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Richard D James SoundCloud - A Gift To The Fans

Guest crowndicey

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Imgaine say some people from Coventry U.K or Texas shot loads of people in China, would you also agree it was ok for China to bomb Birmingham or Texas?



Totally. As Isis declared war against France, bombing isis HQs & their training camps makes perfect sense. That's war is about sadly. i never thought someone who had been smoking pot for 25 years & who read nothing but sequencers manuals would write anything smart but that's fucking stupid... That said, i wound not listen to acid tracks made by geopolitics specialists. Each to his own.

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Imgaine say some people from Coventry U.K or Texas shot loads of people in China, would you also agree it was ok for China to bomb Birmingham or Texas?



Totally. As Isis declared war against France, bombing isis HQs & their training camps makes perfect sense. That's war is about sadly. i never thought someone who had been smoking pot for 25 years & who read nothing but sequencers manuals would write anything smart but that's fucking stupid... That said, i wound not listen to acid tracks made by geopolitics specialists. Each to his own.


I'm not the one to believe bombing will solve anything. In fact bombing is part of the problem in the first place. However, this comment, at best, is a horrendous oversimplification of a complex issue. Those refugees that Rich mentioned were being housed by some of his mates fled from the same group responsible for the Paris attacks (or the other group fighting them, or the other group fighting both of them etc etc). Also there's a big difference between criminal violence and political or terrorist violence i.e. u can't hold an entire country responsible for a serial killer but you can hold a country responsible for an act of war. In any case, ISIS is not a country. It's a religious fundamentalist terrorist organisation which in its effort to become a caliphate (or empire) is taking over other countries. Many events and poor decisions of many countries (western and middle eastern included) have led to this BUT that should not leave ISIS off the hook, neither should it make them appear any less responsible for their violent and despicable actions.

In any case, given that political and metaphysical comments are being posted more and more often on his account, I would suggest the creation of a different thread for this conversation (for whoever wants to participate) and keep this one about the music.

Sincerely, ur in house geopolitical expert who comes here to get away from that shit

Edited by Alfreddo
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your comment leads me to believe that you are not very geopolitically expert, keyed in to the true subtleties of the current US backed proxy army sometimes called isis.


secondly, i am of two minds about separating rich's comments on his soundcloud from a thread specifically about his soundcloud. Yes, it does take away from the music discussion that this thread was initially about, but then again is it really taking away, rather it's added another dimension to the matter that is still perfectly on topic, given that the comments are nested within his soundcloud account, and creating a separate thread would be to confuse both users and the flow of conversation and marginalize rich's feelings.

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As to what richard said, there is this sovereign country that still exists that is called Syria, no foreign power has a right to perform any military action within it's borders without the permission of that country. So when the US goes in to do resupply airdrops for isis (i'm sorry, i mean the 'moderate rebels'), or israel bombs Syrian army munitions dumps, or now france does whatever, these are all illegal actions and warcrimes under international law. Syria has invited Russia into it's country to clean up isis, and Russia in the space of a few weeks has been wiping out ISIS/daesh/ISIL/whatever you want to call this despicable mercenary band. This is in stark contrast to the illegal US bombing campaign (US generals were complaining that they didn't want to be ISIS' airforce) that stretched over a year and an half that only saw isis gain territory and influence, sell more oil etc.


The concept that these areas in the map don't belong to anyone and western powers can just do whatever they like with them needs to be erased from the minds of the western public. These western nation states are acting as terrorists. So richard is right, in a sense, when he writes that the west shouldn't bloody go in there, because they shouldn't, they've caused enough terror in the middle east and should fuck right off.

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I thought we were leaving politics out of this thread?


you were ...


Start another one and brand it correctly if you like and we'll keep going over there bruv.


Perhaps label one


- Richard D James SoundCloud - A Gift To The Fans - music discussion


and the other ..


- Richard D James SoundCloud - A Gift To The Fans - Richard's comments

subheader - and everyone elses (this would include being able to discuss miss whatevershe'scalled that's probably rich (call me a conspiritard, hah))



I don't engage in elongated political discourse on watmm though, it's a fruitless endeavour. But the occasional staccato counterpoint, i am not above that, by any means. And it is completely out of line and unfair to suggest in a forum dedicated to richard, that we don't discuss issues that he himself brings up, and are important to him, and at the time that he mentions them.

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delet i watched the video. am i supposed to believe that isis is america now?


delet i get the impression that you think i should be more skeptical. how skeptical are you to believe that isis is a proxy of the us? what is the evidence? i think you are leaping to conclusions like the incredible hulk.

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delet i watched the video. am i supposed to believe that isis is america now?


delet i get the impression that you think i should be more skeptical. how skeptical are you to believe that isis is a proxy of the us? what is the evidence? i think you are leaping to conclusions like the incredible hulk.


hello, you have this thing called the internet, it is filled with information backing up and verifying everything i say (just select a quote and search for it, like the US military not wanting to be ISIS' airforce thing). How can you know that you are very honest if you have never checked the veracity of anything you've said.


The reason why i say that i don't get involved in longform debates on political matters is because in order to convince you lot of everything, i would have to spend the better part of that day, gathering several links to back up every point. If you want to go and believe everything the mainstream media tells you on everything even when they have lied so often about not minor issues but serious world changing, life destroying matters like why we're going into war, or why we are bailing out megabanks, well go right ahead. But this doesn't mean that i have to take anything you say politically seriously or bother to counter it, as it's so patently absurd and never in history has it been easier to inform yourself of what's really going on. Thanks to this thing called the internet.


As i have done occasionally though, here's a suggestion on a primer to ease you out of the mind control (what else can you call it, this isn't a diss, just calling it like it iss). I don't agree 100% with these people, but at least they're using real sources from real reality.




https://www.youtube.com/user/hard2startyubetube/videos(the rivero ones)




cheers and good luck with that. [[-;

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heh .. How that twitter thought was generated.


"stop looking in the mirror jadon" ... "there's no mirror there mom" .. "sure there is jadon, stop being silly" ... "But mom, how can mirrors be real if our eyes aren't real".


A little prince can never be wrong.

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Rename thread to "Richard D James political comments cloud".


Which is prolly more like a thick foggy coffee shop one can find in amsterdam. Where the smell of pot makes you confused about whether you need to puke, or have another go at the cake theyre serving.

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delet i watched the video. am i supposed to believe that isis is america now?


delet i get the impression that you think i should be more skeptical. how skeptical are you to believe that isis is a proxy of the us? what is the evidence? i think you are leaping to conclusions like the incredible hulk.


hello, you have this thing called the internet, it is filled with information backing up and verifying everything i say (just select a quote and search for it, like the US military not wanting to be ISIS' airforce thing). How can you know that you are very honest if you have never checked the veracity of anything you've said.


The reason why i say that i don't get involved in longform debates on political matters is because in order to convince you lot of everything, i would have to spend the better part of that day, gathering several links to back up every point. If you want to go and believe everything the mainstream media tells you on everything even when they have lied so often about not minor issues but serious world changing, life destroying matters like why we're going into war, or why we are bailing out megabanks, well go right ahead. But this doesn't mean that i have to take anything you say politically seriously or bother to counter it, as it's so patently absurd and never in history has it been easier to inform yourself of what's really going on. Thanks to this thing called the internet.


As i have done occasionally though, here's a suggestion on a primer to ease you out of the mind control (what else can you call it, this isn't a diss, just calling it like it iss). I don't agree 100% with these people, but at least they're using real sources from real reality.




https://www.youtube.com/user/hard2startyubetube/videos(the rivero ones)




cheers and good luck with that. [[-;


I agree that never has it been easier to inform oneself, yet never has it been more difficult to ascertain the truth and reach a conclusion. I would hesitate to be so certain about my opinions on such matters and it is dangerous to oversimplify such complex issues in order to fit a neat and tidy argument (it's a populist fascist tendency, after all). Human being are imperfect, so are countries and nations - there aren't any black and white answers OR solutions for that matter. Furthermore, to completely discredit official source or mainstream media, while fully adopting other opinions on the internet also doesn't seem at all right to me. Lastly, my point was not to diminish the responsibility of the West, in fact I acknowledged that their intervention was part of the problem. It helped create a monster, but that doesn't make it any less of a monster today. My point was that there's a big difference between say the Columbine Shooting and the Paris attacks. I would think that's self evident.

Anyways, fully back ur proposal of a separate thread.

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Par IS


Good luck for him when promoting forthcoming shows/records with Warpfrance parisian team. I should have never commented those stuff anyway, trying to communicated with someone proud of reading nothing & watching conspis vids from youtube is a waste of time/energy. Anyway, sorry for adding this to the SC thread.. feel free to move all this to a dedicated thread.

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