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I can't help but to go on 9/11 binges whenever memes come up. I ran into a comment on a video that I would swear as being dank af if I didn't know better


"No planes hit the WTC. It's all video fakery... Extremely advanced technology brought the towers down.. A hint for people who have understanding of what i mean: There was a hurricane coming that day towards New york, it disolved just before hitting new york.. Also the 2 towers turned to dust in mid air, look it up! There was way too litle volume of ruble for millions of tons of collapsed tower debry. Because it literally dustified, everythig solid egally turned into dust except for a few steel beams. The official explaination was because of the heat, but why did an incredible amount of PAPER survived that "heat" which turned solid concrete, steel and abestos into moleculiar sized dust??? in MID AIR!?? Use your mind.. Ask question, instead of blindely accepting the "truth" you're being led to bellieve...


congratulations, your awake now.

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oh god. *traumatic flashback*



the most fun oscillik's ever had.



still not as bad as trying to pass off last-posting on WATMM as a social experiment.

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