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Blitzing through 2 seasons of Reservation Dogs atm. Not sure what compelled me to start watching it but I’m happy I did. A lot of Ojibwe and Lakota I met growing up always had a great sense of humor and were excellent storytellers so it’s a wonder why that sort of stuff has rarely made it on screen. Never been to the rez so it’s nice to have a show like this kinda introduce you to that world, and it was nice to hear that apparently the writers, actors and even the majority of the crew are actual natives as well. 

It definitely goes over the top at times but has some really endearing characters (Willie Jack is my favorite) and does a good job of throwing in some humor while also tackling some of the obviously darker shit native communities have to wrestle with. It’s not god-tier television by any means but it is a breath of fresh air compared to endless deluge of middleclass white/black American family sitcoms we’ve been bombarded with for the past half a fucking century. Felt good to have some jokes (blurred out owl eyes scene ?)and slang go over my head for once. And damn I wish I had a William Knifeman in my corner as a spirit guide sometimes. 


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19 hours ago, kichiguy said:

honestly the fear of abandonment came through loud and clear to me! this was probably the best dahmer adaptation yet imo 

Does anyone else feel weird about the constant dramatizations, rhetoric, and glorification of Dahmer?

Part of me just feels that it could give the extra push a sadistic psychopath could need to go on their own killing spree.  Knowing they will forever be canonized in pop culture if they are sick and twisted enough.

It's one thing to be mentioned in history books and a serial killer series, but another to have TV shows / Movies / Books / Comics written about you every year.


(P.S. I think people might have made this argument with Ted Bundy in the recent Zac Efron movie, but for some reason this is never brought up for Dahmer)

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37 minutes ago, lyst said:

Part of me just feels that it could give the extra push a sadistic psychopath could need to go on their own killing spree.  Knowing they will forever be canonized in pop culture if they are sick and twisted enough.

There's been criminal fandom as long as there have been criminals, and serial killers are a relatively new (it's mostly a 20th century phenomenon) but enduring category. I've been interested in serial killers since my early teens, and I've got a whole section of my bookshelf devoted to the subject, and I have all of these, too (issue #11 about the Hillside strangler has been drawn from circulation due to legal reasons). I've been exposed to these extremely violent and psychologically disturbed people for most of my life, and I do as much violence, rape, murder and other categorically adjacent things as I want to - which is zero. Zilch. Nada. None. I understand that there are pathologically borderline individuals who could be enticed to act out their violent fantasies triggered by the entertainment industry's portrayal of mass murderers, serial killers and other criminals, but those people will get their kicks regardless of the availability of dramatized popular culture portrayals. I'm more worried about the general increase in graphic portrayals of violence in popular culture - as a teen I worked really hard to get my hands on splatter/gore movies, nowadays one can go see a movie with more blood and shockingly graphic violence, and no-one bats an eye; plenty of the splatter/gore horror I saw as a teen would now be in general theatre distribution, now it's just horror, and more recent franchises like Saw are even more graphic.

The heyday of serial killers is over, criminology and evidence collecting has advanced so much that it's nowadays easier to catch serial criminals, killers or otherwise. I would be (and I am) more worried about religious and political extremists than serial killers.

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That Dahmer show on Netflix is good but so fucking depressing and fucked up. Only watched like 3 episodes so far Jfc. Read up about him. Boiling water lobotomies Jesus fucking Christ dude

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29 minutes ago, Berk said:

That Dahmer show on Netflix is good but so fucking depressing and fucked up. Only watched like 3 episodes so far Jfc. Read up about him. Boiling water lobotomies Jesus fucking Christ dude

Dahmer isn't even close to the worst psychopathic serial killers, there's some really extreme FUBAR stuff you don't want to even know. The series is done really well, the portrayal is accurate and the mood as anxiety-inducing as it should be. If you want to see a dramatized version from the other side of serial killers, watch Netflix's Mindhunter (which has some scenes with big name serial killers whose portrayal is spot on) about the beginnings of FBI's VICAP (Violent Criminal Apprehension Program) responsible for catching some of the most notorious serial killers, and creating the methods of psychological profiling popularized by Criminal Minds et al.

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Bosch season 4 - 7/10

Just starting season 5. I don’t think Bosch will ever get above a 7.5 but still it’s very watchable. I like almost all the characters which makes up for the slow parts.

Rings Of Power episode 6 - 7/10

Pretty decent. Lord Halbrand character is very good. Definitely pleased with the way this has improved. No longer horseshit. Gotta love Saurons number 1 fan, The Old Scouse Bastard! Lol ? 



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27 minutes ago, beerwolf said:

Rings Of Power episode 6 - 7/10

Pretty decent. Lord Halbrand character is very good. Definitely pleased with the way this has improved. No longer horseshit. Gotta love Saurons number 1 fan, The Old Scouse Bastard! Lol ?

I can only watch RoP on fast forward. I managed to cut down ep 6 to around 15 minutes of viewing time today. Never has there been a show with such egregious use of slow motion, even when skipping. 

EP6 Highlights: No Elrond or the dwarven geezer, and Adar's St Crispin's Day speech. 

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Not really a fan of Rolling Stone or Best Of All Time lists but thought this was a good resource. There’s a few I’ve ticked for the near future. Seeing as I seem to prefer tv series nowadays to films it was worth a read.


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On 9/30/2022 at 6:23 PM, Shimon_Shimon said:

I can only watch RoP on fast forward. I managed to cut down ep 6 to around 15 minutes of viewing time today. Never has there been a show with such egregious use of slow motion, even when skipping. 

EP6 Highlights: No Elrond or the dwarven geezer, and Adar's St Crispin's Day speech. 

Adar character acting is brilliant. No doubt. Twisted between elf and Orc. Light and dark. All of his scenes with the main characters were interesting. The one with Galadriel when I felt sorry for him and she was the one who was borderline fascist evil (wanting to wipe out an entire race). And agree with you about the dwarven geezer. Him and the Harfoots is like watching some fucking pantomime.

Every scene with Adar I have gone back to and rewatched at least twice. 

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Currently addicted to true crime doc series. I just finished Sons of Sam and before that I watched the Paradise Lost trilogy, the Night Stalker doc series, Crime Series: Hotel Cecil, Crime Scene: Times Square Killer, the Adnan Syed series, Murder Among Mormons, American Muder:The Family Next Door, the Jimmy Savile series, the R Kelly series, Sins of Our Mother, the Nilsen Tapes, Running With The Devil, I’ll Be Gone in the Dark, The most dangerous animal of all, DB Cooper Where Are You? and like 10 other series. I’ve been on a tear ?
They were all pretty good too!

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On 10/2/2022 at 4:56 PM, beerwolf said:

Adar character acting is brilliant. No doubt. Twisted between elf and Orc. Light and dark. All of his scenes with the main characters were interesting. The one with Galadriel when I felt sorry for him and she was the one who was borderline fascist evil (wanting to wipe out an entire race). And agree with you about the dwarven geezer. Him and the Harfoots is like watching some fucking pantomime.

Every scene with Adar I have gone back to and rewatched at least twice. 

I think RoP is terrible, but the chap playing Adar, and the character, has the most potential of the show. More focus on Adar would be welcome, it could have made a good series on it's own - based on what they seem to be hinting at with his backstory, view of Sauron and his relationships with the orcs - without the need for a grand plot with the creation of the rings blah blah blah. 

While I have a massive crush on Morfydd Clark, Galadriel is written poorly, it's really hard for me to not detest the character. Even if the show runners are going to have her arc run the course from brash emotional hot head, to the lady Galadriel in the books/films, the character is a maniac. She crossed the line in ep6, and is "borderline fascist evil".  Wouldn't be surprised to see her teaching the Númenoreans how to goose step in ep 7.

Reminds me what the show runners did to Captain Janeway in Voyager, they made her seem utterly insane by the end of the series. Though the signs were there with her murder of Tuvix in season 2.  #justice4tuvix

I'm not a Tolkien mega fan, it's an adaptation, so I am not upset or let down by my reaction, or the quality of the show. You sound like you've enjoyed it.

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Bosch season 5 - Unexpectedly Harry and company move into 8/10 territory. A very strong season, pretty much all killer and no filler. Glad Coltrane his adopted dog came home ?  Everything about this show keeps on improving.

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1 hour ago, beerwolf said:

Bosch season 5 - Unexpectedly Harry and company move into 8/10 territory. A very strong season, pretty much all killer and no filler. Glad Coltrane his adopted dog came home ?  Everything about this show keeps on improving.

seen you mention Bosch several times now in this thread... so it has the b wolf seal of approval then? I watched season 1 a long time ago and gave up. the guy who played Marlo in the Wire was horrifically bad, and the main bad guy in season 1 was a joke. I was actually mad for wasting my time on it. I do have a soft spot for L.A. cop shows, and may give it a whirl again if it's not a total miss?

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7 hours ago, zero said:

seen you mention Bosch several times now in this thread... so it has the b wolf seal of approval then? I watched season 1 a long time ago and gave up. the guy who played Marlo in the Wire was horrifically bad, and the main bad guy in season 1 was a joke. I was actually mad for wasting my time on it. I do have a soft spot for L.A. cop shows, and may give it a whirl again if it's not a total miss?

Season 1 is pretty terrible. I also didn’t finish it and skipped to Season 2. It slowly gets better. Not sure I would recommend it because theres a lot of time involved before it really hits it stride. Which is season 4 into 5. So tricky for me to say. 

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On 10/2/2022 at 1:57 PM, Rubin Farr said:

She-Hulk is like the movie they make you watch while waiting in line for a theme park ride 



don't know what to think of this show anymore. i have no idea what's going on. is there anyone familiar enough with the source material to answer any of the below questions?


who's the elf telling those orcs where to go. and why did that guy jam that sword into that "hole" that caused water to escape that flooded the volcano that caused havoc? 

giant walking around with hobbits is sauron right? how many tribes/sects of elves are there? why is everyone always acting like they haven't seen one another in 1 billion years. what were the events before current events supposedly unfolding that everyone seems to have been in such limbo?

there's also a lot of questions regarding "mordor" and "sauron" and either another dude involved or a war that had at least those two parties. i know sauron. who's the other dude and when does he show up. and where are these dudes? like where do they go that everyone has to keep looking. i'm so sick of people asking and getting these "not answer" answers. like can we finally just chain someone and get some straight answers. is sauron around or no?

also: did anyone notice the orc march music in this show has a chorus of orcs chanting? i know the films (mainly the 2nd film had orcs chanting even during the war) but this show's execution of this one is weird.

and salute to my boy puerto rico for not only getting a bea by last episode, but getting some serious action on screen. that's a come up!

and is it just me or does the girl playing galadriel just not work for anyone else? doesn't for me. 


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30 minutes ago, Nebraska said:



don't know what to think of this show anymore. i have no idea what's going on. is there anyone familiar enough with the source material to answer any of the below questions?

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who's the elf telling those orcs where to go. and why did that guy jam that sword into that "hole" that caused water to escape that flooded the volcano that caused havoc? 

giant walking around with hobbits is sauron right? how many tribes/sects of elves are there? why is everyone always acting like they haven't seen one another in 1 billion years. what were the events before current events supposedly unfolding that everyone seems to have been in such limbo?

there's also a lot of questions regarding "mordor" and "sauron" and either another dude involved or a war that had at least those two parties. i know sauron. who's the other dude and when does he show up. and where are these dudes? like where do they go that everyone has to keep looking. i'm so sick of people asking and getting these "not answer" answers. like can we finally just chain someone and get some straight answers. is sauron around or no?

also: did anyone notice the orc march music in this show has a chorus of orcs chanting? i know the films (mainly the 2nd film had orcs chanting even during the war) but this show's execution of this one is weird.

and salute to my boy puerto rico for not only getting a bea by last episode, but getting some serious action on screen. that's a come up!

and is it just me or does the girl playing galadriel just not work for anyone else? doesn't for me. 


As far as the source material goes, a lot of it is straight up invented for the Amazon series. They only had rights to the LOTR trilogy and it’s appendices and maybe one other text and there really wasn’t a ton of detail on the “second age”.
This series feels loose as fuk because it just is. Don’t get me started or I’ll waste my whole day complaining about why it doesn’t work for me… tho I keep watching :wtf:

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