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Like... "hey that sounds like rephlex"; the record label almost becomes a genre.





I think record labels are essential (well the good ones at least)

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Guest HokusPoker

yeah but do you really need any other filter except your own ears? why do you need a label to define what is good or not? just because a track is on rephlex records, does that mean it's somehow "better" than something self-released on bandcamp?


I think it's pretty obvious that nobody was saying that. Cheap shot.

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woah hang on there, nothing is fucked here...i'm just postulating, not saying I'm right or wrong but trying to get some debate going around the issue... are you from xltronic?

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I honestly don't really think this a 'game changer' as far as music distribution goes. It's an interesting one-off for a very rare 20 year old unreleased album. But if a new Aphex Twin record came out soon, i think it would be released just like anything else on Rephlex or Warp or whatever


but why? why do you even need a "label"? you don't any more.... used to be that the label would sort out the production, marketing, PR and distribution of the record, but you don't need a label to do that any more. all you need to do is supply some source material and (if you have a big enough following) the fan base will do the rest - from production of a physical release (if that's what people want) to artwork and marketing via social media. what do labels actually do really? where do they add value? these are rhetorical questions btw, just trying to get people thinking about this concept... i personally believe a label is pretty much exactly what it says on the tin - a label for music; a brand, a logo, an image etc. maybe that's not as important as it used to be...or maybe it should never have been important in the first place - after all it should be the actual sound you listen to that creates the image/brand/label etc... i dunno, not saying i'm right, but think it throws up some interesting questions about the whole industry and the traditional model.


I agree with 2WV

Labels are becoming a thing of the past. With things like bandcamp and soundcloud being used rapidly to self-release music, there's no need for labels anymore

the need for marketing money, and connections still resides in the world of labels. Almost all of the music in the 'new and upcoming releases form' even if it's independently released, was at one time signed to a label with a marketing budget and established distribution. I do think labels will eventually be a thing of the past, but as long as money still dictates exposure (like it does now) labels will still be strong.

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You need a label though. I simply don't have the time to search through a million artists to find the one good one. Labels help to identify something immediately. This is inherent in all labels, not just record labels. It draws you to the sensibilities of that label.



generalizing isn't just a bad thing.

Edited by StephenG
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Guest HokusPoker

woah hang on there, nothing is fucked here...i'm just postulating, not saying I'm right or wrong but trying to get some debate going around the issue... are you from xltronic?


Well, nobody said “I buy Rephlex releases no matter what they sound like because if there's Rephlex written on it, I better like it”, so I don't quite see who this debate is for if not for you who brought this up in a quite aggressive way (it sounded like “Are you really that stoopid, you should listen to your ears!”).

It's like genres. IDM may be a stupid term, but if it helps finding music similar to the one I already like, it's very useful. Looking at releases of a record label that has published music I've liked in the past helps because there's a high chance that I'll like one more.


What shouldn' be forgotten is that labels, like publishing companies, make it possible to spend some time exclusively on making music. Not everybody can come up with great music produced in their basement in their freetime after 8 hours at work.


I also don't see what's inherently bad about marketing. Uploading music to Soundcloud, telling people about it, creating a fanbase, designing covers, doing gigs… that's marketing, too.

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Guest HokusPoker

what exactly is wrong with listening to music that no living person has ever heard, HokusPoker?


Where the hell did I say that's wrong?!

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Go listen to something completly randomly on bandcamp, then go listen to something randomly from the Rephlex roster... Chances are very strongly in favour of you preferring the Rephlex 1!

Edited by kirm
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Other than as a way to find "related music" in a certain style, labels don't make a lot of sense to me these days as there is so much quality self-released music out there, simply being spread by word of mouth. It also feels meaningful to discover your own favorites outside of that system, although I can understand not having the time to trawl through soundcloud lists etc. In an age when people make a living through youtube videos, the financial/promotional advantages of a label are not that great unless you're making bad/generic music.

Edited by chim
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Guest HokusPoker

Well, you asked “why do you need a label to define what is good or not?”. This means you're saying that we need a label to tell us what's good and what is not. This is not just postulating for the sake of debate and it's a bit insulting. Let's leave it at that :)


Are there many examples of people who did not have any contact with a label, were not known before the age of Soundcloud etc. and are able to easily live off their music? Not a rhetorical question, I'd be interested to know.

Edited by HokusPoker
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Are there many examples of people who did not have any contact with a label, were not known before the age of Soundcloud etc. and are able to easily live off their music? Not a rhetorical question, I'd be interested to know.

Yeah there are examples. Tobacco/Black Moth Super Rainbow comes to mind, always had their own label. Possibly Wolf Eyes? I think one of those guys runs Hanson Records, right? There's a lot of bands that do everything themselves, just trawl the Upcoming Releases section in the Music Discussion forum and you'll find plenty of artists that have gained popularity by some means other than label exposure.

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Joyrex...................thanks a billion for this. Can't believe my wife told me about it based on a fucking Guardian article.......



hah, she's looking out for you. ;-]

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Guest Atom Dowry Firth

Will there be artwork included or do we need to make our own/go without? Also will these files be DRM free?

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Have we heard ANY of the tracks which are on this before?


Joyrex deserves lots and lots of props for doing this, could we as a community vote on who masters it?

I'd only like to see mastering done with Richard's direct input. If not, I think it should be left as is.

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Guest Jimmy McMessageboard

so now this is unlimited? so now Joyrex has to send money to (possibly) 5000+ people after the record sells?

I think that part of the plan is terrible. give 1/2 to aphex and 1/2 to charity.

guess it's too late now

Edited by Jimmy McMessageboard
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so now this is unlimited? so now Joyrex has to send money to (possibly) 5000+ people after the record sells?

I think that part of the plan is terrible. give 1/2 to aphex and 1/2 to charity.

guess it's too late now

The excess money from the sale is going to Richard/Rephlex (see FAQ on the first page) and the sale of the record afterwards is going to charity ( http://forum.watmm.com/topic/83062-which-charity-should-get-the-proceeds-of-the-ebay-sale/ )
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