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On 12/11/2021 at 7:27 PM, brian trageskin said:

my mom refuses the covid vaccine. she's a retired pharmacist who believes in pseudoscience, pseudomedicine, new-age shit, you name it. and now all the conspiracy theory crap about covid. she's been brainwashed. 

update: holy shit, i just heard my brother telling my mom over the phone that he's not vaccinated and bought a fake health pass. his wife is strongly opposed to covid vaccines and won't get vaccinated either. they both had covid last year and have a 2-year old child together. holy fuck.

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2 minutes ago, brian trageskin said:

update: holy shit, i just heard my brother telling my mom over the phone that he's not vaccinated and bought a fake health pass. his wife is strongly opposed to covid vaccines and won't get vaccinated either. they both had covid last year and have a 2-year old child together. holy fuck.

both brother and mom refuse vaccine as well


im dreading a ''your mom is on a respirator'' eventual phonecall from a hospital so badly...

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told my mom ''you prefer to take the risk to die in atrocious pain on a respirator rather than take a vaccine?''

''they're in it for the money the big pharma its experimental vaccine, i trust my immunitary system, if it fails well... if i die i die''


its beyond me

dying on a respirator after 2 weeks of suffocation and pain aint a walk in the park

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jfc so sorry for you peeps w/family who aren't vax'd. it's so much anxiety. when the vaccines were available and my parents got the jabs i was so relieved. they're old and have health issues. it was such a load off not to worry about them. 

fuck. i everyone avoids getting infected but it seems like people who aren't vax'd and aren't wearing masks are exactly the people who end up getting. if so i hope that shit is mild and no one gets the long haul. 

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I have a work colleague who earlier this year was anti-vax recently come around and get the shots. just throwing this out there because it seems rare that you hear that at all. most people I feel at this point have dug in on their stance and are not budging. his rationale btw was that so many people he knew had gotten the vax and didn't grow tails, die, or whatever crazy stuff they say about the vaccines, and so therefore must be ok for him to take it. I was like whatever floats your boat, man...

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this fucking asshole. 



“It is criminal medical malpractice to give a child one of these vaccines,” Kennedy contended, according to a video of the event, one of his many assertions that ignored or went against legal, scientific and public health consensus.

Then, Kennedy hawked his book. If just 300 attendees preordered it on Amazon that night, he told the crowd, it would land on the bestseller list and they could “stick it to Amazon and Jeff Bezos.”




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Our whole family has COVID. Both of us parents have had two jabs, the second one 3-4 months ago, and we've taken all applicable precautions regardless of vaccination status, yet we got infected. Nothing serious - most probably due to being vaccinated - mild-to-medium severity flu symptoms, taste & smell intact, but 10 days of isolation means that our holiday plans have been cancelled. Omicron is already the dominant strain in Helsinki, so I suppose that's what got to us, but we have no idea of when, where, and from whom it was transmitted. I don't mind as I'm not much of a yuletide person, but my SO is and it's a shame that our kid doesn't get to spend time with relatives. Oh well.

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Few days back the wife was exposed to someone who tested positive yesterday.  She's getting tested today and I will get tested Monday.  Both fully jabbed and boosted (her with m-RNA and me with 2 JnJ).  Hopefully we come out negative so I can see my family next week for the holidays.

Omicron is not messing around.  Tons of people at my workplace are testing positive.

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omicron is blowing up here as well. where delta took a good couple of weeks to really get going, it's taken just 2-3 days for this variant to ramp up to the highest daily count seen in NSW since the start of the pandemic (2213) as recorded today. and nobody is in the mood to lock down or return to where we were a few months ago with Christmas/NY round the corner.

though there's word that that omicron is less lethal and should be easier to 'live with', I haven't seen any actual data around this so far. exactly how less lethal it is or how the balance between individual lethality vs consequential deaths through case overload has shifted remains to be seen.

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GF is very paranoid and nervous about traveling to Texas from NYC for the holidays.  Shes been mentioning it to me every day saying she might stay and pay me back for tickets or that maybe we should both stay. Were both vaxxed and boosted. She has been working from Home for a year + , i have been on the subway 3 days a week to commute and also flew by myself to see my parents in June. The airline has changed our direct flights next week to having stop overs both ways  ? The infection numbers are crazier than they were in June and there are cousins flying in and staying at my parents at the same time we are (back in June I just had a quiet few days with just me and parents). then we are all planning to go to xmas events at other houses("dont worry theyre all vaxxed!" for one and "dont worry it will only be 4-5 of us" for the other) ? Cousins flying in were anti-vax until the mandate so Im assuming they're gonna be loose with everything like seeing their friends and going to Xmas parties ?  Also an old band i used to be in has booked rehearsal space to jam for old times sake since two of us are coming in from out of town. I don't keep in contact with most of them and have no clue their vaxx status. except one. Ive been staying away from Twitter and news channels just for fun recently - mostly so I could focus on other things and hopefully have a cleaner mindset and more interesting things to talk about during holidays so I didn't see the numbers til today... now im getting more paranoid too. ?

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The infection numbers here in Finland have surpassed everything that we've had before, and the trend is rising sharply due to omicron breaking through the vaccinations, so restrictions have been tightened (although it does precious nothing) and the health sector is raising alarms of increasing patient strain and/or overload, available beds nonexistent, ICUs almost full. The local health authorities in Helsinki have declared ready state 3, the same used when the pandemic began - and what is used in wartime - so the situation is spiraling out of control.

I've been told that the combination of vaccine + booster + breakthrough infection will give better future immunoresponse than getting a second booster, so that's good, if true.

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18 hours ago, dcom said:

The infection numbers here in Finland have surpassed everything that we've had before, and the trend is rising sharply due to omicron breaking through the vaccinations, so restrictions have been tightened (although it does precious nothing) and the health sector is raising alarms of increasing patient strain and/or overload, available beds nonexistent, ICUs almost full. The local health authorities in Helsinki have declared ready state 3, the same used when the pandemic began - and what is used in wartime - so the situation is spiraling out of control.

I've been told that the combination of vaccine + booster + breakthrough infection will give better future resistance than getting a second booster, so that's good, if true.

they're calling it super immunity, like that makes you feel any better when you're coughing up a lung. mother & stepfather both recovering from Omicron, but it still sucks ass, she could barely speak.

starting to get that sinking feeling, like possibly a large portion of the human population will become infected over the next 12 months.

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