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2 minutes ago, dcom said:

It looks like you're condoning or even supportive of willful, wanton violence towards people who disagree with you because your ego has been bruised on this particular discussion forum you refer to, and respond to a general post that has literally nothing to do with you with a description of personal rhetorical injury because you're in a subject matter minority. That's laying it quite thick, but thank you, I aim to please.

the online reactionary/IDW types so consistently represent themselves as persecuted victims of the “radical left,” or “cancel culture,” etc. it projects absolutely huge baby energy. 

people roasted me online, i am basically Socrates 

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Maybe re: antifa vs proudboys, but lumping proudboys in with the antivax crowd grossly mischaracterizes the situation. Try taking a step back.

These guys easily fit the mold. Not like I’m taking a giant leap here.

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Russian mobsters, Chinese hackers and Nigerian scammers have used stolen identities to plunder tens of billions of dollars in Covid benefits, spiriting the money overseas in a massive transfer of wealth from U.S. taxpayers, officials and experts say. And they say it is still happening.

Among the ripest targets for the cybertheft have been jobless programs. The federal government cannot say for sure how much of the more than $900 billion in pandemic-related unemployment relief has been stolen, but credible estimates range from $87 million to $400 billion — at least half of which went to foreign criminals, law enforcement officials say.

Those staggering sums dwarf, even on the low end, what the federal government spends every year on intelligence collection, food stamps or K-12 education.

'Easy money': How international scam artists pulled off an epic theft of Covid benefits (NBC News)

(I had to choose between how the world sees the US and COVID threads.)

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30 minutes ago, dcom said:

It looks like you're condoning or even supportive of willful, wanton violence towards people who disagree with you because your ego has been bruised on this particular discussion forum you refer to, and respond to a general post that has literally nothing to do with you with a description of personal rhetorical injury because you're in a subject matter minority. That's laying it quite thick, but thank you, I aim to please.

Can you please tell me where or when I ever condoned or supported violence since you aim to please so much?

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26 minutes ago, Claudius t Ansuulim said:

Can you please tell me where or when I ever condoned or supported violence since you aim to please so much?

I explicitly said "it looks like" because you took the original post and made it about you as a victim, opening it up for interpretation because you associated your grievances with a post about senseless violence without denouncing it, you can seem to approve of it. It's a rhetorical device. The phrase "I aim to please" is sarcasm.

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News about unvaxxed people ending up in emergency regretting not getting the shot. Everywhere.

I hope it wakes the fuck up of a few people.

Pandemic of the unvaxxed, here we go. Sigh....

When you know how easy to get the vaccine and for free in our countries....smh. Misinformation kills.


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1 hour ago, Claudius t Ansuulim said:

Reason? You think this lack of civility is a result of lack of reasoning? This is FEAR, and both sides of the argument are guilty of playing into it’s hands.  There has been little civil discourse around this topic, and you need look no further than this msgboard for evidence. I’ve been mocked, ridiculed, and called stupid for attempting to be critical of our response to this situation, and this surely isn’t an isolated phenomenon.  You want civility? Start with yourself.

Yes, it's fear, but it's also an extremely unreasonable reaction to that fear. It has a short fuse and it plays very well into the hands of people who will take advantage of it. It then becomes a deliberate disruption of a proper democratic reaction.

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32 minutes ago, dcom said:

I explicitly said "it looks like" because you took the original post and made it about you as a victim, opening it up for interpretation because you associated your grievances with a post about senseless violence without denouncing it, you can seem to approve of it. It's a rhetorical device. The phrase "I aim to please" is sarcasm.

I was neither condemning or condoning the violence, merely seeking to explain it. I was offering an alternative to your viewpoint of this being a result of “a barbarous tribal society where violence trumps reason”.  I offered up my experiences with the discourse around the topic here as a demonstration of how exactly we’ve reached this point of violence in the streets.  If they continue with mandates I predict the situation will get much worse, especially if ya’all are thinking the proudboys are coming from the same place as antivaxxers 

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7 hours ago, Claudius t Ansuulim said:

I offered up my experiences with the discourse around the topic here as a demonstration of how exactly we’ve reached this point of violence in the streets.

If that - your experiences here on WATMM - would be your reason for violence against me, it would be as ridiculous and pointless as the violence in the video - but again, thank you, I aim to please.

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10 minutes ago, Claudius t Ansuulim said:

As a European you should know what happens when civil discourse dissolves and fear takes over

That's a thought-terminating cliché, probably subject to Godwin's Law, or maybe even a case of reductio ad Hitlerum. KTHXBAI.

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1 hour ago, thefxbip said:

News about unvaxxed people ending up in emergency regretting not getting the shot. Everywhere.

I hope it wakes the fuck up of a few people.

Pandemic of the unvaxxed, here we go. Sigh....

When you know how easy to get the vaccine and for free in our countries....smh. Misinformation kills.


until they find a way to shut down the 'ol tweets, facebooks, or whatever tf platform they're on, then highly doubtful, my friend. social media is what kills people living in echo chambers.

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Look around mate. Freedom of choice is never absolute. There is rules and laws so people dont kill or steal or commit crimes or have reckless behaviours.

Freedom of speech and freedom of action arent absolute or unlimited. They come with a degree of responsability and if you abuse them, without caring about your responsabilities, without caring about consequences of your actions, the community has a right to prevent you from abusing from them again.

It's why hate speech, drinking and driving arent accepted in society.

Spreading lies about vaccines or the virus while there is a pandemic going on is a definite crossing of the limits, whether people that do it are conscious or not of it. They mostly arent conscious of it, even if they're told because they either consider the virus a conspiracy/inexistent/hoax or the vaccine a dangerous invention of mind control or untested poison but at some point its not the rest of the community's problem. All of this is pure delusion and there comes a time when we have a right to put some limits on these delusions that endangers people's life.

We've been extremely patient with the recklessness of the anti-vaxx. A facebook censorship aint the end of the world. Quite the mildest censorship.

Every day that goes by i am more and more in favor of the passport because there is no reasoning you bunch. You just don't listen.

The unvaccinated are currently filling the emergencies, what the hell do you need more as a proof?



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What a fucking shit show this has been i just cant believe it. Not only we have to fight a deadly dangerous mutating virus, but we have to fight the complete delusion of anti-vaxx sabotaging the work of everyone.

It's a fucking sad thing to witness. There is not enough facepalms in the universe.

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Talking to anti-vaxxers is like asking your drunk friends not to drive.

But they're just screaming back at you asking their freedom to drive drunk to be respected.

''we'll be fine, im not even drunk, i can handle alcohol'' ''fuck the law i can drive and drink if i want'' ''my immunitary system is strong'' ''the virus aint that bad'' ''its a mind control experiment''

Thing is, if you do this the chances are you will hit a wall or kill/hurt other people.

They are their own worst enemy and they only realize it when they're at the ICU or their whole family is sick. And then doctors have to save their ass when they're intubed for weeks and in pain.

''oh i wish i took the jab''

''son we fkin told you ONE MILLION TIME''

Intubation looks like a fkin traumatizing and horrible thing to both go through and give as a treatment. I cant fathom why people would even want to risk to go through that.

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More than 80 students were potentially exposed to Covid-19 on the first day of class in Reno, Nevada, on Monday after a parent sent their child to Marce Herz Middle School, despite both the parent and child receiving a positive Covid-19 test just two days earlier, Washoe County Health District officials said.


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Ill just have Jean Luc facepalm tattooed on my forehead to express to the world the amount of concentrated facepalm that is boiling in me.

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On 8/11/2021 at 6:16 PM, usagi said:

can't wait tbh, my natural immune system is being destroyed as we speak. hopefully by next week I'll be so frail that reading internet conspiracy theories will give me a stroke and I just die immediately rather than having to read any more of this horseshit.

it's not working. I better get a second dose.

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johnson & johnson has been producing covid-19 vaccines in south africa with the intention of distributing them across africa (which is still waiting for most the doses they ordered). they then decided those doses would be better served else where and shipped them to europe. here's the telling part:


Many Western countries have kept domestically manufactured doses for themselves. That wasn’t possible in South Africa because of an unusual stipulation in the contract the government signed this year with Johnson & Johnson. The confidential contract, reviewed by The Times, required South Africa to waive its right to impose export restrictions on vaccine doses.


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