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On 1/26/2022 at 6:46 AM, thefxbip said:

The most intelligent, informative and rational video ive ever seen on covid.

This is not over man.

I'm reading everywhere ''omicron is mild'' ''covid soon over'' ''lets reopen''

''virus is getting milder''


The denial of reality is just insane.

Yet people are dying at quicker rate and hospitalization are on the rise and health system is crashing.

And there WILL BE more variants. Omicron has spread like crazy.

People just cant accept this is a long war we are into. Since the very beginning all is being said by politicians is ''just a few more weeks''

We need to think in terms of YEARS ahead in terms of planning and minding ourselves to battle covid.


omicron is 97% less lethal then Delta (this stats was just in)

we are near the end of the "pandemic".

all of europe are telling they will treat covid just like the flu



Edited by Ayya Khema
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2 hours ago, Ayya Khema said:

omicron is 97% less lethal then Delta (this stats was just in)

we are near the end of the "pandemic".

all of europe are telling they will treat covid just like the flu



come on have you paid attention to what happened in USA and Canada?

Lot of people died or got real sick from Omicron


Im more than happy if it gets better in europe in particular, but just saying ''pandemic'' is over, now thats quite the stretch.

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3 hours ago, Ayya Khema said:

omicron is 97% less lethal then Delta (this stats was just in)

Where are you seeing this stat? 

Even if it is true, it does not mean this:

3 hours ago, Ayya Khema said:

we are near the end of the "pandemic"


We still have a long way to go. Until we have a less flimsy vaccine, which can actually work against variants, which the entire world has had access to, we can count on new variants to continue to emerge and spread rapidly. 

Seriously it's fucking toxic for people to keep saying it's almost over

I know I'm feeding the troll but ugh come on

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Reckless wishful thinking in a pandemic results in deaths and lives permanently destroyed. The lack of basic responsibility is staggering.

Closing your eyes on the virus like its not there anymore wont make it disappear. I swear some people are acting like they're 5 year old.

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19 minutes ago, toaoaoad said:


Seriously it's fucking toxic for people to keep saying it's almost over


Its the one thing i cant stand anymore.

It's delusional AND dangerous at this point.

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57 minutes ago, toaoaoad said:

Seriously it's fucking toxic for people to keep saying it's almost over


only 1 dude wearing a mask ?

re: omicron.. so many infections that death rate peaked here in oregon as high as delta. also hospitalizations too.. but for vax'd people it's less dangerous as has been said 1,000,000 times. 

once all the unvax'd people get it or die or whatever.. then we'll have yearly vaccine or that new vaccine from the us army that is going to account for all variants. fingers crossed. 


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15 minutes ago, ignatius said:

that new vaccine from the us army that is going to account for all variants. fingers crossed.

Yeah totes I am still waiting to hear more about this. The US army weren't the only ones trying to develop such a vaccine (but they would presumably be the best funded lol) so even if theirs is a flop I'm pretty sure there are several others in development/trials now too. Fingers and toes and eyes crossed

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3 hours ago, thefxbip said:

come on have you paid attention to what happened in USA and Canada?

Lot of people died or got real sick from Omicron


Im more than happy if it gets better in europe in particular, but just saying ''pandemic'' is over, now thats quite the stretch.

97% less deadly supposedly. Omicron vs delta.


yeah, USA and canada seem to get bad. but all europe are about to move on...


my bet would be within 6 months covid is pretty much gone. lets see!


PS: personally looking at age data. I dont understand anyone who would be scared of covid more then they were scared of catching influenza under 70 years old. wth is going on in the world is beyond me. data is clear, its as dangerous as the flu for people under 70 years old. time to fucking move on were destructing the world economy

Edited by Ayya Khema
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1 hour ago, toaoaoad said:

Yeah totes I am still waiting to hear more about this. The US army weren't the only ones trying to develop such a vaccine (but they would presumably be the best funded lol) so even if theirs is a flop I'm pretty sure there are several others in development/trials now too. Fingers and toes and eyes crossed

phase 1 human trials done and apparently it's going well. 


fingers crossed. i wonder if they market it as "developed by us military" if the chuds will get it or still cry about all the antivax crap? "oh.. the army made.. well shoot it right into my eyeballs then.. for america!"

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6 hours ago, thefxbip said:

Its the one thing i cant stand anymore.

one thing? c'mon.. there's hundreds of things i gave up on not being able to stand anymore because it's too much to remember. easier.. well, healthier to not think about it and do something constructive. 


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10 hours ago, thefxbip said:

Reckless wishful thinking in a pandemic results in deaths and lives permanently destroyed. The lack of basic responsibility is staggering.

Closing your eyes on the virus like its not there anymore wont make it disappear. I swear some people are acting like they're 5 year old.


it's the lack of basic responsibility in people who have otherwise probably always been capable of basic responsibility that fascinates me.

tv host in the UK has spent two years lightly debating in an entertainment-like format and allowing so-called balance, contributing towards the phenomena where fact has become opinion. and bullshit is read as fact. annoys me.

he keeps saying i don't want people wearing masks, i want to see their faces. he's a regular cyclist. waiting for someone to tell him they don't want him to wear a helmet because they want to see his haircut. see how he reacts.

in theory, it would dawn on him how daft his approach can be. likely he'll never make the connection. too much BS has gone on for two long, too intensely.

i would hope some will one day be pinned for their bad contributions and actively weapons-grade stupidity, because this is a major even with lots of evidence trails, unlike previous ones that were more localised or predated the explosion in internet usage.

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It has been estimated that there are over 380 trillion viruses inhabiting us

Some harm us and others help us, just respect everyone's decision and opinion fighting/ignoring this. My main concern is the state of constant terror that we're in, has nothing to do with a virus but 'fear inoculum' to get control. A bit of stoicism is not bad, in this case individuality is the only option 'cause everyone has their own vision.


Edited by Diurn
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12 minutes ago, Diurn said:


Some harm us and others help us, just respect everyone's decision and opinion fighting/ignoring this. My main concern is the state of constant terror that we're in, has nothing to do with a virus but 'fear inoculum' to get control. A bit of stoicism is not bad, in this case individuality is the only option 'cause everyone has their own vision on this.



its the people that deny the virus severity and act like nothing is happening that lack stoicism

cant take the discomfort on themselves and prefer to choose the easy way and ignore reality

facts dont care about your individuality

a virus spreads and kills whether you believe its real or not


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2 hours ago, Diurn said:


Some harm us and others help us, just respect everyone's decision and opinion fighting/ignoring this. My main concern is the state of constant terror that we're in, has nothing to do with a virus but 'fear inoculum' to get control.

Your line of reasoning is faulty. Yes, there are lots of viruses that infect bacterial cells without infecting human cells, and are therefore generally harmless for humans. It doesn't follow from there that SARS-CoV-2 (which infects human cells and doesn't infect bacterial cells) would be harmless. 

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2 hours ago, Diurn said:

Some harm us and others help us

you're clearly implying that the coronavirus is not a serious threat. please explain how you came to this conclusion. 

2 hours ago, Diurn said:

just respect everyone's decision

respect my decision to further contribute to the global health crisis and consequent government restrictions. totally. 

2 hours ago, Diurn said:

and opinion fighting/ignoring this.

respect my unsubstantiated beliefs which have real negative consequences for everyone.

2 hours ago, Diurn said:

A bit of stoicism is not bad

what you're arguing for is not stoicism, it's called having your head up your arse. which is very different. 

2 hours ago, Diurn said:

in this case individuality is the only option

i'm not sure what that's supposed to mean

2 hours ago, Diurn said:

cause everyone has their own vision.

that's an illusion. i had the same argument with my mom. she was arguing that there were many different opinions on this. that's not true at all. whether you're aware of it or not, you either trust the scientific consensus and the "narrative" in which the governments are dealing with a serious issue - however stupid and self-contradictory their policies might be at times, and no matter the financial gains for the pharmaceutical companies - or you don't (whatever the reason), or you simply haven't made up your mind yet (whatever the reason). simple as that.

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When i hear about people being tired of the pandemic or safety measures. Sure, everyone is tired. But it wont be magically be over just because you want it to be and because you're tired of it.

The plague doesn't care about your feelings or your opinions, if you're tired of lockdowns or the mask, if you don't like vaccines and want to party or meet with 200 people in a bar or in a restaurant because it's easier than being careful. It does not care if your business is not making as much money, it does not care about your mortgage, it does not care about your mental health, it does not care if you stop believing in it being dangerous.

It will keep doing it's plague thing as long as it can.



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5 hours ago, logboy said:

it's the lack of basic responsibility in people who have otherwise probably always been capable of basic responsibility that fascinates me.

this line reminded me of the infamous Stanford prison experiment. and not trying to make light of the pandemic at all, but looking at what's gone on in the world in the past 6-7 years from a psychological/sociological perspective is fascinating, but also depressing. as we know, a lot of folks in western world countries seem to be exhibiting much higher levels of narcissism, aggression, and pro-authoritarian traits than what was status quo in the past. and then loop in a global pandemic with these changing attitudes, and yeah, here we are. really makes me wonder if trump and the whole changing of things politically hadn't of happened 7 years ago, would we be as bad off as we are today in regards to vaccination rates, and bringing this thing under control. I'm sure there would still be anti-vaxxers, as those have existed since the dawn of modern medicine, but possibly at lower numbers than what we see today. equating masks/vaccines with your political stance really got a boost in the negative direction from orange guy and all the maga talking heads in this country. and of course, social media sucks.


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