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Richard D James SoundCloud - A Gift To The Fans

Guest crowndicey

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I know reading the Warp Records book, Steve Beckett said he has a zen-like control over his (music) life. Even in the new on-line/internet age he emerges as a Zen Master. Knowing exactly what to do, just like the wisest of Wise Grasshoppers.


Indulin says at 2:08:

26 mixes for cash :-)!


user48736353001 says at 2:08:

@indulin: oh yeah i forgot i released that one







and yaye, The Lord Aphex saideth uponeth his people: "shit forgot i released this one already lol"



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2015, the year of the Soundcloud. Such an unbelievable gift, so many absolutely outstanding and magical tracks, hard not to take it for granted, especially earlier in the year when he was uploading 100's a month, but each and every track is a privilege to listen to and enjoy. Rich has single-handedly made this such a memorable year.


Thanks Rich, and thanks WATMM for riding this wave of uploads out with 580+ pages of awesomeness, killing many boring afternoons with pages of top lels.


As we look forward to another year of IDM, to some much anticipated Melodies from Mars, and to more untold riches, I hope we spend the night listening to, or at least appreciating, Soundcloud tracks, in tribute to Richard's lifelong obsession with making the most perfect music possible, and the massive heart which lets us listen to a fucking fuckton of it. Cheers everyone, here's to a mental 2016!!! :aphexsign:

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2015, the year of the Soundcloud. Such an unbelievable gift, so many absolutely outstanding and magical tracks, hard not to take it for granted, especially earlier in the year when he was uploading 100's a month, but each and every track is a privilege to listen to and enjoy. Rich has single-handedly made this such a memorable year.


Thanks Rich, and thanks WATMM for riding this wave of uploads out with 580+ pages of awesomeness, killing many boring afternoons with pages of top lels.


As we look forward to another year of IDM, to some much anticipated Melodies from Mars, and to more untold riches, I hope we spend the night listening to, or at least appreciating, Soundcloud tracks, in tribute to Richard's lifelong obsession with making the most perfect music possible, and the massive heart which lets us listen to a fucking fuckton of it. Cheers everyone, here's to a mental 2016!!! :aphexsign:


Couldn't or wouldn't have said it better myself :beer: AFX 4 Life u slags

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I think that RDJ is really grateful for all support we have given to him.


We have all followed him many years thru his career.


I have investate so much time and money on his music... maybe he is regretting putting all those tracks up on SC or maybe he is lost and don't know what to do with everything. but he is responding with a big heart and a good smile I can tell!

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I love aphex talking shit about squarepusher. first the robots album, then about him putting the crowd noises in his tracks. I hope they get into a feud of some kind. Reason being I think it would result in some really good music being released.



I reckon there's all sorts of intelligent dance feuds going on. Wasn't there a zinger in there about how coding emotions is very difficult, pinging back a snide AE remark about how his music was cold and emotionless? :whistling::spiteful:

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I dunno if they would give a shit about shit like that. It would help that they know each other as people, so unlike when we give a strong opinion about some ekt music on here and some emo munt takes it personally, at least with when they say stuff about each other's thing, there's a layer of 'oh, you guys', because they've met in real.


That said, it seemed rich was more emotionally attached to the perception of his music in the past, (of which there is a particular example I promised never to mention on here again), but has matured and is more circumspect about things now. Not knowing the guy, how can I really know this. And why have I sunk to daily mail gossip.


Also this ...

We have to remember to renew his Soundcloud subscription.

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I reckon there's all sorts of intelligent dance feuds going on. Wasn't there a zinger in there about how coding emotions is very difficult, pinging back a snide AE remark about how his music was cold and emotionless? :whistling::spiteful:

lol i remember that interview when they said that, it's kind of such a ridiculous statement that i would have a hard time believing ae weren't being sarcastic. not to be a total rdj fanboy but i mean really? his music lacking emotion? come on...you slags.


oh shit i made another post about idm emotionz

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Emotions ! that's a slippery slope hahah !



/lays out cushions, herbal teas and puppy videos for watmm safe space (check out yo brain) room.


((this actually happened on a campus for a presentation that might trigger the audience, I'd have recommended gassing anyone that used the room, but probably a third of the people it attracted would have been stoners seeing it as a place to chill out and pick up vulnerable young ladies))

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We're getting this request on almost every page now. Maybe if someone can keep up a full archive link I can make a seperate pinned (and locked) thread for as long this goes on?

Or... should I ask permission to host the files for download here at WATMM? I've always avoided this as it is Richard's music and he decides what is and isn't available, etc., but it would be easier for the fans who missed out on the previous tracks.


Doesn't marking a thread "answered" pin it to the top of every sub-page in a thread? That would be another way.

That would be even better actually!


We tried the "answered" method a few times in this thread but for some reason it seems to disappear after a few pages / weeks. Not sure why!



OK, no promises but I'll see if Richard will respond...


I like MEGA for this AFX Aventur because it is so easy to update as track descriptions and artwork change. Plus, people can sort on time stamp and grab only what is changed or new (as opposed to downloading a massive ZIP/RAR just to grab a few stragglers).


I've been maintaining this archive for WATMM-ites since the beginning, no plans to let it fall into disrepair (unless RDJ requests).




Thanks! ♥

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Emotions ! that's a slippery slope hahah !



/lays out cushions, herbal teas and puppy videos for watmm safe space (check out yo brain) room.


((this actually happened on a campus for a presentation that might trigger the audience, I'd have recommended gassing anyone that used the room, but probably a third of the people it attracted would have been stoners seeing it as a place to chill out and pick up vulnerable young ladies))

lol @ all of that


we should have a watmm safe space thread


EDIT: and just so we have every slight change of the sc recorded in this thread his prof now says "dj ultimate cunt". omg new release imminent, "another 26 mixes for cash"

Edited by orangebattery
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Emotions ! that's a slippery slope hahah !



/lays out cushions, herbal teas and puppy videos for watmm safe space (check out yo brain) room.


((this actually happened on a campus for a presentation that might trigger the audience, I'd have recommended gassing anyone that used the room, but probably a third of the people it attracted would have been stoners seeing it as a place to chill out and pick up vulnerable young ladies))

Lets talk about our emotions


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I love aphex talking shit about squarepusher. first the robots album, then about him putting the crowd noises in his tracks. I hope they get into a feud of some kind. Reason being I think it would result in some really good music being released.



I reckon there's all sorts of intelligent dance feuds going on. Wasn't there a zinger in there about how coding emotions is very difficult, pinging back a snide AE remark about how his music was cold and emotionless? :whistling::spiteful:




west coast east coast ventriloquist feud

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