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Music on WATMM sometimes feels like a never ending circlejerk


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I'll still take the music of our Warp veterans over most of the mediocre trash I'm forced to listen to on the radio at work these days.

Honestly, these days we can consider ourselves lucky that we're privy to this genre of music at all. I need to start exploring more throughout Bandcamp tho.

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8 hours ago, o00o said:

Is it just me or does music on watmm feel like a never ending circlejerk where you have a couple of artists that are a bit past their prime time and visiting their subforums feel like waiting in front of a public restroom for someone to finish (aphex really gives me this feeling a lot) while on the other hand you have artists that have been suggested first on lastfm then Spotify for decades when listening to warp artists that get posted here as well. So as this is interesting it rarely offers something new to the table. The only new bands that got a hype here recently are basically aphex / boc coverbands that fill the void with their interpretation of the well known. 

At the same time there is a very vibrant and innovative Bandcamp scene that nobody here seems to notice. 

It's you. If nobody seems to notice, it's because you didn't make a thread about it. Or, if you did, people noticed but didn't like it. Shit happens.

/rocket science

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8 hours ago, o00o said:

Is it just me or does music on watmm feel like a never ending circlejerk where you have a couple of artists that are a bit past their prime time and visiting their subforums feel like waiting in front of a public restroom for someone to finish (aphex really gives me this feeling a lot) while on the other hand you have artists that have been suggested first on lastfm then Spotify for decades when listening to warp artists that get posted here as well. So as this is interesting it rarely offers something new to the table. The only new bands that got a hype here recently are basically aphex / boc coverbands that fill the void with their interpretation of the well known. 

At the same time there is a very vibrant and innovative Bandcamp scene that nobody here seems to notice. 

You’re aware of the more general music discussion sub forum and new releases sub forum? Also what decades old forum doesn’t feel like a circle jerk in some way? Want me to stick a finger up your ass for a change? 

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3 hours ago, Amen Lare said:

The truth is music history (and arguably culture at large) has stopped some time around the millenium turn, being masked as "genre-blending", post-meta-deconstructed-assfuck lingo.


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I personally cancelled almost all artists because in the last couple of years they got involved in conspiracy theories, qanon, nfts, anti-vaxxing, anti-masking or got outed as abusers, rapists, etc so now I can mainly only listen to my own music anymore.

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19 minutes ago, Satans Little Helper said:

Wait, boomers should be in their 60s, right? Post WW2 baby boom. Born from '45 to '65 or sumting. ???

Yeah boomers are in their 60s and 70s now. But I think zoomers and younger millennials don't know Gen X exists, and call those people boomers as well.

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4 minutes ago, toaoaoad said:

Yeah boomers are in their 60s and 70s now. But I think zoomers and younger millennials don't know Gen X exists, and call those people boomers as well.

I actually think this is correct. Millennial and zoomer just think everyone older than them is a boomer. 

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34 minutes ago, Taupe Beats said:

I see all the edgelords trying to derail the valid point this thread makes.

Which is?

There is a lot of discussion outside the obvious site-defined canon of featured artists, they're trivial to find and take part in. There are frequent posts of new and upcoming releases well outside the confines of the canon, electronic and otherwise. Here's a pertinent quote:


It’s as though the music industry has taken the landmark 1996 study “Changing Highbrow Taste: From Snob to Omnivore” by sociologists Richard Peterson and Roger Kern as market research gospel. As the title of that paper suggests, it argued that in the 1980s cultural elites changed the way they signaled their status, replacing an exclusive snobbery centered on the most refined high culture with a flexible and open acceptance of both high and low culture. In this context, listening to “everything but country” or “everything but hip-hop” signals one’s rejection of the provincialism implicitly attributed to those identity-bound genres and their audiences. Both the rhetoric and the musical markers of genres are present in Pollen, but they function as evidence of listeners’ own transcendence of narrow aesthetic and identity categories that weigh down those without enough privilege to move beyond them. Where Peloton uses pluralistic affirmation to leverage diversity as a status symbol, Spotify reaches the same sorts of users by negating genre via the language of overcoming and supercession.

(From Moving In Stereo [Robin James, Real Life Magazine])

I could go full Big Brain/Farnsworth/Facepalm/Burger (of the ass variety) here, but again, I would bore everyone.

Please disperse calmly and quietly, nothing to see here.

Edited by dcom
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2 hours ago, chronical said:

Can we just do post-war, pre-war, post-internet and pre-internet generations?

wouldn't post-internet infer that the internet is over? 

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31 minutes ago, zero said:

wouldn't post-internet infer that the internet is over? 

not necessarily. post-rock is a genre but rock still exists. post-rock is really a sub-genre of rock for that matter. same with some (all?) art movements with similar naming if i remember my high school/college art history classes correctly. it's more about trying to act as if the subject you're posting is a reference point but you're moving past/acting as if it's over or taking it somewhere new in some significant way. 

i've often thought we've been in a post-IDM era for a significant amount of time (probably early 2000s or something it really was dying/dead, maybe that's a better topic for this silly thread)

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If you think this forum is a circle jerk you should hang out with k-pop “stans”. Am I using the term right? 

7 hours ago, dcom said:

Which is?

There is a lot of discussion outside the obvious site-defined canon of featured artists, they're trivial to find and take part in. There are frequent posts of new and upcoming releases well outside the confines of the canon, electronic and otherwise. Here's a pertinent quote:

(From Moving In Stereo [Robin James, Real Life Magazine])

I could go full Big Brain/Farnsworth/Facepalm/Burger (of the ass variety) here, but again, I would bore everyone.

Please disperse calmly and quietly, nothing to see here.

Keep going. At least one boomer is interested 

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