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Richard D James SoundCloud - A Gift To The Fans

Guest crowndicey

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I know this has been said many times before, but was wondering how rdj will react to this... http://www.digitalmusicnews.com/2016/03/07/breaking-soundcloud-subscription-service-6-9-months-away/


You think he'll just look for another platform?



RDJ please bandcamp I don't care how much the puke costs



I 2nd that. Artists can sell w/out label dependence, 85-90% of sales goes straight to them, users can usually pay as much extra as desired, no subscriptions, uninterrupted listening before buying, buying puts the music in your hand and streaming from mobile, no bs 1.5x price for higher quality music, the list goes on. I don't hate sounding like an ad. In a sea of greedy f'ers these guys do it right. It's funny to see how easy it is and how labels respond.

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Bandcamp app is amazing, fact and I can get vinyl with flac included and streaming wherever without a sub is great. Also makes me feel closer to artists interacting with them directly.


Lolled at Aurora Halal for messaging me asking for more postage for Shapeshifter EP as she messed up the cost when posting. (Paid it of course)


In Richard news, I see he was sighted going to see Russell Haswell at Café Oto the other day. A few pics on Russell's twitter machine.

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I want that Pamela's Workout shirt

This thread is now about Pamela's workout shirt. Despite numerous attempts to make it about the gospel of Richard the Holy Twin.

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Noddy is back on his soundcloud page, nice he's still active;-)


Just saw that myself. Exciting! Couple more back up and I'll be in full on booty shaking mode.

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I have a week off work (house and dog sitting, believe it or not some people think I'm a rather responsible individual) and I'm going through this motherfucking swap of extraterrestrial transmissions from beginning to end.


For such a trip these essential tools are required to navigate such dense Aphexian Quagmires of Sound:


A sturdy bollocking beast of a boat and a fine crescent-moon blade of twilight zone steel hewn from the craters of Moon of Gandalfs Gonads, a Rambo knife, water purification tablets, a bottle of milk thistle, coffee, tea, whole milk, duck eggs, bacon, tins of pilchards, prostitutes and a case of medieval scrumpy.


It's fucking party time :diablo:

Edited by beerwolf
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