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A few films recently watched.

Guest Mirezzi

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yeah i agree that that part was bad, it was like they had to cut the real ending and put something unabashedly crowd-pleasing instead which just felt wrong given the logic of the film.


the wilkinson assassination scene is the first thing that i remember when this film is mentioned, simply amazing..

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For what it's worth, I thought Take Shelter and Marcy were both flawed films, but I guess I liked MMMM better. I really hated the ending of Take Shelter. If you want an example of filmmakers not knowing how to end a film, there you go.

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Yeah, living in Texas makes you appreciate Bernie a lot as well, fucking love it.


Linklater's best film, imo.


Really reminded me of The Thin Blue Line but a lot less depressing.


Jack Black will be nominated, not that it matters.


He is my hero.


Oh hell yeah. my parents just got this in the mail. didn't know it was linklater. gonna watch this tonight. SCORE

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The Thin Red Line - 8/10


Been on my list to watch for a long long time. Got it in BluRay, and holy crap it was absolutely stunning. Maybe the most beautiful film I've ever seen. Every shot is just incredible. The middle half of the film with the action is just massively intense. I thought the ending was weird however, it didn't seem clear what Malick was really trying to achieve. Great film though.

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Premium Rush - 5/10 yea this was delayed 7 months for a reason, to come out after TDKR. JGL great at stunts, way too much Basil Exposition, Asian stereotypes, a lame ass bad guy, and bullet time. Hopefully Looper is better.

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Guest Jimmy McMessageboard

Premium Rush - 5/10 yea this was delayed 7 months for a reason, to come out after TDKR. JGL great at stunts, way too much Basil Exposition, Asian stereotypes, a lame ass bad guy, and bullet time. Hopefully Looper is better.


and michael shannon is in it too right? wondering why

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Guest Mirezzi

A Separation - This is a tough one. I simultaneously thought it was a meticulous and brilliant screenplay, but I somehow didn't give much of a shit about its characters by the end. It was a mistake not to center more carefully the young daughters of the rival families. Until the final three minutes, it was unclear that this was their story. Nonetheless, as a film that ostensibly employs half a dozen dialectics as metaphors for an Iranian culture in the midst of its second revolution in 30 years, I was both impressed and informed quite a bit.

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Guest Jimmy McMessageboard

yeah ridiculous. why even call it videodrome. just say its a new idea and avoid pissing people off. surely remaking that gets you more aggro than it does interest


there really is no point remaking it. i mean the effects are near perfect so they can't improve those. maybe they get an actress with whiter teeth than debbie harry.


fuck this

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Guest RadarJammer

Premium Rush - 5/10 yea this was delayed 7 months for a reason, to come out after TDKR. JGL great at stunts, way too much Basil Exposition, Asian stereotypes, a lame ass bad guy, and bullet time. Hopefully Looper is better.


I picked this because I like JGL and It was pretty low on the list of popular theater listings so I knew I would have a good row to myself. It was a car chase movie on bicycles and that is fun. Fun/10

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All these remakes are just disposable and forgotten about sooner than they appear. It's not like when you say that one of your favorite movies is Total Recall that people will think you're talking about the Colin Farrell one. Unless you're talking to a 14 year old, and who does that?

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Watched Bully last night - 7/10


Larry Clark is a complete enigma to me. I loved Kids, such as brilliant film, and so I knew what to expect from this (a lot of teen-sex and gritty issues) but it's quite different from Kids IMO, and well worth a watch. Didn't know until the end that it was based on a true story, and so a lot of the plot seems ludicrous but is actually what people are really like! Also Larry Clark's obsession with teen sex and topless teen boys is pretty concerning after a while. Some praise him for making films about real and relevant issues, however it borders on gratuitous. The rape scene which drives the plot was underplayed IMO and should have had much more prominence so that the film made more sense. It'd have been great to have the parents in the film more as well, as again it seemed a big part of the story that was ignored.

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Watched The Bourne Legacy - 7/10


Really enjoyed it, a great ride and with all the Bourne films some good set pieces and action. Storyline was alright however surely there's only so far you can take the 'need to kill off a secret agent' storyline.

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Watched Bully last night - 7/10


Larry Clark is a complete enigma to me. I loved Kids, such as brilliant film, and so I knew what to expect from this (a lot of teen-sex and gritty issues) but it's quite different from Kids IMO, and well worth a watch. Didn't know until the end that it was based on a true story, and so a lot of the plot seems ludicrous but is actually what people are really like! Also Larry Clark's obsession with teen sex and topless teen boys is pretty concerning after a while. Some praise him for making films about real and relevant issues, however it borders on gratuitous. The rape scene which drives the plot was underplayed IMO and should have had much more prominence so that the film made more sense. It'd have been great to have the parents in the film more as well, as again it seemed a big part of the story that was ignored.


if you haven't seen ken park you know nothing about clark and his teen porn obsession.


saying that, kids and bully are both great/really good. but then again both were written bygood screenwriters, kids by korine and bully by the guy who wrote american history x. so yeah.

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The Human Centipede II: Full Sequence


Hey, I know, let's make it black & white so we don't need to put as much effort into everything... well, no. The first one was at least a somewhat hilarious >shit<fest (especially when you're a native German speaker), but this one was mostly just forgettable and isn't even entertaining enough to watch with friends at a trash-night.


At first we thought we were watching a cut version because the violence always happened off-screen, which isn't what you'd expect from a film claiming to be so graphic. Not that it's generally bad to have off-screen-violence, it can be more effective even, but it also takes much more skill on the filmmaker's part and better acting for it to work. Eventually in the 2nd half we were shown some graphic stuff, but still didn't give a shit about anything, especially the victims. There was a shot in which "Martin" knocked every single one of them out with his crowbar and it had the same emotional resonance to it like watching somebody play Golf. I know, it's silly to expect a new Funny Games when watching a film that's basically 2 Girls 1 Cup - The Movie ... but couldn't it at least have made me cringe from time to time? And of course, where there was bandaged in part 1, there was now duckttape to hide the fact the actors didn't REALLY touch each others yucky yucky butts. Considering what type of film they were making, that's not exactly what you would call method acting... and in the end, that Black & White dogma of theirs made it even worse. Everything kinda looks neat in B/W, so why would you make a film that's purposely trying to be gross and sickening in B/W? I'm gonna say they were just making their lives easier: Whatever bodily fluids they wanted to show, they could just use the same dark liquid, and it seemed like they were hoping for everything to magically transform into this ultra-violent avant-garde type film, like instant-arthouse, and as long as they kept putting enough elements from other films in. There was a little bit of Hostel here, a little bit of Psycho there and a little bit of Lynch now and then. It was trying to be a lot of different things... but it was ultimately a very boring and irrelevant experience. My friend gave up half an hour early, I watched it all the way through and gained nothing. :dry:

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Not seen the film but I can tell you it would be in b&w because of keeping the film rating a r or 18 (depending where you are)

Showing loads of red blood on screen bumps your rating/banned. Thats why films like evil dead have blue blood.

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Guest Jimmy McMessageboard

so hard to jerk off to eyes wide shut


especially the version with the cgi people implanted infront of the fuckers


and nicole kidman's high pants

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Guest Coalbucket PI

Bourne legacy - entertaining enough, but the action didn't have the same magic and it just felt like it could have been a steven segal film or something. Whatever made Bourne films seem credible and intense wasnt there.


Another Earth - very good indie semi-sci fi drama


The informant - okay, kind of cool atmosphere to it but it dragged on a bit


Man bites dog - very odd and quite funny


Hunger games - quite good fun as an entry level sci fi thing, romance and compassion aspects cheapened it a little but I was entertained more than I expected


Cabin In The Woods - brilliant, loved it


Haywire - pretty good, liked the hench girl, fassbender is fun, all tied together nicely

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