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I don't know why, but when I read about the new variant today and listened to Four Tet, it kind of made sense. It's just flowing further and further, complicating itself, basically waging a war to survive


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Can we please just get everyone vaccinated so this motherfucker stops evolving.

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South Africa accuses UK and others of ‘knee-jerk’ reaction to new variant:


Dr Angelique Coetzee, chair of the South African Medical Association and a practising GP based in Pretoria, said it was “premature” to make predictions of a health crisis.

“It’s all speculation at this stage. It may be it’s highly transmissible, but so far the cases we are seeing are extremely mild,” she said. “Maybe two weeks from now I will have a different opinion, but this is what we are seeing. So are we seriously worried? No. We are concerned and we watch what’s happening. But for now we’re saying, ‘OK: there’s a whole hype out there. [We’re] not sure why.’”

Coetzee said she would like to see the government embark on a push to get more people vaccinated, but added: “Unfortunately, it’s not only the responsibility of the government; it’s the responsibility of the public as well … You can only ask people so many times to go and get vaccinated, and if you don’t listen, then there’s consequences, and then you have to take the consequences.”


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The United Kingdom, Germany and Italy have confirmed their first two cases of the new Omicron strain of coronavirus.

The variant has prompted several countries to impose restrictions such as travel bans on several southern African countries, against the advice of the World Health Organization, while others have imposed fresh lockdowns to contain the spread of COVID-19.


Sixty-one travellers who flew into Amsterdam from South Africaon Friday have tested positive for Covid-19, officials have confirmed. 

Dutch health authorities are now conducting further tests to see whether the Omicron variant is present in those infected.


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4 hours ago, thefxbip said:

Man only our human dumb ass could just be ok with traveling around the world while a global pandemic is still going on, we deserve this shit.

How hard is it to close all airports for a few years so humanity doesnt have to deal with variants traveling freely everywhere and fkin us up?


''its almost too easy with these guys'' - Corona

what would help is getting billions of doses of vaccines to africa and other places who don't have access to their own. 

btw anyone see the south park "Post Covid" episode the other night?



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a guy I worked with back in like 2002 was in a dirge-y jazz fusion band called Omnicron. every time I see this damn mutation mentioned I'm like wtf happened to him.

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