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Richard D James SoundCloud - A Gift To The Fans

Guest crowndicey

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Is there any reason why the Aphex and µ-Ziq Soundclouds are taken off the watmm front page and those Global Goon things are still there?





:aphexsign: FRONTPAGE OR RIOT :aphexsign:

Edited by vincentvc
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<iframe width="100%" height="166" scrolling="no" frameborder="no" src="https://w.soundcloud.com/player/?url=https%3A//api.soundcloud.com/tracks/202939363&color=ff5500&auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false"></iframe>
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Man this is exactly what i needed and I like this staggered schedule (but lets be honest i would love another load sprayed all over me).

The "Just getting started" comment had me remembering the 487 (?) number we saw in the meta data of some track i forgot the name...So excited. I was just thinking (last friday) about if he would release anything on sc at all until 2016 - when we would get another similar sized collection.

The "suits" comment also got me wondering if that is the reason behind any of the delay. Or just behind a few being pulled.

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The "suits" comment also got me wondering if that is the reason behind any of the delay. Or just behind a few being pulled.


i, for one, am a lot more interested in soundcloud since aphex started dumping there. i dont mean f5ing his page, i am checking out other musicians and i am more likely to upload to and support soundcloud now. the suits should see that this is good for them. maybe they think sc was doing fine and aphex traffic fucked things up, but in the long run, like 5 or 10 years from now when it's in danger of crapping out like virtually all websites do, they will be glad for the vitality james infused into it.

Edited by very honest
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The "suits" comment also got me wondering if that is the reason behind any of the delay. Or just behind a few being pulled.


i, for one, am a lot more interested in soundcloud since aphex started dumping there. i dont mean f5ing his page, i am checking out other musicians and i am more likely to upload to and support soundcloud now. the suits should see that this is good for them. maybe they think sc was doing fine and aphex traffic fucked things up, but in the long run, like 5 or 10 years from now when it's in danger of crapping out like virtually all websites do, they will be glad for the vitality james infused into it.



It's not the suits at Soundcloud, must be the suits at Warp. The traffic that AFX generates on that Soundcloud is a piss in the ocean compared to some big artists and the total amount of traffic.

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The "suits" comment also got me wondering if that is the reason behind any of the delay. Or just behind a few being pulled.


i, for one, am a lot more interested in soundcloud since aphex started dumping there. i dont mean f5ing his page, i am checking out other musicians and i am more likely to upload to and support soundcloud now. the suits should see that this is good for them. maybe they think sc was doing fine and aphex traffic fucked things up, but in the long run, like 5 or 10 years from now when it's in danger of crapping out like virtually all websites do, they will be glad for the vitality james infused into it.



I know we all like to think rdj is a massive superstar and bringing tons of traffic to soundcloud atm, but when usher or other morons like that upload a new track it instantly gets like a trillion views. Richard's views are nothing compared to this piece of shit track's 45m views


Edited by Zeffolia
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The "suits" comment also got me wondering if that is the reason behind any of the delay. Or just behind a few being pulled.


i, for one, am a lot more interested in soundcloud since aphex started dumping there. i dont mean f5ing his page, i am checking out other musicians and i am more likely to upload to and support soundcloud now. the suits should see that this is good for them. maybe they think sc was doing fine and aphex traffic fucked things up, but in the long run, like 5 or 10 years from now when it's in danger of crapping out like virtually all websites do, they will be glad for the vitality james infused into it.



It's not the suits at Soundcloud, must be the suits at Warp. The traffic that AFX generates on that Soundcloud is a piss in the ocean compared to some big artists and the total amount of traffic.



oh, well then thats shameful and im glad "they all go fuk themselves"

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