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What TV series are you watching at moment?


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Get Shorty featuring Chris O'Dowd from the It crowd and Ray Romano is surprisingly good. 8/10


The Leftovers was fucking awesome and left me with a crush on Justin Theroux. Only gripe is the abrupt ending of the final series. 11/10


Fargo 1 and 2 were excellent. I'll be watching the 3rd one shortly. 9/10


Bates Motel starts off slow and has some pretty huge plot holes and bad dialogue, but is still very enjoyable. 8/10


Lady Dynamite is very funny 7.5/10 and The Unbreakable Jimmy Schmitt not so much 6/10


Dark Tourist is watchable but basically a rip off of Louis Theroux. 5/10

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Rewatching King of the Hill because it was recently added to Hulu. Haven't seen it in almost ten years and it's more subtle and absurd than I remember. Funny, timeless, and solid all around. 


Finally got around to watching Ozark. The first season built up nicely to the last 2 episodes and it was flirting with greatness at that point. Kind of abruptly lost interest during the first few eps of S2. Political intrigue just isn't my thing I guess. Or maybe our absolute shitshow of a government is just souring any and all things related to politics for me. I dunno. Might unenthusiastically pick it back up in hopes that it gets better.

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Reruns of Northern Exposure, I fucking love this show.

ok, i really like it now by the mid of season 2, just hope it doesn't become a slog with those later long seasons.

it's easy, witty (and actually even more than that), often poignant, inventive, homely and just fun. i like how you can just turn it on and off whenever, it's not like those new shows that you have to binge for 8 hours straight and then hate yourself later for doing that. the 90's shouty overacting can be annoying at times, but otherwise it's just what i need.


i really like the choice of photo at the end of each episode when the credits roll, unassuming and very casual slice of some thing that was going on, like some random found photo on the internet, but it transmits that specific mood of the show very well:


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The Code.


I don't know if it's because my daughter is autistic and a wiz with computers or what, but I loved this show. It made it even better having just watched Secret City (which was also pretty damn good, thought I love Anna Torv), so a few of the locations were familiar and fresh in my head.

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Yep. Lush visuals. Kind of wtf is going on here vibe. Amplified by the choice of music which gives it quite a surreal vibe. Odd aspect changes when flashing forward. Short bitesize episodes. Very deece so far (about halfway through)

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Has anyone checked Homecoming on Prime? New thing from the Mr Robot guy.


yes- the one with julia roberts. was going to watch it, but not sure why i didn't start. might try again this weekend if i remember

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Smashing through season 2 of the sinner. Bill Pullman is even more broken. Good character. Carrie Coon <3. Will finish it tonight so I can get into S2 of Patriot (S1 was best show in recent yrs imho)


Finished. Disappointing.

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Homecoming is quite good.


Indeed. Really liked it. The 26 minute long format works quite nicely here, keeping things focused and to the point.

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bodyguard - the biggest british embarrassment since brexit.

Agreed. And the whole UK media lapped it up. It's like the nation once again got behind something so obviously shite but desperately needed something to belong to so just ignored its absurdity. 

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bodyguard - the biggest british embarrassment since brexit.

Agreed. And the whole UK media lapped it up. It's like the nation once again got behind something so obviously shite but desperately needed something to belong to so just ignored its absurdity. 



I started watching this and loled at how soon the sex scene happened

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BBC-One Sunday night Granny pissed as fuck on Sherry fodder?


not exactly rocket science figuring that out is it chaps, what what, like complaining yer Maccy-D's tasted of fecal matter


have a dig for the original (Julia Davis) Camping series &/or Sally4ever, life's too short for BBC- Benzodiazepines, failing these Nighty Night & Hunderby

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Mate recommended me Haunting of Hill House (I like supernatural horror). First episode was fucking mental, next two or three were fucking dull.


Hopefully it picks up

the ensemble episode in the funeral parlor was a low low point

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the last kingdom is still great with its 3rd season.  from the viking battle brutality and meatheadery to the interplay of court intrigue, politics and religion, all very well done and well written, the dialogues especially have a certain rhythm to them so that they never bore.

production and score are very solid, the world looks and feels true, even if pretty small scale. the acting is kinda over the place though, from the great alfred the king to that new girl that plays the seer who's just godawful.

so basically if you were into got in its early seasons before it went to shit and don't need its pomp, this should be on your radar. not to say it's a got wannabe though, it really does have its own thing when it comes to the general mood of the whole series, it's a bit campy, pulpy, witty, simple and down to earth at the same time, good stuff.

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