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Is marijuana use an unspoken rule for posting on WATMM?

Guest drukqs

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On 10/9/2019 at 9:59 AM, BobDobalina said:

lol @ 3:04

"Before church begins, Cherms and his congregation take more sacrament."

"Eventually, the sermon begins" lol

"like wait, what were we here for?  Oh yeah, church!  Pass the bong brother."

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reminds me of a few years ago when people in NYC got zombified off spice/K2 and others around the country had hospital visits.  It's so wild that the knock off shit is way more dangerous than the authentic illegal drug. 

Ive only ever bought black market carts. I've def got some sketchy ones - only 2-3  have made me throw them out from the taste. I knew the "branded" stuff with cartoon characters and cereal characters was mostly fake so i was off those about a year ago. 



EDIT: Shit im high - i didnt realize i posted basically this exact same thing a few posts up in october lol


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On 9/28/2019 at 8:18 PM, Zeffolia said:

ill always believe cannabis is best used rarely

wish i could afford to

edit: just realised you said 'rarely' not 'daily' nvm

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A side note for anyone interested in CBD. I've tried out like 5 different brands and only like 2 did anything for me. They were both 'full spectrum' as well which has a tiny bit of TBH and 3/4 other cannabinoids, but mostly CBD.

On 12/15/2019 at 6:09 PM, darreichungsform said:

there recently opened a CBD shop in my city too and I've gotta say it's surprisingly disappointing not to get high after a bong hit though it somehow puts my racing mind at easy at night.


oh yeah. I took a lot of CBD once, still within the safe limit, just to see if it was anything like THC. All it did was just make me fairly tired, but interestingly enough I was tired without any other side effects many OTC sleep medications give you and felt 'normal tired' like it was time for me to sleep.

Most peeps who really like CBD say they take it to alleviate anxiety. I don't have chronic anxiety or anything so I'm not sure how much it helps on that front. I took it before a presentation at work and couldn't tell if it was affecting me.


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Ive been taking CBD as a sleep aid and also as "anti-anxiety" medication when im travelling and wont be smokin for a while. Not that i get bad anxiety, just usually have some sort of negative mental state a few days into no smoke - also have trouble sleeping a few days into no smoke.

I've noticed that the Vitamin shops that sell CBD in NYC only have 5, 10, 15 mg options and they are all mixed in with some sort proprietary supplement to "help" you sleep/relax even better. ugh. There is also a CBD store in soho called The 420 that looks all sleek and white inside like a gallery (they call it The Sephora of CBD). That place had some CBD buds that seemed way overpriced so I didnt even experiment. That place at least had tinctures and SOME higher potency stuff like 50mg Capsules - but it all felt very "curated" in that they only had what was available (like if you wanted a higher or lower potency tincture, too bad).  just look at it! The store is kinda bare bones - I have a hunch they are placeholding until weed gets legalized recreational in NY????




I really like Lazarus Naturals and I have been ordering from them for a while. They have a great range for each of their products. for me 25mg is the sweet spot. 50mg is good but pushing it for me. leaves me a lil sleepy and out of it. but strong coffee will usually push me thru that.

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Haha, I went to a store like that in Newton, MA and it was wack but I totally bought some ridiculous CBD oil and got my chakras balanced. I also smoke spliffs with religious devotion. 

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I started taking CBD oil a few months ago, as I was hoping it would help me get better sleep. Unfortunately I don't really notice any difference when it comes to getting a better night's sleep, but I do feel that has helped with reducing anxiety. Like a lot of people, I have mild social anxiety. I mean not so bad that it prevents me from doing stuff, but I definitely get that really tense internal feeling when interacting with most people. I can tell that CBD has helped reduced/eliminated that tension I feel in social situations, and makes having conversations with other people a bit easier. 

On 12/16/2019 at 10:47 PM, Brisbot said:

A side note for anyone interested in CBD. I've tried out like 5 different brands and only like 2 did anything for me. They were both 'full spectrum' as well which has a tiny bit of TBH and 3/4 other cannabinoids, but mostly CBD.

I've tried a few also and like this one - https://www.43cbd.com

And totally agree about CBD shops being awkward places. The first one I went to, I swear it felt like I was back in high school going to someone's apartment to by a sack. 2 girls sitting on a couch looking spaced out not really talking, older grumbly-voiced dude comes out from the back reaking of cigarette smoke and starts asking me a bunch of questions and offering me gummy samples, little dog running around, music playing in the background...

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