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NOT Coronavirus COVID-19

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Wasn't this already known in 2020? Not the 80% bit, which I wouldn't take too seriously btw. But that some percentage of people obtained dental issues after covid. 

As far as I'm aware, there hasn't been an established causal link at this time. So it might be that people with a bunch of (genetic) sensitivities or weaknesses get F-d up by covid in such a way that those weaknesses or predispositions suddenly show up as well. But stuff like this gets murky and complex pretty quick. Is there a causal link when someone with covid suddenly have all kinds of predisposed weaknesses popping up? You could argue either way, I guess. The latest I've read was that the process with which people can have effects in their brain from covid was uncovered. To me, that's the point where I'd argue: yeah, there's probably causality.

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just talked to my mom. she woke w/a sore throat on saturday. worse on sunday and today. head cold feeling, fever of 100ish and other covid symptoms. no breathing issues and it's not in her chest. she's done like 4 tests all negative. went to pharmacy to get PCR test to be sure. will know in 1 to 2 days. 

fingers crossed it's not covid. 

she's super cautious. only goes to grocery store. wears a mask. but has had some repair guy at her house fixing some things but she wasn't around him even when he was inside. 


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omicron specific vaccine boosters likely available in a few weeks. 


moderna and pfizer are coming per national news networks today


so that's good. 

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Interesting and promising study into long-covid. Seems that low cortisol levels might be a good biomarker to diagnose long-covid.


SARS-CoV-2 infection can result in the development of a constellation of persistent sequelae following acute disease called post-acute sequelae of COVID-19 (PASC) or Long COVID13. Individuals diagnosed with Long COVID frequently report unremitting fatigue, post-exertional malaise, and a variety of cognitive and autonomic dysfunctions13; however, the basic biological mechanisms responsible for these debilitating symptoms are unclear. Here, 215 individuals were included in an exploratory, cross-sectional study to perform multi-dimensional immune phenotyping in conjunction with machine learning methods to identify key immunological features distinguishing Long COVID. Marked differences were noted in specific circulating myeloid and lymphocyte populations relative to matched control groups, as well as evidence of elevated humoral responses directed against SARS-CoV-2 among participants with Long COVID. Further, unexpected increases were observed in antibody responses directed against non-SARS-CoV-2 viral pathogens, particularly Epstein-Barr virus. Analysis of circulating immune mediators and various hormones also revealed pronounced differences, with levels of cortisol being uniformly lower among participants with Long COVID relative to matched control groups. Integration of immune phenotyping data into unbiased machine learning models identified significant distinguishing features critical in accurate classification of Long COVID, with decreased levels of cortisol being the most significant individual predictor. These findings will help guide additional studies into the pathobiology of Long COVID and may aid in the future development of objective biomarkers for Long COVID.



(still in preprint!)

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  • 4 weeks later...

Got my updated omicron bivalent booster (Moderna) yesterday. The shot was one of the most painless shots I’ve ever had (btw I’m terrified of needles and get nauseous, break into sweats, etc) but today my arm hurts like hell. Also, yesterday I had a headache and some joint/muscle cramps… as well as some of the worst farts I’ve ever had in my life. Grade A paint-peelers. Anyone else have bad gas after their shots?


Go get those shots peeps. even though the news says cases are going down, it seems like everyone I know is getting covid. 

Edited by J3FF3R00
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got the updated pfizer booster friday. was fine. easiest of all the shots i guess.. though i only had a bit of weirdness w/the very first shot and only for a couple hours. 

anyway.. feeling good about updated booster. takes away another layer of worry about the virus/long covid potential.

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  • 1 month later...
  • 1 month later...

was on the rona a month ago. i survived without any long term shit. well, apart from the super resistance! ;D

had 5 days of flue/cold symptoms, with the peak in the first night. That night was pretty f-ing rough. had a broken night where a couldn't sleep long than an hour in a go. After every hour i simply awoke because of the sensation my head was going to explode. probably also due because i wasn't smart enough to put two pillows under my head. second night used a second pillow and things improved significantly. Apart from that, i experienced it as a severe cold. very short, but severe. was vaxxed a year ago. no boosters in the meantime. after those 5 days my throat was still pretty sensitive. a couple of diners with a bunch of friends i had since there were some annoying coughs. really annoying. coughing during a pandemic makes people nervous. but everything seems to be normal now.

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8 minutes ago, Satans Little Helper said:

was on the rona a month ago. i survived without any long term shit. well, apart from the super resistance! ;D

had 5 days of flue/cold symptoms, with the peak in the first night. That night was pretty f-ing rough. had a broken night where a couldn't sleep long than an hour in a go. After every hour i simply awoke because of the sensation my head was going to explode. probably also due because i wasn't smart enough to put two pillows under my head. second night used a second pillow and things improved significantly. Apart from that, i experienced it as a severe cold. very short, but severe. was vaxxed a year ago. no boosters in the meantime. after those 5 days my throat was still pretty sensitive. a couple of diners with a bunch of friends i had since there were some annoying coughs. really annoying. coughing during a pandemic makes people nervous. but everything seems to be normal now.

it's still so random w/how it hits people. many it's no big deal.. many like your experience and others.. even though vax'd etc get laid out for a long time and had the long covid shit. 

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Just now, ignatius said:

it's still so random w/how it hits people. many it's no big deal.. many like your experience and others.. even though vax'd etc get laid out for a long time and had the long covid shit. 

yeah. a colleague  - who is a general practitioner (non active) - initially didn't have longterm symptoms after his episode. but he slowly developed slowly some longterm symptoms in the weeks after. (brainfog thing. difficulty focussing) so it's still pretty scary. personally, i went back to my exercise schedule as soon as possible. just to get over that first rough spot where you have to start all over again. in the past i also experienced success with starting exercising pretty soon after serious flue/cold. to get back into the groove/habit again. get your head in that space, even though you still lack the power. That power slowly returns if you dont force too much.

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Beginning of November I had a 5 day sickness, sore throat then fever and body aches then cold-like. Kept testing negative for COVID, may have been RSV.  Wife didn't get it and and was also testing negative for COVID so who knows.?‍♀️

Edit: fully vaxxed (2 jnj and new bivalent booster)

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i've not had covid. according to current research, this is because i have no friends. i support this theory.

i am 49, and managed to get a booster about a month ago. got a free flu jab in the deal. all 50+ get annual flu jabs in the UK.

Edited by logboy
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17 minutes ago, logboy said:

i've not had covid. according to current research, this is because i have no friends. i support this theory.

lal same

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My girlfriend tested positive Monday and had a headache and a cold. I have a cold now and I am testing negative.

I love that this thread has gone from "deaths by the millions" to "I have a cold".

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4 hours ago, Squee said:

My girlfriend tested positive Monday and had a headache and a cold. I have a cold now and I am testing negative.

I love that this thread has gone from "deaths by the millions" to "I have a cold".

Yes, and without getting yelled at as well!

I guess being vaxxed soften peoples nerves a bit ... hehe ;D

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34 minutes ago, Satans Little Helper said:

I guess being vaxxed soften peoples nerves a bit ... hehe ;D

well of course, the vaccine was full of estrogen and DNA from docile animals to assist in the subjugation of the masses to the wills of governments and elite overlords. i've been so much calmer and less prone to overthrowing tyranny ever since i got mine, it's great. Elon is so cool, funny and handsome tbqh. Biden too. life's great, i can't wait to go back to work next week.




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5 hours ago, Squee said:


I love that this thread has gone from "deaths by the millions" to "I have a cold".

actually, we had lots of people across the world (some here?) saying they only had a cold in the last couple of years, when they had a potentially fatal virus that had (and has) killed millions.

seriously, the oddest thing now is watching people's vastly varying ways of dealing with now. most seem to think it's over, many realise it's not and don't draw attention to their position and accept the comfort of vaccines and are dragged somewhat into the illusion all is now well.

on a day out in london recently i saw literally a handful of mask wearers all day, and walk past / through crowds of tens of thousands (london is the most unvaccinated part of the UK) - in the small town i live in, i can go shopping and see as many people wearing masks on any give day.


in china it's all gone to shit because their control went OTT and has been dropped like a stone.

Edited by logboy
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10 minutes ago, psn said:

250 million new infections in China last three weeks. 

pretty intense. 

China estimates COVID surge is infecting 37 million people a day 


a lot of older people didn't get the vax or only got first shot.. or never got boosted. 

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