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What TV series are you watching at moment?


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What's the story with Supernatural? There's ten fucking seasons, is it consistent? The only person I know who's watched it all has shit taste is everything.


Don't do it to yourself. I think it was alright (at best) for maybe three seasons. It's totally unremarkable US network TV.

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I'll give it a season, see what I think. As a wee laddie I watched The Mentalist and since then I've been afraid of making as bad a mistake again, so bullshit detectors will be active.

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Seriously, The Fall - excellent show. Just started the second series, everything about it is tight.


agreed...great show. season 1 is so dark & intense, reminded me a little of early seasons of Dexter with the cat & mouse game being played. season 2 isn't at the same level as the first, but some damn fine acting from gillian anderson & jamie dornan toward the end



The score for this show is also pretty damn great. Done by David Holmes and a guy named Keefus Ciancia (who also has done work for True Detective). The music really adds to the show.

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still watching friends, girls, orange is the new black.


wish there was an easy way to get absolutely fabulous as my fiance's never seen it and i haven't seen it in like 15 years.

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Gate, Gangsta, Gintama, Overlord, World Trigger, Ushio to tora, gakkou gurashi! and arslan senki and Himouto! Umaru-chan, also still watching monster musume and jitsu wa watashi wa but will drop both eventually. So far this season the recommends are Gangsta (yay, hard boiled violence, it's been a while) and gate (japan claims magical territory through dimensional gate, written in a serious tone and not as an adjunct to harem hijinx, so i have hopes for this one) as first rank anime, with ushio to tora (from an early 90's manga which has already had an anime made about it, solid story telling easy to watch stock standard fare) next then overlord (this got a lot more interesting in the third episode, it's a dude stuck in an rpg anime, this is what the third try at this in recent years still though, the writing and setting hooked my cynical countenance in a little more than i had though that they would) and gakkou gurashi! (watch the first ep and you may think that you are in for a nice slice of life high school drama but there be twist ahoy) and Himouto! Umaru-chan (basic sort of girls comedy thing, we'll see where it goes) bringing up the rear, there really is nothing else to recommend that sits above background noise. arslan senki, world trigger and gintama are ongoing series, the former probably half way through it's run, i haven't checked. Defo check the latest series of gintama if you're intrested, probably better to have watched the earlier series' to get the character dynamics, but whatever i love that show so much.

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me too(bojack) really good,why haven,t i seen this before? i was also late to the party with SUPERJAIL,love that show,also season 3 of RECTIFY,always good sunday morning viewing

Edited by sunshine recorder
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Rewatching Fringe


Watching Fringe

same here, re-watching, but this show is a mess, what the hell happened on s02e01...


so, charlie fires 2 shots, peter starts running as he heard the shots, when he gets there, the shape-shifter had already "trade" his face with charlie's, hid charlies body and placed the body of the nurse in the ground, and somehow shot at least 1 time the nurse in the chest so that all the scenery made sense... :facepalm:


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me too(bojack) really good,why haven,t i seen this before? i was also late to the party with SUPERJAIL,love that show,also season 3 of RECTIFY,always good sunday morning viewing


Just finished season 2 last night. I thought it was just gonna be a silly cartoon but both seasons spiral into bleakness in the latter episodes, while somehow still managing to be a silly cartoon the whole time too.


Serious lols:



Todd's Disneyland

The whole episode with Mr. PB/JD Salinger's TV show

All the awesome wordplay in the Hank Hippopopalus episode (like his novelty rap album "The Hank Hippopopalus Hiphop Hypothesis")

The scientology improv cult

The film director being totally deadpan with everyone but melting every time she sees Todd's face

All the euphamisms for autoerotic asphyxiation

Character actress Margo Martindale

Police officer Meow Meow Fuzzyface "we'll bring your daughter back, dead or alive." "alive, alive!" "ma'am, we're the LAPD. we'll probably make the right call."

Todd & said police officer interpretting the chicken's "bok bok" as various words & phrases




Serious wtfs:



The episode with the drug trip

The episode where he goes to New Mexico

The episode where he visits Herb dying of cancer

The episode with the food chickens




Great show 10/10 will rewatch before season 3 comes out.

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Watched two episodes of better call saul. That desert scene withTuco was so bad. Breaking bad never had the greatest script writing but it was fun to watch at least. Please tell me it gets better.

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Watched two episodes of better call saul. That desert scene withTuco was so bad. Breaking bad never had the greatest script writing but it was fun to watch at least. Please tell me it gets better.

it absolutely does, i was really shocked at how ham fisted all the mexican shit was in the first two episodes. The musical montage with the skater twins left me absolutely horrified, but yes the show does improve a lot its worth giving a chance

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i forgot to mention that i'm watching rokka no yuusha, which has been going downhill since a very strong first ep. i'm hoping that it'll pick up, but the writing seems to be caving in to a sink hole. It's a fantasy environment where a demonic force attacks this continent every few hundred years or so from the peninsular that it has been sealed within, the clothing (not of the main chars) and environment appear to be modelled loosely on that of meso america which is a bit of a different choice i spose, i mean not spose but actually is a different choice.


I also grabbed samurai champloo cause i never finished that series and someone in chatmm reminded me of it, so will slowly push my way through that, i don't know why but for some reason it's feeling like a chore. perhaps because the writing on the second episode was a bit far into weak country for my liking, basic emotional hooks, blar blar. Overall it's a bit naive. nevertheless characters are drawn in a splendid way that i can't get enough of, i love that style with the bold outlines on things in close up and knowing when to drop the detail, yumoe.

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tried watching this but it's facepalmingly terrible. ben kingsley seems to be making anything nowadays. anyway, it's more like the story of moses than tutankhamun, and the dialogue is painfully contrived.

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I also grabbed samurai champloo cause i never finished that series and someone in chatmm reminded me of it, so will slowly push my way through that, i don't know why but for some reason it's feeling like a chore. perhaps because the writing on the second episode was a bit far into weak country for my liking, basic emotional hooks, blar blar. Overall it's a bit naive. nevertheless characters are drawn in a splendid way that i can't get enough of, i love that style with the bold outlines on things in close up and knowing when to drop the detail, yumoe.


Curious, did you like Cowboy Bebop?


Think Samurai Champloo is a bit more of a long, slow burn - but it does start to pick up a bit after a few episodes (if memory serves)


Oh, right. Just finished Hemlock Grove S2 (not bad for bro-mance supernatural fluff). Starting American Horror Story S3 - great so far.


Also, just finished a Twin Peaks re-watch in advance of S3. Good news? Not as awesome as I remembered it, which I actually think means I won't have ridiculous expectatinos for S3. Better news, the best episodes of TP were truly the ones where Lynch was directing, which means I've got a serious hard-on for what he'll do with 18 episodes next year.

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