how to contact friends and family you trust. Be cautious in displaying signs and bumper stickers. Stock up like it's early COVID19 days again. If you safely and legally can, buy a firearm and ammo. While I'm a tad drunk and paranoid I will repeat what I've said for awhile now: shit's going to get a lot worse in the next few months and it'll be rough after the election even in the best case scenario. 

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4 hours ago, Roo said:

Four more awful years. And deserved, an equal farce that Sanders isn't the candidate.

Four more years IF WE’RE LUCKY. 

Sanders would be a dream but the dumb country spoke, didn’t it. Now, we just gotta vote for joe like we’re voting for Bernie and get this thing done. 

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8 hours ago, Soloman Tump said:

This is exactly how I felt for the last UK election, and the one before that. 

Nonsense. The options in the last UK election were “a turd” and “a turd and throwing the country off a cliff”.

In the US it’s not between turds either, it’s between a corrupt career politician and an out and out psycho puppeteered by fascists. I can’t for the life of me understand why people are even bothering to discuss the turdiness of Joe Biden. Just hold your nose and vote for him, dammit.

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He incited white supremacists to go to polling stations and observe how people are voting.

I live in San Francisco, but if I still lived in Ohio I would feel that I should buy a gun.

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Stand by were his words. It's fucking  insane is what it is. Seriously. Babby Jesus cried.


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Jesus, what the hell was that? I'm all for open discourse, but there were several moments when they seriously should have just turned Trump's mic off. Biden was pretty weak too; the last thing you want to do is let the big bully make you play on his terms. You need to smother him with facts. But Biden did not even really use Trump's completely messing up the Covid situation to his advantage, instead resorting to template statements, laughing, shaking his head in disbelief and calling him a clown. You can't take the high road with this guy, you have to stay calm and confront him with the reality, with actual numbers. But the problem with Biden is that he has no presence; it too often felt like he was muttering to himself, and then his appeals to the viewers felt stilted.

But yeah, the moderation should have stopped Trump's constant heckling for good early on. That was not only ungraceful or "unpresidential",  but unacceptable behavior.

"I'm the one that brought football back." Donald J. Trump, President of the United States of America.

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Biden was pretty timid at the start, but I thought he finished strongly, got more energised as it progressed. And overall he was perfectly cogent and switched on, rubbishing the idiotic notion that he's suffering from dementia.

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there really is no need for another one of these and IMO the media, tv networks, etc. need to band together and agree to not show or cover the next debate. donald is need of serious psychological help and needs to be placed in a psychiatric hold, not propped up in front of a camera. he acts essentially the same way as a mentally ill street person, except he wears a suit and has horrible hair.

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42 minutes ago, caze said:

Biden was pretty timid at the start, but I thought he finished strongly, got more energised as it progressed. And overall he was perfectly cogent and switched on, rubbishing the idiotic notion that he's suffering from dementia.

I think a lot of the perceived dementia talk comes from how he appears when using the tools he has developed to cope with his stammer.  I struggle with that myself and thus am very acutely aware of what he's doing and can recognize it from a mile away.  The relaxed and constant facial expressions, the muttering softly to start a sentence, spending a few extra moments searching for the easiest way to speak a sentence...  It would be very hard for him to freestyle what he's feeling into words in any moment.  It's actually extremely frustrating and stressful to not be able to express yourself that way sometimes, so I give him lots of credit for that.

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1 hour ago, zero said:

there really is no need for another one of these and IMO the media, tv networks, etc. need to band together and agree to not show or cover the next debate. donald is need of serious psychological help and needs to be placed in a psychiatric hold, not propped up in front of a camera. he acts essentially the same way as a mentally ill street person, except he wears a suit and has horrible hair.

His impulse control certainly leaves a lot to be desired.

Seriously though, what a shitshow. That was a low point for TV as much as for democracy.

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