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Tomorrowland - Lindelof/10 what genius decided to start a kid's movie with George Clooney being an asshole for 5 minutes directed at the audience? Mindless plot, after seeing Keegan Michael Key reduced to a one scene bad guy I had to turn it off. And too many Star Wars jokes to boot.


Hearing Lindelof is involved will stop me from ever watching this, what a complete arsehat.

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Kids Ah, I fucking love this kind of film. Decadence even in our purest state as humans. 8.9/10


Sometimes Larry Clark comes across as the ultimate right-wing scare monger of liberal decadence...... but he made some top filems.

Have you see Ken Park? A seriously uncomfortable watch...... at least during Gummo there were some borderline wtf lols,,,,,,,,,



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at least during Gummo there were some borderline wtf lols,,,,,,,,,





gummo was made by harmony korine.


all of larry clark's films are attempts to re-make streetwise (kids even copies the hiv testing scene shot for shot) and the scene from ken park with the kid who lives with his grandparents and 'loves watching girls' tennis' comes from tulsa (curiously, scorsese said tulsa influenced taxi driver). i think this film was better than kids in a lot of ways. did you watch wassup rockers? i think someone challenged him to make a film where kids don't have sex and he almost made it (but still couldn't help himself by inserting 1 scene for artistic reasons)

Edited by Nebraska
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One of my friends and I have been on a Survival Movie mission and so far we've watched...



Never seen it before. I liked it. One of the best Stallone movies I've watched apart from some of the Rambo and Rocky movies.



The Edge

Never seen this one before either. This was pretty fucking effective even though it's 18 years old. Bart the Bear was awesome and scary!



The Thing

I love this movie to death.


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The Thing

I love this movie to death.


Yes! Classic! The remake is even better!


j/k about the remake


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The Thing

I love this movie to death.


Yes! Classic! The remake is even better!


j/k about the remake



Haha, I was just about to slap you across the face.

Have you seen the animatronics they made for the prequel which ended up being replaced/"enhanced" by crappy low budget-looking CGi?



Have you seen The Grey? I was surprised by how good it was, I mean it's not great, but it's good and keeping with your theme.


Yeah, we've both seen it. I actually really liked it but the ending was a big let-down. If you guys have any other recommendations, then feel free to throw them in our direction.

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lol. was that a buchla in that guy's studio? a synth renowned in the edm scene no doubt.

haha, I saw Morton Subotnick last year and the event info said he was the Godfather of EDM.


Trying to promote the show for a younger audience no doubt

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Insidious 3 --- 2/10


The first one had a great intro and development to a total flop of an ending. Second one kept on those lines, but had some decent creepy moments like the first. This one just plain sucked. Not to say I'm surprised or anything - just felt like posting this.


Horror movies really blow now.

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Insidious 3 --- 2/10


The first one had a great intro and development to a total flop of an ending. Second one kept on those lines, but had some decent creepy moments like the first. This one just plain sucked. Not to say I'm surprised or anything - just felt like posting this.


Horror movies really blow now.

I like how the medium was able to just beat the ghosts up in this one.

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Watched How To Train Your Dragon parts 1 & 2 last night. They were reasonably enjoyable, but it was very odd how all the adults had heavy Scottish accents and all the kids are voiced by American comedians.

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Tremors anthology:


Tremors 1: Kevin Bacon 90s classic.


Tremors 2 Aftershock: Decent for the return on Fred Ward, and some logical progression to the story.


Tremors 3 Back to Perfection: absolute shite, that they named a species "Assblasters" shows you where their heads and budget were at.


Tremors 4 the Legend Begins: when you're all out of ideas and need a micro budget, take it back to the Wild West. Michael Gross had fun playing the antithesis of Bert, playing his great-grandfather, an Eastern fob who has a fear of guns


Tremors the Series: review in progress...

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The Green Slime - 6/10 very cheesy but entertaining.....like a hokey 60's The Blob or The Thing.


Shatterbrain - 7/10 from the director of Return Of The Living Dead this 1991 film is his only other feature he directed (although he did write Alien, Aliens, Total Recall etc), it was quite weird, and I didn't understand it but I think I was a bit out of it.

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The Edge

Never seen this one before either. This was pretty fucking effective even though it's 18 years old. Bart the Bear was awesome and scary!



great movie, remember seeing this when I was a kid.


"what one man can do, another, can do!"

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Insidious 3 --- 2/10


The first one had a great intro and development to a total flop of an ending. Second one kept on those lines, but had some decent creepy moments like the first. This one just plain sucked. Not to say I'm surprised or anything - just felt like posting this.


Horror movies really blow now.

I like how the medium was able to just beat the ghosts up in this one.


1st Insidious was one of the 'best' mainstream horror movies i've seen in like 7 years. It wasn't amazing or even brilliant but it was very functional and treated ghosts in a much less generic way than most of the horror movies out these days. Even the ghost kids I didn't mind and for me a 'scary ghost kid' outside of a Japanese horror movie is almost always really shit (Sinister anyone?).

Overdone ghost kids are almost as bad as the slew of 'exorcism' movies where each actress just tries to do a linda blair impression. Its almost like someone never thought 'hey what would it be like if we made an exorcism movie where the person possessed DOESNT act exactly like every other exorcism movie we've seen before'

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awesome film. kinda like a sleazy version of coal miner's daughter with the 'holy shit how hot is she?' monica gayle (from switchblade sisters) and directed by goldie hawn's ex husband the shaky gus trikonis.


7.5 acoustic guitars out of 10

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mad max - meh, turned it off after the storm. Then went back and watched up to the hills. Got off to a bad start with those hastily composited 'memories' whilst maxee boi was running around at the start. Film editing 101 fail. Subsequent action left me flat. Was all a bit silly to no purpose and i hope they don't make another one. I'll go back and finish it though, in solidarity with my watmm brothers i shall not skim, maybe. we'll see.


Age of Ultron - avengers could have been an interesting tale filled with the arguments and philosophies surrounding one of the key fears that plagues us as we transition from man to sentient amalgam of man and learned machine. But instead it's this featureless grey goo of one action scene or terrible conversation after the next. The latter trying to remain relevant through things like calling hastily painted graffiti on the wall a 'banksy'. I'm sure the trolls liked that one, more guilt by association, even if it's reference you had nothing to do with in a film that you never watched. And the score ... argh .. 55 mins in and the skim desire is strong in me, but i've been waiting for this one for ages for the cool sentient robots, just show me more of them and keep everything else in the background pretty please.


I don't think that i'm the market for these types of things, i just want to colour in a drawing or practise guitar, or go sleep after days of sleep dep. heh.

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at least during Gummo there were some borderline wtf lols,,,,,,,,,





gummo was made by harmony korine.


all of larry clark's films are attempts to re-make streetwise (kids even copies the hiv testing scene shot for shot) and the scene from ken park with the kid who lives with his grandparents and 'loves watching girls' tennis' comes from tulsa (curiously, scorsese said tulsa influenced taxi driver). i think this film was better than kids in a lot of ways. did you watch wassup rockers? i think someone challenged him to make a film where kids don't have sex and he almost made it (but still couldn't help himself by inserting 1 scene for artistic reasons)


pretty sure i turned wassup rockers off at the nipple hair scene and never looked back

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