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What TV series are you watching at moment?


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Just watched episode 1 of Legion, thought it was pretty good. Don't usually like DC / Marvel TV series but it was well made, great soundtrack and the hour flew by. Hopefully the series holds up, only 8 parts which is good.

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Been watching Forensic Files. There's like 400 episodes of it on Amazon Prime. It's great. I've found an interest in true crime over the last few years which I never had before. Think it was the movie Paradise Lost about the West Memphis Three that kicked it off for me.

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Just watched episode 1 of Legion, thought it was pretty good. Don't usually like DC / Marvel TV series but it was well made, great soundtrack and the hour flew by. Hopefully the series holds up, only 8 parts which is good.


I enjoyed Legion. Kinda confusing for a few episodes, but it all comes together. 


Watched a few episodes of GLOW,  pretty much what Eugene said. Although, I didn't think it was all that funny...so actually, not quite what Eugene said. 

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Been watching Forensic Files. There's like 400 episodes of it on Amazon Prime. It's great. I've found an interest in true crime over the last few years which I never had before. Think it was the movie Paradise Lost about the West Memphis Three that kicked it off for me.

400 episodes? Wow. I've seen a few episodes on tv no doubt but I had no clue there were that many. True crime stuff is addictive no doubt.
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been following that webseries of larry david's daughter, new eps out


perfect level of social cringe

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Snowfall - Pretty meh, but will see where it goes. Soundtrack may be the best part so far...but was hoping for more obscure 80's funk,hip-hop.

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this season of preacher is actually not bad, it's better paced and more colorful, more ridiculous and comic-like, there's much less dead space compared to the previous one. 

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The Defiant Ones - Weird corporate propaganda doco about Jimmy Iovine and Dr. Dre. I have no idea why HBO is airing this, but I learned that you can't have 'a normal marriage if your husband is a genius'. Really weird watching a dude talk about the artistic struggle in his $10s of millions beach house/second home and his yacht cruising the Amalfi Coast.

Edited by doublename
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I was pretty impressed with Castlevania. Wish there were more episodes. Especially like how it's following the story from Castlevania III: Dracula's Curse. That game was awesome when I was like 8 years old.

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I was pretty impressed with Castlevania. Wish there were more episodes. Especially like how it's following the story from Castlevania III: Dracula's Curse. That game was awesome when I was like 8 years old.


Season 2 is already greenlit

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I was pretty impressed with Castlevania. Wish there were more episodes. Especially like how it's following the story from Castlevania III: Dracula's Curse. That game was awesome when I was like 8 years old.


Definitely not my youths version of Castlevania, but I enjoyed the gritty take on it nonetheless.

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The Defiant Ones - Weird corporate propaganda doco about Jimmy Iovine and Dr. Dre. I have no idea why HBO is airing this, but I learned that you can't have 'a normal marriage if your husband is a genius'. Really weird watching a dude talk about the artistic struggle in his $10s of millions beach house/second home and his yacht cruising the Amalfi Coast.

yeah this ruled because it was so insanely stupid. Jimmy lovine scares the shit out of me

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Good stuff! I quit Netflix for a few months while I go through box sets I get from Sky. Looking forward to plunging back in and catching things like this!

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ive got a tough 8 weeks ahead of me waiting for game of thrones to air all episodes so i can sit and get hammered on caffienated tonic wine and marathon the whole series in one sitting as the gods intended. no spoilers in this thread if poss. 

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ive got a tough 8 weeks ahead of me waiting for game of thrones to air all episodes so i can sit and get hammered on caffienated tonic wine and marathon the whole series in one sitting as the gods intended. no spoilers in this thread if poss. 


That sounds like the life. I mean I don't care about GoT but nonetheless.

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what i like it for is only the shameless portrayal of disgusting and obnoxious women with their disgusting problems, that works even despite the characters being total cartoons. i'm not aware of any other tv/film that fleshes this out so blatantly.

Thanks for articulating what I like about OitNB, I was never able to put my finger on it. It's a nice antidote to the curated, phony femininity you see everywhere else. Would be cool if a better show provided this.
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