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Bracelets That Magically Make You Healthy & the Retards That Buy Them

Guest we_kill_soapscum

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Guest zaphod

but if they have faith that the product works, and it works because they have faith in it, why is everyone complaining? It just seems really arrogant to me for people to get upset over this.


i apply this line of reasoning to people who believe in god

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but if they have faith that the product works, and it works because they have faith in it, why is everyone complaining? It just seems really arrogant to me for people to get upset over this.


i apply this line of reasoning to people who believe in god


your sarcasm detection is impressive!

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Sometimes I think I'm overly cynical, then I realize it's all warranted and people are often idiots.

I have no idea why I'm studying math and physics in uni when people still believe all this shit.


I quit.

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Like this brah.






Thats refractive indexes for anyone who thought that was a legit answer.

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Guest Rambo

Did you know every physical movement takes 1/10000th of a second off your life span? That's why people who want to live forever get frozen.

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I have no idea why I'm studying math and physics in uni when people still believe all this shit.


because asperger syndrome

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Guest Gary C

i was in line at a walgreens and there were two firefighters in front of me at the register. one was buying smart water and he was telling the other firefighter how he loves it because the electrolytes taste so good and he doesn't drink anything else.


the whole time i was like "IS THIS REAL LIFE?"

It's real. Only heroes drink electrolytes.

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Guest RadarJammer

I discovered that a local veterinary clinic has been scamming my mom with this shit called homotoxicology which is basically homeopathy 2.0. I'm pretty steamed not just because the clinic is using the desperation of pet owners who just wan't their animals to feel better but because they are selling 1oz of liquid with almost nothing in it for $33. Those fucking assholes. In the past when I've tried to convince someone that something like this is bullshit it just creates tension and causes a rift between friends and family.

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Guest Franklin

I was driving to the gym last night listening to the radio (talk radio) and there was an advert for a new book the marketers of which said something like there has been a very large secret kept exclusively by an extremely wealthy family that is only now finally being released to the public for the first time. Learning this secret guarantees that you will make more money, find more meaning in life, become a better lover, find true love etc etc.


all I had to do was call the fucking number and they would have told me for free, because they want to help me.

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i thought homeopathy had been shown to give slight results simply due to the power of placebo, but for pets? wtf

There's quite a difference between homeopathy, and snake oil marketed as homeopathy. Crooks and fools claiming to be homeopathic healers are giving the actual profession a bad name.


There's a homepathic doctor in my state that my family and friends of the family visit every so often (I've never met him, he's fucking expensive because health insurance doesn't cover him of course). He does weird shit where he taps on parts of the body and adjusts, mixing chiropractic stuff with methods that better help the brain communicate with the body. Sounds like border-line mystic/bullshit but It does work. My childhood friend never burped her whole life (bizarre), and now she finally can, and my 3 year old step-sister would eat all day and never get full and now she does. He's also helped my mother with backpain that wouldn't go away since she got into an accident (she went to chiropractors and doctors but they couldn't get rid of the pain). And he's done countless things for other family members and friends. No one can tell me that that shit is a placebo. Just because someone doesn't understand something doesn't mean they should bash it.


Here is a link if anyone is interested or in disbelief. http://www.officialsynapse.com/treatments-therapies.asp

This procedure in particular is fascinating: http://www.skyetools.net/images/Synapse/neuromuscular-re-education--nmr--document147.pdf


Sorry, /rant, back to talking about jewelry that can cure everything.

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