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Episode 3 was pretty poor, I've not had the energy to go further but will do out of my love for the graphic novels.

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Preacher had a decent episode (ep5 i guess). The opening sequence was quality lol. Although the rest of the episode lagged compared to the first 10 minutes.

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Just finished the second series of Bloodline. People seemed to hate it but I actually quite enjoyed it, will be watching the next series for sure.

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l m a o at people dumping on The Wire, I bet season 2 was your least favorite

ayyyy lmao season 2 was my fav actually


The one in the dock?

My favorite by far :biggrin:

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Watched the last three Horrace & Pete's over the last two nights after taking a break from watching it for a few months, pretty great. It was quite an effective and emotional ending, and then I happened to watch that live stream of the guy getting murdered for having a broken tail-light.

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preacher is a mess but i keep watching

yeh... dunno, basically by this point I'm only curious how it relates to the comic.

Disliking the main guy more and more each episode tho..


lets hope annville blows the fuck up now


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Re: Preacher.


I'm just waiting for the scene where he tells someone to go fuck himself, then i'll stop watching. show had an interesting tone at first but it's a trainwreck waiting to happen.

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been watching the colorized ww2 things on netflix. apocalypse: the second world war, and world war II in colour. both basically entirely comprised of footage. think i like the latter one better, and it has more.


thoughts on hitler: people always make it about hitler. to me, the phenomenon of hitler seems to be more about the people that followed hitler. you can watch his speeches and what he's saying isn't all that compelling but the people are freaking out more than beatles fans.


world war i has got to be the source of it. world war i was incredibly traumatic, and the germans were the cause of it and they lost. the versailles treaty kind of snipped their balls and they resented it.


[by the way what was it hitler did with the actual versailles treaty when the nazis arrived in versailles? i remember it was something kind of childish and funny but its hard to search for because i just get sites about how the treaty caused ww2]


it seems pretty clear that there was some sort of very interesting psychological/sociological mechanism at play in how the germans felt at that time. the causes of ww1 were pretty convoluted, a web of alliances, military strategy regarding timelines of mobilization. you can kind of see how germans might feel that they werent wrong for causing it.

Edited by very honest
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also Silicon Valley: seems they are running out of ideas.? not feeling it at all rn, used to be lots of lols but it's like all the characters just are sticking to their well established sort of one-two liners over and over and over again, and the plot is super boring as well so....

ya season 3 seemed weaker


about the wire, indeed at the time the wire was insane, but it has aged badly. bit like 6 feet under imo. while the sopranos or seinfeld is as excellent.


im listening to 12 monkeys. pretty bad but still want to listen smh

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Mr. Robot S02 - Quality first episode. Nicely filmed & scored. Kudos to USA network for somehow circumventing the FCC & dropping the F-bomb without any censoring. And Craig Robinson? a pleasant surprise.

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i hope they'll stop milking this fight club multiple personality thing asap, it opens up pathways to way too many trope-y, ridiculous and out there scenarios (that it kinda indulges in already). i think this show works better when it relates to irl stuff.

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i hope they'll stop milking this fight club multiple personality thing asap, it opens up pathways to way too many trope-y, ridiculous and out there scenarios (that it kinda indulges in already). i think this show works better when it relates to irl stuff.


Yeah that was my problem with season 1. They even used a fucking piano cover of Where is My Mind, like they were trying to see just how blatantly they could rip off Fight Club. Haven't seen the premiere yet but I hope this season moves in a new direction. I like the style of the show a lot.

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just finished The Wire season 1 and the overall feeling is it's a great depiction of the big picture but it's pretty lackluster in individual character development and such, if you know what I'm saying... It's a huge amount of characters so none get much depth really, feels like a bunch of tropes: the good cop who doesnt obey no orders and is 2cool4school, the strong lesbian women who dont need no man, the agressive cop, the dumb idiot who turns out to be an unexpected genius... I mean it was a great watch either way but somehow it feels way easier to explain the couple things I didnt like than the thousand reasons why I enjoyed it


on to season 2 now

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