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Funny Pictures Part 2


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I'd guess any profile that has at least half decent looking girl and the words "casual sex" in the looking for section is going to get lots of messages. They don't care what she thinks. They just want to bang her.

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As someone who spent some time on dating sites, I kind of feel she assumes the responses were always sincere and a serious indicator of interest, where it often is not.


I mean, a lot of time you hardly look at profiles and you just start chatting away to see what a person is like. It's not that a profile has to be indicator of what someone is like, right? There's always a distance between how people present themselves and who they really are.


So the first couple of chats the fact there's a response and a fairly quick one, is more important than actual content. Chatting is mostly bullshit and reading between the lines anyways. Some guys might have thought she would have a good sense of sarcasm and responded in style, so to speak. If the bullshit profile is that obvious, it must be tongue in cheek, right? And it's always fun to chat, so why not?


This reads as just another pro-feminazi research concluding men are beasts for all the wrong reasons. And I feel it's a bit dishonest towards themselves as well. It's a game with a lot of between the lines testing and whatnot. So the up front in your face honesty which is assumed, is misleading.

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Yes all that, plus the fact that some people think that sex shouldn't count for as much as it actually does.



It's silly to tell the people who are just looking for sex that actually they should just be looking for companionship, or an intellectual equal, or something other than what they're looking for.

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This reads as just another pro-feminazi research concluding men are beasts for all the wrong reasons. And I feel it's a bit dishonest towards themselves as well. It's a game with a lot of between the lines testing and whatnot. So the up front in your face honesty which is assumed, is misleading.



yep, the profile was obviously a bit of fun and what most people would then direct their attention to was what the girl looked like. Plus even if you did believe the profile was real, if you're just after casual sex it doesn't matter so much about that whole future life with a nutcase thing, heh. /posts picture of super hot guy with shirt off on dating site with ridiculous profile data, and probably gets 150 messages over 24HRS.

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