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Justice League: The Flashpoint Paradox - 8/10 Definitely the best JL movie that's ever going to happen.

pretty much, did you see Legion of Doom? That one was pretty good too, centered around Batman's secret file where he finds a way to immobilize or kill each justice league member if they were ever to go 'rogue'

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Justice League: The Flashpoint Paradox - 8/10 Definitely the best JL movie that's ever going to happen.

pretty much, did you see Legion of Doom? That one was pretty good too, centered around Batman's secret file where he finds a way to immobilize or kill each justice league member if they were ever to go 'rogue'


I haven't seen any of the other DCAU movies yet. I'll check Legion of Doom out next.




why don't you go see his new film


i'm curious for the new film; regardless of what others have said about it


I didn't like it, but I don't regret having seen it all. I'm big fan of Refn's other work, though.

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did watmm hate this one? i loved it. well, except the ending. good to see some high budget scifi for once that aren't about super heroes or giant robots or whatever.

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did watmm hate this one? i loved it. well, except the ending. good to see some high budget scifi for once that aren't about super heroes or giant robots or whatever.


It was ok, but like I wrote a couple of months ago, if you've seen a movie before then you've seen Oblivion. You could see the twist coming from miles away. MILES!

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Guest jasondonervan



did watmm hate this one? i loved it. well, except the ending. good to see some high budget scifi for once that aren't about super heroes or giant robots or whatever.


Watched it this week with expectations set to low. It was alright. Visuals were better than the plot, which was average at best. It may be another film (like Prometheus) that I include in my plans to re-edit purely the scenes of visual lushness. Watch this space!

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The Colony


It wasn't too horrible at the start, and the bit where they enter Colony 5 and have the encounter with the lone survivor was really well done, but then it quickly turned in to 30 Days of Night missing a chromosome.


This movie also made me realize how much I dislike Bill Paxton (with the exception of some of his roles in the 80s/early 90s).

Edited by thanks robert moses
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The Colony


It wasn't too horrible at the start, and the bit where they enter Colony 5 and have the encounter with the lone survivor was really well done, but then it quickly turned in to 30 Days of Night missing a chromosome.


This movie also made me realize how much I dislike Bill Paxton (with the exception of some of his roles in the 80s/early 90s).





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sexy beast


- fan-dabby-dozy-tastic



The Departed 9/10, great soundtrack as well. Scorsese hits the spot


i've watched many many times and seem to never grow tired for this

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just watched Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind for the first time (I know, I know, I'm late to the party). As an only sometimes fan of both Charlie Kaufman and Michel Gondry, and a somewhat non-fan of both Kate Winslet and Jim Carrey, I wasn't expecting much, but was pleasantly surprised.


The dream sequences were handled much better than Inception (and you can see Nolan pretty blatantly ripped this off, with the houses-crumbling-into-the-sea bit, among others).


Overall a really nice film, liked the sequences with Kirsten Dunst and Mark Ruffalo too (probably one of Kiki's best performances). Occasionally too emo, or even too dark (the parts with them listening to each other's cassettes and arguing was a bit intense). Quite a good film about the inevitable ennui that hits relationships at some point, and how the only way through is to put in a good faith effort to remember/focus on the positive.


I think this must have been during one of Carrey's "down" bipolar periods, as he looks and acts like a worn-out homeless dude in it; he also looks about 15 yrs older than Winslet. Makes it a bit difficult to identify with him as his charm has soured and he's just a bit repulsive.


8.5 or 9/10

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angel heart- 1st time i,ve seen this on blu-ray/surround sound etc, really enjoyed it,super creepy authentic atmosphere regarding the voodoo/black magic side of things,awesome soundtrack as well,rourke at his peak,de niro,s just de niro,there were a couple of cheesy moments(the babies eyes!why?!) but overall really glad i bought this in the sale 8/10

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just watched Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind for the first time (I know, I know, I'm late to the party). As an only sometimes fan of both Charlie Kaufman and Michel Gondry, and a somewhat non-fan of both Kate Winslet and Jim Carrey, I wasn't expecting much, but was pleasantly surprised.


The dream sequences were handled much better than Inception (and you can see Nolan pretty blatantly ripped this off, with the houses-crumbling-into-the-sea bit, among others).


Overall a really nice film, liked the sequences with Kirsten Dunst and Mark Ruffalo too (probably one of Kiki's best performances). Occasionally too emo, or even too dark (the parts with them listening to each other's cassettes and arguing was a bit intense). Quite a good film about the inevitable ennui that hits relationships at some point, and how the only way through is to put in a good faith effort to remember/focus on the positive.


I think this must have been during one of Carrey's "down" bipolar periods, as he looks and acts like a worn-out homeless dude in it; he also looks about 15 yrs older than Winslet. Makes it a bit difficult to identify with him as his charm has soured and he's just a bit repulsive.


8.5 or 9/10


I think Carrey did a great job playing that character. The worn-out homeless dude is a nice allegory for the feelings inside, imho.

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Guest zaphod


I think this must have been during one of Carrey's "down" bipolar periods, as he looks and acts like a worn-out homeless dude in it; he also looks about 15 yrs older than Winslet. Makes it a bit difficult to identify with him as his charm has soured and he's just a bit repulsive.





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Synecdoche, New York 9/10

Oddly I get lost more and more with every successive view of that film. I start off fine and thing - 'ahh I've got it this time' and then by the final third my mind is cartwheeling down corridors grinning and vomiting. Love it though !
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for some reason it took me at least 2 viewings of both Synecdoche and A Serious Man to actually enjoy them and stop being so weirded out. Each movie was extremely difficult for me to sit through without being critical upon first viewing. Ever since I've seen them as sister movies, playing with similar themes about fate and destiny and the meaninglessness of life.

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Guest zaphod

funny, i've grown to really dislike synecdoche, whereas after three viewings of a serious man i now think it ranks among the coens best.

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funny, i've grown to really dislike synecdoche, whereas after three viewings of a serious man i now think it ranks among the coens best. 

There's always a risk with a film that's written and directed by the same person, of self indulgence and taking too many liberties. Ideally you need two people with a firm grasp of what works in there own area, that way they reign each other in. This is perhaps why the Coens have so many strong films. You have two very skilled people who have a great deal of respect for each other teaming up and trying to make the project the best it can be. This is why Eternal Sunshine worked and Synechdoche didn't. Not everyone can be Kubrick (no one can).

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Personally I thought Eternal Sunshine was crap. I think in the end they're all marmite films. I love A Serious Man as well.


Looking forward to rewatching synecdoche again. The finale is simple superb

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has anybody here who's read the book Sirens of Titan seen Synecdoche? I feel like the ending was a direct nod to the ending of that book. It's a really wacky and over the top scifi novel by Vonnegut that I think Douglas Adams acknowledged inspired Hitchhikers guide to the galaxy

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