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Soloman Tump

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Happy new year!

I thought I was just going to drink alone but there are suddenly friends coming to my apartment because they are only a few blocks away and I still have some booze left.

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The quantity doesn't matter, it's a waste of money in any way. Even cocaine addicts don't find it that special, they're just addicted. Cocaine is both boring and addictive. Heroin is a much smarter drug, and it's pretty dumb already, and very addictive. Fuck both. Do better drugs.
I never did coke in my life dude
Happy new year watmm
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2 hours ago, dingformung said:

potatoes > beans


beans get that protein in your body. i do a lot of potatoes.. probably as much as fat hobbits eat. 

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Atom TM’s end of year message was very welcome:

A short message to my dear friends, colleagues and followers.

I usually do not conclude a year with a message, though think that 2020 needs a different type of treatment. Knowing that the past 12 months contained a complex set of challenges for almost everybody which provoked existential changes, most of which were irreversible in nature, I would nonetheless wish to conclude this cycle on a positive note. Albeit the emotional, psychological and physical harm which 2020 has caused, it has also been a profoundly revealing year. The new time is now clearer as it has shown us the true face of many things. It has taken away a great lot of elements, but also made us see and appreciate the real and important ones. We all will go "lighter" into the next year - "lighter" for some means "poorer", but it also means "enlightenment" to some degree, if you let the new order of things sink in deeply. The path that lays ahead has gotten an excitingly new and empty feeling to it, an emptiness not to be filled with the debris of past eras.

Wishing you all the best for the year to come, let's fill that path with only the good, the true and the beautiful.




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9 hours ago, Soloman Tump said:

Changing to an ethical bank

There are none. If credit unions are a thing where you are, look into that. 

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2 hours ago, zkom said:

I thought I was just going to drink alone but there are suddenly friends coming to my apartment because they are only a few blocks away and I still have some booze left.

Shit got real and now I'm super drunk. Shit.

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HNY...although I'm still in 2020 for about two more hours.

Already been contemplating plans to start a streaming channel on YT for the last four months...hopefully I can get my first stream going by the end of January. That's the closest I have to any kind of resolution. That and a job change.

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9 hours ago, dingformung said:

Can someone send me food thru a tube that goes directly from ur trash in2 my mouth (I'm not picky)? It's not a fetish thing, just trying to save some money

Guy, we need to convene (possibly digitally, hmu wrt your local ‘rona stats). There’s several things (mainly one thing) I’d like to spar on concerning your interests intersecting wrt those of mine. Let’s make this happen, ok? 

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HNY...although I'm still in 2020 for about two more hours.

In the interest of starting 2021 with I better joke I rescind my previous borderline joke.
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10 minutes ago, dingformung said:

bestiality is rarely well-received in my experience, at least in public

that's why you don't do it in public. 

this is taking a weird turn. i regret my joke attempt. 2021 is going to be terrible. 

how's everyone's blenders holding up?

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