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Pen15 is the best teen drama / comedy show that's probably come out ever. I binge watched the first season. It reminds of Malcolm In The Middle in the sense that there are touches of visual gags and little absurdities but at the same time it's well-balanced with some Wonder Years level sentimentalism. Skins had moments like that but overall this is less dark and bleak. I'm sure there are other shows that have tackled teen girl angst but I haven't seen many. 

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Pen15 is the best teen drama / comedy show that's probably come out ever. I binge watched the first season. It reminds of Malcolm In The Middle in the sense that there are touches of visual gags and little absurdities but at the same time it's well-balanced with some Wonder Years level sentimentalism. Skins had moments like that but overall this is less dark and bleak. I'm sure there are other shows that have tackled teen girl angst but I haven't seen many.

watched three episodes and didn’t really enjoy it. Maya’s acting was very broad (read: not that good) and while they took great pains to recreate the early 2000s in situations and feel, the writing and dialog feel very current which kind of ruins the mood and feel for me. might stick with it but I’m not that hopeful. Edited by dr lopez
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^ they are essentially playing fictionalized versions themselves, I agree you can't really deem it "good" acting. the dialogue did indeed seem less researched / recreated from that era. 


the AIM episode really highlights how much they worked to get the era recreated well


plot wise I'd cautiously say it gets more engaging, the first episodes are a bit safer - they dive into typical drama tropes (family turmoil, bullying, class/racial divides) with a perspective that's a lot more nuanced and realistic than other shows of the genre.


I think my favorite episode is the one where a cousin of a friend sneaks in a VHS copy of Wild Things - beyond all the comedic awkwardness and absurdity that surrounds middle school ignorance of sex they manage to capture this unspoken permanent lost of innocence most kids with a healthy sense of media intake experience at some point by watching something mature - very few shows or films ever seem to tackle that subject without coming off as dismissive or preachy

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I've been pretty indifferent to these LOTR and Watchmen streaming series coming, but as more details are revealed, they sound possibly promising. LOTR will be set it appears, at the dawn of the Third Age, so most likely the Wizards from the books arriving (and possibly detailing the fate of the Blue Wizards), and rumors of maybe a young Aragorn, but I hope not.

Watchmen, on the other hand, is a sequel series set sometime around the Millennium, with Jeremy Irons as an old Ozymandius.

I'm also super curious about the Foundation series at Apple, but they haven't revealed jack shit yet.

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The Kirlian Frequency...


It's short, 5 episodes, each around 7-9 minutes... But it wasn't bad. It made me smile 'that' smile. When you're enjoying something, but chances are you'll never bring it up in conversation because you know no one you converse with would enjoy it.


The only thing that bothered me was the discrepancy between the 'subtitles' and overdubs in episode 3.


It'd probably be better watching it in Spanish with subtitles (if you can find it on a torrent site), but I watched it on Netflix...


Can't fucking wait for Love Death + Robots next month...

Watched Kirlian last night, fun, but felt pretty much identical to Welcome to Night Vale (the podcast) and i got bored with that p quick, so the short-form approach in TKF was appreciated.

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After Life is a twee rip off of Detectorists where Malcolm from The Thick of It is transplanted to some fantasy England where local newspaper journalists can no problem afford nice houses in idyl countryside towns...and everything is hazy mat finish comfy cozy Britain circa 1955 but with Alexa and a Vitamix.


This is Notting Hill for the Netflix gen. 


Some funny moments though no doubt. 

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watched Russian Doll. 

was on board for the first couple episodes but got pretty bored once i clued into the message being "this is going to be some commentary on not taking life for granted and appreciating life" + seemingly the rest of the actual writing seemed pretty non-consistent and not actually thought out??




red haired lady going through Groundhog Day and needing to not take life for granted because *magic* i can vaguely get on board with, but drawing it out for 8 episodes as if it's some big mystery that's going to have a payoff at the end but then not actually deliver on anything, was very unsatisfying!

also, the red haired lady bumping into an actual seemingly physical version of a younger version of herself as a child, spitting blood on her and saying spooky shit ??? made no sense. seemed like it was just shoehorned in because it would be visually striking and nothing else.. 


i understand it on a level of, well it's some metaphor shit about her needing to learn forgiveness or whatever, but i still felt like i could've got the gist of that just fine in a 30-60 minute package and not 4 hours... 





hearing that "gotta get up" song for the 50th time made me wanna pull my hair out. 


/bla bla bla

cynical cynical cynical...

didn't like it. 

Edited by bitchroast
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I was murdered. American garbage half hour "doc" about an IRL murder, partially dramatised as a whodunnit and narrated by the murder victim from beyond the grave. Fucking shit.

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Late to the Walking Dead party but I'm quite enjoying it after avoiding it this whole time cause I thought it would be too childish. Never really found the fascination with zombies.


Same here. Just watched all 9 seasons. I feel part of the family

Not ashamed to admit it's a great show. 


Just well acted and directed, doesn't matter the antagonist. A good directed show. Never was a Zombie person either, but I do like apocalypse stuff, plague stuff, so there are analogies.


So many British actors nailing those accents too.


I go through a slight depression. Like a day after I finish a marathon session. Like now what am I gonna do? 

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i gotta say, The Terror was one of the best things in TV for years imho iirc afaik... i'm not much of a period piece guy but damn that was some haunting hypnotic horror...


how hadn't I heard of this? not big on period things but I could see it being good for sure. just 1 season so far, right?

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Britannia on prime is pretty good. Fascinating time period. We don't have much written documents about the Gauls and the Celts. Tacitus, Caesar's writings, Druids didn't document anything.  So there is plenty of Artistic license. But I enjoyed the first season.

Edited by marf
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John Lynch, seen him in other stuff, He always looks like he's either at a nervous break down, just took a swig of whiskey or is just plain sad and nervous. In everything Ive seen him in. 


AnywayAdam Nagaitis steals the show. Really amazing presence. 


I honestly don't know where they can go from where they left off. 

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Britannia on prime is pretty good. Fascinating time period. We don't have much written documents about the Gauls and the Celts. Tacitus, Caesar's writings, Druids didn't document anything.  So there is plenty of Artistic license. But I enjoyed the first season.


it offered a lot, but with the head druid hunched over like an emaciated Colonel Kurtz combined with the Roman duo (the one of The Bill infamy) doing in the druid's drug stash, as an archaeologist had to bail. There are flourishes, eg: the outcast's form of divination is well done & the titles draw you in, but it was too much too much maaaaan. If you enjoy a good read, this is mint and fuck off Lopez:




the Roman coliseum in Caerleon featured in one of those ultimate teenage microdot dose-fail nightmares, where the last however many hours were spent in the remains of Arthur Machen's ghost city populated entirely by demons. Proper lush.

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Britannia on prime is pretty good. Fascinating time period. We don't have much written documents about the Gauls and the Celts. Tacitus, Caesar's writings, Druids didn't document anything.  So there is plenty of Artistic license. But I enjoyed the first season.


it offered a lot, but with the head druid hunched over like an emaciated Colonel Kurtz combined with the Roman duo (the one of The Bill infamy) doing in the druid's drug stash, as an archaeologist had to bail. There are flourishes, eg: the outcast's form of divination is well done & the titles draw you in, but it was too much too much maaaaan. If you enjoy a good read, this is mint and fuck off Lopez:




the Roman coliseum in Caerleon featured in one of those ultimate teenage microdot dose-fail nightmares, where the last however many hours were spent in the remains of Arthur Machen's ghost city populated entirely by demons. Proper lush.





Ill have to get that. Thanks


Im only anal about historical period tv if I know what is actually documented. Hate when they deviate from that. Im constantly wondering. Would there hair be that well groomed? Would they be that tall?

But I can suspend disbelief. Im only anal about music. Tv and film Ill give a chance as long as it's directed and acted well. 

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Though the ancient Celts were probably pretty hardy as they were hunter gatherers. No feudal system where you had do get permission to hunt on the kings land.  

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