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Yes, Under The Skin killed it.

Actually, I'm just sad that


we saw her what she looked like "under the skin". The film would be perfect if her true form would stay hidden - or just hinted at.


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I wasn't that impressed by Under The Skin. When she spat out some chocolate cake I just got on a loop of thinking about Jeff Bridges doing way more entertaining stuff like reviving a dead deer.

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I also saw the Starman qualities in Under the Skin but I enjoyed the shit out of it, I bet the book is pretty awesome. The novel's wiki synopsis explained a lot of the more obscure plot in the film. 8/10

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Bloody Birthday

Pure exploitation, but if that's what you're geared up for it wouldn't disappoint too much
Watched it at a "Grindhouse" cinema club thing last night, perfect film to watch with a crowd of people

Fantastic 80's tities/10


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Philomena 8.3/10 - Class. Heartwarming storytelling without the schmaltz.


Walter Mitty 8/10 - Enjoyed. Brilliant action sequences with an actual storyline? Man, this Stiller guy is an underrated director.


R.I.P.D. 6/10 - Top marks for CGI effects and visual style but really lost in a bunch of plotholes as to what he hell is going on.

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Transformers 4 - everything wrong with Hollywood/10


why would you go see it if you hated the other movies and know what you gonna get, really idiotic.

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bad neighbors - unwatchable, turned off and deleted after 30 minutes.


me too - walked out of the cinema - what a smug pile of shit


a friend of mine said I was being narrow minded and just didn't want to like it for what it is...

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Guest transmisiones ferox


bad neighbors - unwatchable, turned off and deleted after 30 minutes.


me too - walked out of the cinema - what a smug pile of shit




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Transformers 4 - everything wrong with Hollywood/10

why would you go see it if you hated the other movies and know what you gonna get, really idiotic.

The kids wanted to see it, what crawled in your vagina and died
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Transformers 4 - everything wrong with Hollywood/10

why would you go see it if you hated the other movies and know what you gonna get, really idiotic.

The kids wanted to see it, what crawled in your vagina and died

Lol fair enough that makes sense sorry

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really good movie, didn't really understand the full scope of what had happened to him until I watched this.


if you liked that you might also like this 'terms and conditions may apply' doc about silicon valley data mining / digital privacy : http://vimeo.com/73079834


watched both of these back to back and they perfectly melded


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River of Fundament--this is a really fucked up 5 hour opera about Egyptian god sex, the American car industry and poop. Some pretty fucking cool stuff in it but a bit camp n shit. gives new meaning to the phrase 'shit a dick' edit: dude shits,,takes the shit out the toilet,wraps it in gold leaf,puts it back,the toilet turns into dude and the shit turns in to a gold dick and fucks him.. whhaaat


I also saw the Starman qualities in Under the Skin but I enjoyed the shit out of it, I bet the book is pretty awesome. The novel's wiki synopsis explained a lot of the more obscure plot in the film. 8/10

It's not that much like Starman obviously but it reminded me of a lot of old films and the only thing that made it sort of unique is that it was released in 2014. Acting was pretty natural and good. It's the kind of film I'd prob enjoy more mid-winter though eh

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Further musings on Under the Skin:


I have to say that it tied up a little too many loose ends for me. We get the good and the bad of both species. A barbaric act of human instinct, yet no two human's are the same. Guilt from the alien. Also, the music is apt beyond belief and a pleasure to the ears. It would'nt work anywhere else. It's very Fire Walk With Me


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the unbelievers - had been looking forward to this for over 2 years, but damn. 1+ hour of celebrity worshipping and music video-like montages made the whole thing come across as one giant atheist circlejerk that's gonna make anyone who's even remotely religious want to turn it off within the first 5 minutes. the few clips of actual talks and debates it did feature was stuff i had already seen on youtube ages ago. so yeah, just look up talks by dawkins, harris, krauss or hitchens on youtube instead. you'll be much better off.

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