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Richard D James SoundCloud - A Gift To The Fans

Guest crowndicey

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Lucky me, I got the DL.




Video in the meta data comments:




Vaccines might have made me more autistic but im fucking them back in ways they cant imagine, fortunately im one of the lucky ones who can still communicate on a bigger scale than some others.







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let's all agree to no longer post/discuss his non-music related links and 'beliefs' anymore


lol - if Richard was a member here he would have been banned long ago. Its hardly surprising he uses soundcloud as his main community.

Edited by o00o
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let's all agree to no longer post/discuss his non-music related links and 'beliefs' anymore


or at least make a different thread for that stuff, the same way he should be separating his conspiracy stuff from his music (imo)


I mean what's the point of embedding an anti-vax vid on the metadata of the track?

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let's all agree to no longer post/discuss his non-music related links and 'beliefs' anymore


or at least make a different thread for that stuff, the same way he should be separating his conspiracy stuff from his music (imo)


I mean what's the point of embedding an anti-vax vid on the metadata of the track?



maybe because he cares for that stuff.



let's all agree to no longer post/discuss his non-music related links and 'beliefs' anymore

lol - if Richard was a member here he would have been banned long ago


that has happened before :dadjoke:




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let's all agree to no longer post/discuss his non-music related links and 'beliefs' anymore


or at least make a different thread for that stuff, the same way he should be separating his conspiracy stuff from his music (imo)


I mean what's the point of embedding an anti-vax vid on the metadata of the track?



maybe because he cares for that stuff.


like forcing that stuff down the throats of people who don't care / don't share those views is gonna help his cause

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let's all agree to no longer post/discuss his non-music related links and 'beliefs' anymore

lol - if Richard was a member here he would have been banned long ago


that has happened before :dadjoke:





*posts a 2 hour long youtube vid of snippets of forum screenshots overlayed with big red blocks of texts and lots of arrows pointing, set to omnious music, followed by four 3 hour lectures of some guy with glasses giving vague pseudoscientific analytical assumptions via watmm-centered powerpoint presentations*




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He's just being nice.

It's not like any of you are experts on the stuff he's posting about so your smug, dismissive comments are out of place.

If I want to know about something I listen to as many different and opposing opinions as possible, then mull it over and come to my own conclusions (or not).

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I have enough expertise re: vaccines (professional qualification and clinical experience even) to know that video will only make me angry



Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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If I want to know about something I listen to as many different and opposing opinions as possible, then mull it over and come to my own conclusions (or not).


That's the whole philosophy behind conspi heads : all oppinions are equals (fasle or true doesnt matter at all), nobel prize winners or direct witnesses counts as much as random youtube vids, and as long as you didnt read that 666 pages pdf about the 9/11, you know nothing about the truth being hidden.

That's the definition of obscurantism.


Back to the music, yeah the second Bradley EP was truly great.

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I generally couldn't care less about any of the conspiracy nonsense he promotes, but the anti-vaccine/autism stuff is a bit different as it's actually harmful. All the scientific evidence suggests there is no link between vaccines and autism and the media-driven scare suggesting there was caused outbreaks of life-threatening diseases that were previously close to being eradicated. Wakefield's research has since been exposed as a fraud.


Anyway that aside, the polished version of the Bradley track sounds ace.

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Guest skibby

there's junk information that 99% of people believe is true, and there is also good information that 99% of people think is junk. this shit happens.


that aside, people need to decide for themselves the difference between useful and junk information, and it oughtn't be banned outright just because it is a controversial viewpoint. especially on the website that is basically for all intents and purposes the more or less official aphex twin website ffs.

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He's just being nice.


It's not like any of you are experts on the stuff he's posting about so your smug, dismissive comments are out of place.


If I want to know about something I listen to as many different and opposing opinions as possible, then mull it over and come to my own conclusions (or not).


I have a PhD in biomedical studies. I have worked in molecular biology / basic science for nearly 15 years. Wakefield's studies were mathematically incorrect and retracted. Many many studies have tested the idea that his study claimed to uncover and have found nothing. It's science, so there is never 100% certainty, but on this matter, there is overwhelming evidence compiled by people who think a lot about these problems and work on them, and there is simply no link. Whenever anyone employs an appeal to authority in an argument, alarms should go off, that's the instinct of a careful thinker. But seriously, seriously, there is just no good evidence here.

Edited by coolandfrank
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Lucky me, I got the DL.




Video in the meta data comments:




Vaccines might have made me more autistic but im fucking them back in ways they cant imagine, fortunately im one of the lucky ones who can still communicate on a bigger scale than some others.









awkward slow clap



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LMT is almost double it's original lenght now and wtf is going on at the end of it

i heard a voice in the very last bit, and amplified it in audacity


i think there was a television or radio playing at the end of the recording, theres a bit of music and a voice that says something like "and he shoodalongta"

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LMT is almost double it's original lenght now and wtf is going on at the end of it

i heard a voice in the very last bit, and amplified it in audacity


i think there was a television or radio playing at the end of the recording, theres a bit of music and a voice that says something like "and he shoodalongta"


yeah sounds like tv or somethin, pretty weird lol


bradley track is up for download now also :)

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can someone share the 8 linmiri bradley strider to the mega account?


He made it downloadable again, downloading now but in a bad hotel so still 12 minutes left to download the 13.7 MB

Edited by nyr22
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can someone share the 8 linmiri bradley strider to the mega account?




track sounds ace. i hope he doesn't stick to adding those silly youtubes in the comments though. it draws the attention from the beautiful towards the inane.

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i need to get good at discussing disagreements in a totally agreeable way. i know it's possible, i've seen it done. if we could all help each other to improve each other's ways of seeing things, what's wrong with that? the problems come when things get contentious. i guess if you're in a trench in world war 1 maybe it's justified to yell at someone. basically outside of that, though, anything you want to convey can be conveyed in a friendly way.


anyway, linmiri is awesome

Edited by very honest
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