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Guest Mirezzi

Platoon is indeed pretty fucking timeless. Sheen's night watch scene makes the whole thing worth it.


What is with people's love for The Hurt Locker? JFC, it's a mediocre movie at best. Then again, some people thought Black Hawk Down was amazing.

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Human Centipede 2 - Bad idea, this was nasty.

HC 1 and 2 are really good, imo. Aside the gore and shit, they are pretty well dunn.




Yeah, apart from the story, dialogue, characters, direction, acting, sound and special effects, they're great films.

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Guest Mirezzi
and stretching the 'war film' remit slightly...


first blood(pt 1)


pan's labyrinth

the devil's backbone







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Funny page. Platoon is pretty bad, which is funny cuz Stone was actually in Vietnam. I suppose for Stone films, Born on the 4th of July is better?


And what's the deelio with people suddenly liking Three Kings. I thought you guys were all David O Russell haters here and I was his only champion...heh

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Guest Mirezzi

Platoon is not bad, you jerk, though you are probably right about Born on the 4th. I still marvel at Cruise's work in that film. He is one of the worst human beings in the history of Earth, but that performance was and is damned impressive.


I'm a David O Russell fence-sitter. On the one hand, Flirting With Disaster and Three Kings are both great. Then there's I <3 Huckabees and Silver Linings Playbook, which are both utter shit.


Somewhere in the middle, there's the enjoyable Sunday matinee, The Fighter, which is really a David O Russell film in name only.


I hope he keeps making movies, but I doubt he'll ever replicate the form he showed with Three Kings.

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I ♥ Huckabees is great.




What is with people's love for The Hurt Locker? JFC, it's a mediocre movie at best. Then again, some people thought Black Hawk Down was amazing.


It's somewhat mediocre but still, while existing in the realm of "Oscar films" like Million Dollar Baby and The Kings Speech it's flat out great

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Other than the ones mentioned I thought Lebanon was pretty intense.

Battleship Potemkin deserves a mention as well, it's a fantastic film.

Edited by Gocab
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The Tall Man - 8/10 - really shocked by this one, has horrible ratings everywhere but I had to watch since it is by the director of Martyrs, his follow up that replaced his remaking of Hellraiser. I really enjoyed Martyrs after getting passed all of the horrible violence, there is an ultimately original and interesting story there. Now onto the Tall Man, one should go into it not knowing anything. I really enjoyed the acting, the shots are extremely well composed, the story is very original, it isn't filled with gore like Martyrs, Jessica Biel does a damn fine job as does everyone else. One of the better films of last year that has gotten next to no love.

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and stretching the 'war film' remit slightly...


first blood(pt 1)


pan's labyrinth

the devil's backbone








it's got army dudes with guns and jungle and arnie ffs! :cisfor: ok maybe i got a bit carried away.


nice to see these 10/10's for come and see. this film really stays with you forever, definitely affected me like no other that i can think of right now.


and platoon... maybe a bit cheesy and dramatic now but it was fucking great when i was 12 watching it for the first time.

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Silver Linings Playbook was fucking awful. Why are Jennifer Lawrences eyes so little? Why was Chris Tucker in this movie? The dance sequence was the worst thing I've ever seen. Worse than the Chechnyan Beheading video.

John Dies At The End.


Kind of liked the idea, really boring. Pewp.

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eh alright whatever.





Best movie I've watched in the last 5 years. Don't care, really good.




Oh so sad your dog dies Tim Burton your teeth are huge. Tired of Danny Elfman's music. Makes me think of Hot Topic immediately. Jack Skellington elbow high fingerless gloves and unwashed hair.




hmrrrrrrrrm. Hate Ben Affleck but this was ok. The drinking scene in the hotel made me lol.


The Adjustment Bureau


Nope can't do it.


The Last Starfighter


the 14 Million spent on the computer effects was worth every penny.


Killing Them Softly


Brad Pitt is Brad Pitt, but I didn't mind it. I like how small of a role Ray Leota had. Not that I don't like Ray Leota, it was just odd to sort of keep it minimal.


Zero Dark Thirty


Expected to hate it, kind of liked it. The main actress looks like a mix of Bryce Howard and Zelda from Pet Cemetery






Edited by thanks robert moses
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yes it was really charming and bizarre. Perfectly represented the unique and peculiar cross-cultural exchange that exists between south africa and the rest of the anglo world. Not my style of music *at all* but i'm south african and my grandpa was an anti apartheid fighter at that time who owned those records so i guess I was more interested/invested in the story?


Anyway I really liked it. It's not incredible cinematically but it's such a great story that is doesn't really matter.

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the hobbit - i'm beyond butthurt. nothing worked. when radagast popped on screen as a mentally ill santa claus with bird shit in his hair and a sleigh pulled by fucking bunnies, i wanted to cry. the necromancer was pathetic looking. the effects were good one minute and then awful the next (the aforementioned sleigh). martin freeman was wooden and boring as bilbo. no character arc even though the story is trying hard to shoehorn one in. the gollum scene was the best thing in the movie and it sucked. why wasn't bilbo afraid of gollum? i guess because gollum has finally completed his transformation into a cartoon character who little kids can laugh at. every time the movie goes for gravity, it gets even more weighed down by its own cheesiness. and then it ends and nothing has happened. i'd rather watch sean astin shove boiling potatoes up his asshole in slow motion than sit through two more of these films.

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yes it was really charming and bizarre. Perfectly represented the unique and peculiar cross-cultural exchange that exists between south africa and the rest of the anglo world. Not my style of music *at all* but i'm south african and my grandpa was an anti apartheid fighter at that time who owned those records so i guess I was more interested/invested in the story?


Anyway I really liked it. It's not incredible cinematically but it's such a great story that is doesn't really matter.


cool thanks. got it ordered... sounds like an interesting story... the only reason i'd heard of sixto rodriguez was from david holmes - come get it i got it...



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Guest Mirezzi

It sounds like they took everything that sucked and fell flat in the LOTR movies (giving them plenty to choose from) and cobbled together 180 minutes of it to make The Hobbit.

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