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Autechre - Exai


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MoT was pretty regular AE, bit dull for them. Oversteps is a masterpiece (while suffering a little from pacing problems). Quaristice is great for technical sonic punches but it has no real substance compared to Oversteps as it feels like a bunch of noodles. A few amazing tracks and a nice aesthetic overall but as an album it doesn't touch Oversteps which is far removed from anything else sonically while also being cohesive (tho should have been trimmed down cause its very long).

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I think what I dislike most about Oversteps is that it doesn't sound much like Autechre. Their evolution from release to release has always been a surprise, but there's always been threads, common ideas and themes, between them. Sometimes you have to listen 20 times before they appear but they appear. This hasn't happened for me yet. And it just doesn't seem to have anything to do with their old stuff at all. Which indicates to me that they are no longer interested in this narrative chain of the albums they've created. Of course Draft to Untilted was a big jump too, but it didn't make me feel this way.


There's metaphorical value to this that reflects the narrative I tend to project onto the album. So maybe it's really about what I think it's about.

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Definitely agree with that sweeps, but I kind of see it as a fresh beginning for them again. Tho we won't see if thats the case till later when we can look back on the evolution from there after. It was the 10th album correct?

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Definitely agree with that sweeps, but I kind of see it as a fresh beginning for them again. Tho we won't see if thats the case till later when we can look back on the evolution from there after. It was the 10th album correct?

Yes, I think you're right about it being a fresh beginning. I love the world they've created over the course of the previous albums and EPs but I guess the time has come for them to board their spaceship and seek other inhabitable planets.


Just recently I've come to appreciate the approach and meaning (which is very subjective of course!) of Oversteps. But I still don't care much for the album itself, overall, even though most tracks are very good or at least have solid, interesting ideas in them. This is their first step into new territory, so it's not that surprising that they're a bit wobbly, just like on Untilted.


Anyway, yes, looking forward to the new stuff.

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You want something new this time?! Like an opera?

Every next release there's something known but better on it and the rest of it is something completely new...in approach and sound. Every release!

I don't know what else you people want really! 5#1+!

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Quaristice is a little rough around the edges, but it packs the creative punch of 10 Oversteps easily


Hand it over


yeah are you sure you guys aren't confusing technically varied and vaguely aesthetically varied with creative punch?


Oversteps was a far more interesting release conceptually, and even more enjoyable given autechre's musical history.


"Short edits of long jams" is not a novel or very interesting idea on the whole, and frankly given booth and brown's near mind blowing technical chops i was a little disappointed it didn't end up better than it was...

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Quaristice is a little rough around the edges, but it packs the creative punch of 10 Oversteps easily


Hand it over


yeah are you sure you guys aren't confusing technically varied and vaguely aesthetically varied with creative punch?


Oversteps was a far more interesting release conceptually, and even more enjoyable given autechre's musical history.


"Short edits of long jams" is not a novel or very interesting idea on the whole, and frankly given booth and brown's near mind blowing technical chops i was a little disappointed it didn't end up better than it was...

I do agree that Oversteps is a remarkable album, and more "creative" in the sense of being a drastic change in MO. However tracks like fol3, theswere, plyphon, etc. are objectively more fascinating than most of Oversteps. "Short edits of long jams" isn't really the point, at the end of the day its a collection of 20 tracks that have to be judged on their own

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Quaristice had some weak spots but the whole thing felt very solid and confident. Damn right they have awesome chops and they were showing them off to great effect. There were moments on Overstumps where I was like "wtf they let babby program the sequencer lol"

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Usually when I didn't like an ae-album, it was because I didn't "get" what it was supposed to be and had no real opinion about it until,after god knows how many listens, I suddenly got the idea and started liking it.


What's different about Oversteps is that I did have an initial opinion about what it was, and what it was was CHEESY. Totally cheesy. Much more than even the cheesiest bits of Amber (which I don't think is cheesy at all, but they said so themselves, so I'm quoting them on that one ...)


Nonetheless, I'm pretty excited about a new album and I'm optimistic they will continue experimenting.

As long as it doesn't end up being an Oversteps², I'll be happy.


If they actually did release the infamous woom pish woom pish track from the Oversteps tour that gave people headaches and shit-filled pants, I'd cry-cum


which one is this? I never bothered listening to the Oversteps-sets because I didn't like the album

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If they actually did release the infamous woom pish woom pish track from the Oversteps tour that gave people headaches and shit-filled pants, I'd cry-cum


which one is this? I never bothered listening to the Oversteps-sets because I didn't like the album

@ 0:25


just listen to this


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fucking unbelievable that the boys have held this back from some kind of release. After all the Quadrange versions and extra shit it's sort of shocking that they would keep this amazing stuff exclusive to the tour.


i can pretty much guarantee that someday somebody 'close' in the autechre inner circle who was given a copy of their privately recorded soundboards will leak this. It took what.. 6 years for the Confield soundboard to leak on the net? PLEASE HANAL DO THIS

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What's up with all the obnoxious whistling assholes?


i know, how dare people enjoy themselves at a live show. Complete silence please, dont you know im trying to record a bootleg?

Real Autechre fans enjoy themselves in silence

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Guest RandySicko

So since billybob was enjoying the show much more than everyone else, he was therefore obligated to let that fact be known by compulsively producing noises intended to compete with what the 'mediocre' fans originally showed up to hear. Right.

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